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Hey guys!

I think I've managed to figure out how to give everyone access to the post with prompts and ideas. I've posted a few to start with, but feel free to check back regularly, and post even more of your ideas so that I may add them to the prompt document.

Read it over at this link:




Worm: Taylor/Dean Inspired by a two paragraph snip I saw somewhere a while ago. Set somewhere between the locker incident and start of canon. Basically Dean runs across Taylor at some point, notices how abnormally messed up she is and decides to do the 'Gallant' thing to figure out what's wrong and try to help her. Taylor being Taylor avoids any attempt of someone to help her, but does latch onto the first person her own age to actually act nice to her in a long time. It seemed like an interesting setup to me, because most fics that have someone come in to help Taylor completely ignore that the biggest obstacle to that is Taylor herself refusing to ask for help and even going out of her way to protect the bullies and prevent people from helping her in canon. Dean is interesting because he himself is a teenager (who just happens to have an emotion sensing ability) and might actually be satisfied with 'she was sad, now she is happy(er), I did a good thing' (at least for the timeframe that these prompts usually last, i.e. until they're fucking). Instead of the Nth 'MC comes in, trivially fixes the issue.'


Small correction on your description of the prompt: Taylor does want help, she just refuses to ask for or accept any help under the assumption that things will only get worse. In canon the only reason that changes is because she attacks Emma in a concussion induced lack of self-control and has to reveal the bullying to defend herself.


[Ise-clash] Just some random prompts since there haven't been any new one's for a while. I don't really know anything about Hamafura beyond what this fic has shown me though, so I don't really know if some prompts are possible in the universe. -(Sick) Tanya or Katarina gets sick as a result of one of Katarina's shenanigans, leading the non-sick person to take care of the other (Out of guilt, or duty) while their vulnerable and feverish. -(Bodyswap) Tanya & Katarina swap bodies for a bit, either forcing them into a situation where they have to act like each other (which they do perfectly) or they manage to stick to themselves and get curious with the body they're in. -(Regression) Tanya's de-aged to some time before she becomes Katarina's maid giving her some insight into Tanya's mentality, while she's trying to spoil her in some attempt to give her some nice 'childhood' memories.


A new one was supposed to go up in the last poll, but I simply did not have the time or energy. Honestly the power outages have actually made my heatstroke issues worse, I'm basically operating with a permanent headache and with zero energy because of the high heat and lacking even as much as a fan, let alone AC.


Oof sorry to hear that, having a power outage in a hot area always sucks, can't really recommend much beyond a wet hand-towel and hoping there's a shaded area with a good breeze close by.


Not 100% sure where to go with this, maybe someone else has ideas: So, the breeding license plot usually has the MC immediately go full psychopath, with a minority where everyone is into it anyway (so why bother with the license). There are a few other ways to go, the main two I can think of is either the MC wants to (ab)use the license but there are actually restrictions on it, so he can use it but has to toe the line to avoid getting it revoked. Or the MC isn't particularity interested in forcing women to have sex with him, but there's reasons for him to want to be in the program, like there's perks for being a breeder but the license requires a certain number of uses per timeframe, or there's perks for number of uses.


Hm, there's some stuff I could do with something like this. Maybe a subversion where it's an actual job? Like it has all the usual privileges where the protagonist can use it to have reproductive sex with any woman he likes, but he also is forced to have breeding sex at least a certain number of times per day. Be like, he idealized the breeding license as a teen, got one at 18, then at 25 he wishes he had more time to do the things he wants instead of having to constantly answer requests for breeding in order to keep the privileges the card comes with.


The way you descibe it reminds me of a guy I talked to some time who worked at an ice cream shop, the unlimited free icecream loses its shine after the first few weeks, but it's still free icecream. So it has become a job, but it's still a fun job. Multiple per day is probably a bit much, maybe more like multiple per month with the MC mostly free to choose instead of having to handle requests, so it still has most of the power fantasy elements, the MC has nothing to complain about as long as he doesn't do anything stupid, it has just become mundane after a few years. For the limiting factor, he's allowed to freely fuck any woman he wants and people accept that the breeding license system is necessary for [reasons], but acting like an asshole will still get you treated like one and the breeding program does have a PR and HR department. The intro lecure for new breeders is riddled with examples of guys who might have legally abused some women using their license, but then still got fired for creating a PR nightmare (and lost all their friends/got disowned/etc.), possibly followed by the lecture with, okay now that we told you what not to do, how do you get with the idols/models/movie stars without getting in trouble.


Maybe having him be obligated to accept a breeding request once a week works - but he gets multiple so he can choose which one. Still limited, still a job, not quite so overbearing. Honestly this sounds like it'd work as the next entry in the Hentai Logic World franchise, especially as I've sort of made it so most men are herbivores. Life And Times of a Licensed Breeder in a Hentai Logic World, perhaps? So the individual chapters would be about exploring the privileges and obligations that the program has.


I think it’s probably a slightly different world from that one, though it does fit the series. The current hentai world had the main characters as unique existences due to being isekais, for this it’s necessary that it’s generally acknowledged there’s some men who are different sexually. It probably also works better if women here are normal horny instead of hentai horny. So instead of a hentai protag let loose on a world of horny women and herbivore men, it’s a native of a world with normal women, 99% herbivore men and 1% normal men who have to pick up the slack. And I’m still not sure why answering requests would be necessary, ‘you need to fuck at least 20 women this month, figure out how/when yourself’ is still a job. Maybe answering requests gives a bonus and looks good on performance reviews, so the MC does do them every so often, even if it’s not strictly required?


In the Hentai Psychologist, I made a point to note that there are people out there who are doing the whole NTR bastard thing, so this would just be another hentai setting to integrate into the world. Different areas have different norms and the like, and I can work it in. As for why they need to answer requests... I figured that women joining the program and putting in a request into the system for someone to drop by and breed them would be less problematic than women being assigned the duty unilaterally by the government. I also think it would be fun if the protagonist actually did indeed complain that he had sex with 20 women this month, but they still want him to have sex with his assigned partners, if only because I can make jokes about stupid and useless bosses that don't know anything about the real world and only see a spreadsheet on their computer screen.


It would indeed make more sense for a system to be based on requests (or if we're really honest just artificial insemination), but the basic premise of the breeding license plot is that the MC can fuck whatever women he wants. I think managers and their KPIs can still play a role even if requests aren't a mandatory part of the job. The MC trying to work around managers with weird ideas about how the job should be done (which may include thinking breeders should be doing more requests instead of just fucking whatever women strike their fancy), or on the other end a manager that likes him informing him of particularly interesting requests slightly before they become available.


Hm, I think I can do an one shot with the classic premise, and save a more complex take on it for if and when there's another entry into the "Hentai Logic World" series, to both have the cake and eat it too. The more classic premise but with a generally non-completely rotten MC for the one shot, then an exploratory take of it potentially later...


I think the ideas are similar enough they can work in the same setting/MC. Have 'my' oneshot take place some years before 'your' series. Start out with the only slightly restricted breeding license, then some time between the one-shot and the series the rules change to the more heavily restricted breeder job.


[Original Fantasy] Not sure if shortstacks (Goblin/Dwarf/Halfling) are allowed, but thought I'd suggest one idea with one to check. A Halfling and her Centaur companion are making their way across a hot desert. The Halfling, dehydrated, delirious, and unable to bear the sun's rays any longer use her short height to her advantage, and takes cover from the sun under the barrel of her companion much to their protest, the Halfling thinking nothing is wrong with it since their both female. However, the Centaur in actuality is a futanari, a fact the Halfling is immediately made aware of when she comes face to face with the Centaur's large cock, delirious and thirsty from the heat the Halfling gets the Hare-brained idea to quench her thirst by drinking as cum as she can milk from her Centaur companion. An idea the Centaur doesn't get much chance to say no to, especially when the Halfing gets herself secured to their saddle and is basically suspended on their cock.


I think they are at least. Patreon doesn't like lolis but I don't think a proper shortstack (you know, short AND stacked) is a gainst the rules as they don't at all look like children.


I'm actually kinda curious if they can even tell if a shortstack is stacked, I don't think they would actually search for it themselves unless prompted to, and I doubt whatever bot they have will notice anything unless you use certain key phrase. Either way, as long as it works and shortstacks (and hopefully short girls) are allowed I'm happy.


Yeah, this should be fine by the rules as far as I know. And in general just don't go on at length about how childlike the character looks and no one is going to bother to check. Also I can't help but note how terrible an idea this would be irl, but that's what hentai logic is for I suppose.


So, weird idea: A guy finds out he has the ability to bring any woman he cums inside to perfect health, injuries, lethal diseases, amputations you name it he can cure it. Only problem: He lives in a world very much like ours without any known supernatural powers, so how the fuck are you going to convince anyone you're for real and not just trying to take advantage of their situation? I have a bit of a scenario in mind where his first 'patient' is a friend who has cancer and doesn't want to die a virgin, then 'spontaneously' goes into remission the day after they fuck, but I'm not sure how to go from there to realising it wasn't just a coincidence.


Hm... I think I have some ideas. The first idea I have is to actually make the "friend" who discovers it be a doctor with a deadly disease which they know will kill them relatively soon, and realizing that, they decide they want to have sex before they're too sickly to do so... and then they're randomly healed the next day and start investigating. Using a GP doctor for this gives us an out for how it's figured out so quickly (doctor makes a hypothesis and tests it out, and is correct on the first try, isn't so crazy), and also gives an out as to how the protagonist can find more women who need his megalixir cum. Others are more the protagonist being aware of it first, and essentially approaching women with the idea until one of them bites the hook and then hearing that it worked for the first woman, more and more women start to accept his offer for healing creampies.


I think it's more interesting if finding women is actually a problem. Otherwise it's just generic MC gets all the girls for [reasons]. The first being a doctor herself can work, but even then 'biology be weird' would still be a more likely explanation than magical healing powers. Maybe the second time it's more as a joke of him being a 'lucky charm' to suggest a threesome but then then second woman is also entirely cured the next they and they go "wait a minute".


I mean convincing the women would still be the difficult part, it's just, y'know, normal people don't exactly have a list of sexy women with terminal diseases. That's where the doctor is a handy handwave of how the protagonist finds such women. Also it's a source of potential funny anecdotes if and when you come up with another prompt in the same "world" so to speak. Everything else's something that can be figured out, depending on whether you want the initial story to be about the dude discovering the healing sea men or a story set a long time after the dude has discovered his curative semen.


Ayo no worries! We all know family comes first and second.


[Quit Horsin' Around!] The way that ended sounds like sequel bait, so how about a sequel? I can see two routes to go for a sequel, either- - Have it be their first time, in a Inn at the town they went to after the snippet ended. - Or, have it set on their wedding night some time latter, a proper honeymoon night, and it maybe give some leeway for a more interesting sex scene since this wouldn't be their first time.


So continuation of the Dean/Taylor Worm snip. Since the topic just came up again on SB and the first snip already went there, might as well hit two of my Worm pet peeves in one go. The fandom really ignores just how much Taylor herself sabotages any chance of stopping the bullying, but the one thing she does right gets brushed aside in canon. They go to Dean's lawyer, but things turn a bit awkward when the lawyer starts asking questions and it turns out Taylor left out the part of the story where she's the one who covered for the bullies, not the school. The lawyer does want to keep his rich client's son happy so gives some advise on what to do, go file a police report, go and actually tell the school who the bullies are, start documenting all the things the bullies do... Then Taylor goes 'oh yeah, here's a stack of notes going back months on everything that happened, including emails.' I would rather stay away from legal action being the focus for this though. So less 'we can use this to sue someone' and more 'that's a really good start, now go and show it to the school' and use the whole situation more for Dean to get to see Taylor the bullying victim rather than Weaver the angry hero. So Dean is being righteously angry on Taylor's behalf while Taylor just had to go through all the shit that happened to her, the obvious answer is to invite her to go do something fun to take her mind of it right? I guess all that could probably be another non-lewd chapter all on its own, or it could be summarized and the chapter focuses on the totally-not-a-date and how things evolve from there. An interesting one might be that Taylor is still completely disbelieving that Dean is really just a good person and something he says/does makes her think he's doing all this to get into her pants. That's acceptable if it means she can actually talk to someone about her personal problems, and Dean is like 'welp, if it works' since he does start to genuinely like the more open Taylor.


I wouldn't call what Taylor did complicity, it isn't like she was actively helping plan out the bullying campaign against her. She did what bullying victims commonly do and covered for the bullies out of a combination of fear of retaliation and lack of hope that telling will help, just in the extreme. Her own lack of trust meant she didn't give anyone an opportunity to help her (before Dean), so now she can't (legally) blame them for not helping her. I think a better way to say it is that Taylor needs to come to terms with her own trust issues (referring to both Dean and authority figures).


[Quit Horsin' Around!] Once again the ending looks like sequel bait, so how about one more, this time the post-marriage honeymoon fuck to actually end things off. [Original Fantasy] More Shortstacks/Shorties. A Paladin (Futa/Male either or) sees great potential for a cleric priestess in a pint-sized goblin shaman, unfortunately said goblin shaman is an aggravating foul-mouthed tribal girl who hates taking orders from anyone, especially them, so the Paladin is forced to take drastic measures (Fuck her silly) to 'teach' the goblin shaman how to love their righteous path. [Original Fantasy] Slime vs Newbie Adventurer A Newbie adventurer girl takes on a Slime den/cave and gets stuck in a wall, with her lower body trapped/hidden behind the cave wall, the newbie waits for an opportunity to escape from her predicament, however, the adventurer is unaware that some high-level Slimes have taken notice of her backside. The Slimes use their abilities to numb any feeling in the newbie's lower body and get to work fucking her once they strip her, the newbie not feeling any of this because of the ability, eventually, the ability wears off, and the newbie can suddenly feel just how thoroughly she's been fucked in the past however long she's been stuck.


It doesn't mean Taylor is literally helping her bullies out of her own will. To be complicit is to be aware of or involved in something they know is wrong, and in this case, Taylor both knows and is involved in something she knows is wrong, her own bullying, and her distrust in authority and her pessimism is keeping her from taking legal steps. She's unwillingly complicit, and it's a byproduct of her growing distrust in authority and pessimism, but then, that's kinda just Worm in a nutshell. If you really dislike the word I can change it, of course - at the end of the day, the focus would be on Taylor herself and Dean trying to get Taylor to move off of the canonical path of authority distrust and cynicism, not on the legal proceedings to doing so. Hell, her reacting negatively to being told that she is complicit in her own bullying would also be perfectly in character, IIRC it takes her until the point she's with the wards that she realizes how much she participates in her own misery in canon.


Just a trio of Sci-Fi themed Prompts, maybe I'll try for another three with a Magi-Tech theme. Other than the first prompt the other MCs can be whatever gender. [Shortstack/Shortie Alien Girl Prompt] An alien researcher abducts a human with odd sexual properties (Futanari), of course since this is the first time the researcher has seen this variety of humans, the alien is inclined to 'test' the human female's odd mutation, to both see if it works and how it compares to other previous 'studies'. [Cyberpunk Inspired Prompt] It's common that the rich corpo's replace most of their body with improved bio technical implants for one reason or another, one corpo and her daughter are no different, replacing their skin and modifying their sensory to look more attractive and be better protected, unbeknownst to them a very talented hacker has hijacked their senses and made it so that family won't be able to notice the hacker, even if they are molesting them. [Genetic Creation Prompt] One mad scientist has decided to make the perfect lifeform/species that can thrive and self-populate in any environment, and unlike the other mad scientist they aren't going to abuse and mistreat their creation out of arrogance, instead, they are going to shower it with affection so that it'll stay loyal to them. Fortunately, the mad scientist was correct, showering it with affection made their creation very loyal, it however also taught the creation to love its creator very much and made them see their creator as a perfect mate for it. IDK What the lifeform would look like, Humanoid, Alien Chimera, Tentacles? You can do whatever with it and the mad scientist's gender.


Ok, here's the Magi-Tech-themed prompts. [Shortstack/Shortie Dwarven Girl Incest Prompt] A Dwarven Technomancer is saddened by her barbarian/berserker sister's stubborn dislike of technology, so she decides to show her sister just how 'fun' technology can be by sharing her favorite inventions and 'toys' with her stubborn sister, hoping that she can eventually convince her. Vague Idea of the 'Toys', don't have to use them just thought I should suggest some. Elemental Crystal Powered Tech. - Wind/Light Construct Projector. (Energy Constructs) - Terrain/Earth Manipulator (Strong Permanent Constructs) - Pressurized Water Nozzle. ('Shower' Hose With Bell & Whistles) - Shock Emitters (Shock/Electricity Play) - Heat/Cold Tendrils (Temperature Play Tentacles) - Debuff/Darkness Emitter (Sensory Play) [Tantric Mecha Prompt] Special Mecha pilot takes control of an experimental techno-organic Mech that can sense, be controlled, and be strengthened by its pilots emotions and thoughts, things go awry when the pilot gets progressively lewd thoughts while hooked up to the Mech's interface. The mech's interior 'adapts' to the pilot's 'needs' and proceeds to fuck the pilot making them hornier, which feeds back into the Mech causing a self-sustaining feedback loop where the Mech gains more and more energy to utilize its adaptive capabilities to fuck the pilot. [Cyborg Ghost Fucking Prompt] A Cybernetically enhanced Hero, whose entire body is modified to fend off various aliens/monsters finds herself in a predicament as her system and body were completely vulnerable to the spectral ghost and unable to stop them from messing with her cybernetics. - Like turning her Pain Dampener into a Pleasure Enhancer. - Bypassing her armor and abusing her durability by fucking her pussy from impossible angles. - Messing with visual & audio systems to either turn them off or make her hallucinate people watching her. And that's all from me, maybe later I'll find more themes and do this again.


Slime seems an obvious answer for ultimate self-sufficiency.


For the mecha idea, it might be fun if the mech going lewd turns out to be way more effective than normal operation so now in the future pilots will have to go out fighting [insert anime threat] while fucking.


It's fine, just making sure you understood what I meant.


Just so we're clear - incest is against the ToS of Patreon as far as I'm aware, and as such, there will not be any incest in the prompt once it is written (so basically just... handing toys over, rather than, uhm, using them together). And, tbh, I have a bit of a dumb idea that may play a little more into a comedy angle (while still being porn).


I kinda thought of a dumb idea for it to be a sort of funny comedy porn instead, based on the ideas Delfine came up with, where instead of sex toys, they're just meant to be quality of life improving tools. For an example, the pressurized water nozzle could be a replacement for a shower that wasn't intended as a sex toy, but when the sister tries to use it, it focuses on her pussy and sexually stimulates her in that way.


Theme: Stealth Sex [Lewd Fairy Feeding] Let's see if Mini-Girls are ok. A Druid's duty is to take care of the [Insert Name] forest, and it's denizens, the mischievous woodland fairy included, unfortunately because of the actions of succubus the fairy now require cum to sustain themselves, which would normally be quite fun, unfortunately for one druid however the Fairy choose very inconvenient times to fly under their loincloth/pants/robe/dress/skirts to feed, usually when they have someone visiting them. [Public Ghost Fucking] More short girls. Rumors say that at a specific time of night the trains become haunted, obviously in a big city such rumor are dismissed, however one vertically challenged office worker finds herself on the receiving end of the attention of several lewd ghost that have no qualms about having their way with her while she's surrounded by people on the train, so she has stand their an take it while not letting anything show to the other passengers. [AI Gray Goo Armour] As a notorious bounty hunter, one usually comes across strange things, so finding an amorphous AI controlled armour wasn't all that weird, if anything this bounty hunter found it to be quite the boon since it could use the shapeshifting ability to make them look like a quiet badass, while she got her holes fucked in front of everyone with no one but themselves and the AI knowing, it helped that the AI's smooth voice did all the talking.


Theme: Alien [Further Experiments Required] A follow up to Experimental Success. Maak'Ita doing some further 'experiments' with her Futanari 'research subject' and getting a thorough practical lesson in human mating rituals, by her 'research subject' and child's progenitor. Testing just how compatible she and abnormal female are with numerous experiments, and multiple samples of "Futanari's" seman. [Losing to Abnormal Human Organs] Basically a side story to Experimental Success. After Maak'Ita disappeared while researching humans, another female member of her race has landed on earth in search for their missing observer, reading though Maak'Ita transmitted research the 'searcher' has concluded that a abnormal variant of human females are the causes of Maak'Ita's disappearance. As such the 'searcher' confronts a group of abnormal human females camping close to where Maak'Ita had once hidden her ship before disappearing, only to quickly find herself the main focus of the abnormal females mating inclinations and full of cocks in short order. [Marvel: Symbiote Lewd Bonding Process] Lets see if ambiguously teen characters (Even if they don't look like it) are allowed. Peni Parker while universe hopping, picks up a Klyntar hitchhiker from a world best describe as a "hentai parody" for 'testing' that she quickly loses control over as it breach containment while Peni is stuck in SP//dr, once free it quickly bonds with the trapped Spider in manner befitting of the world it came from. [Marvel: A Dickgirl's Klyntar Masturbation] A Dickgirl rather than a Futanari this time (Penis & Breast, no pussy). A Dickgirl hiding during one of Earth's the various alien invasions, comes across a 'young' starving Klyntar (One previous host) that quickly bonds with her to survive, but it finds the Dickgirl's current mental state to be non-palatable. As such it uses it's bond with the Dickgirl's mind to go through the Dickgirl's various relaxation methods to relax them so it can feed in peace, the most effective of which happens to masturbation which the Klyntar decides to focus on and enhance using it's limited biomass.


The alien theme post reminded me of something else, a while ago the Stellaris Lustful Void mod had an update that added the aggressively adaptable trait, it's meant to model things like orcs and tentacle monsters, but it can also be used for a specific strategy which the species from the old Star Studded Sky prompt already happened to do the first steps for: When an inter-compatible sperm/womb species breeds with another race the male children are the father's race and the female children the mother's, however sometimes a hybrid is born that's a subspecies of one of the races with semi-random traits, when a hybrid is born there is a further small chance it's a perfect hybrid, that gets basically every positive non-gendererd sexual trait (without spending any trait point or slots i.e. it's very OP) plus psionic, you can then genetically modify that species to replace the random traits with good ones to create the ultimate race. Normally you can genetically modify members of a species into one of their subspecies, that works fine for perfect hybrid in theory, but you can't modify a non-psionic species into a psionic one or the other way around. Enter the aggressively adaptable trait, like inter-compatible it allows breeding with other species, but instead of a 50/50 split all children are of the aggressively adaptable species and that works just fine between sub-species and main species as well, so you can modify the perfect hybrid with that trait and slowly get your ultimate species empire. So, a perfect hybrid is born, not only is he now the only male of his species, after some genetic modification he also potentially represents a great leap in the empire's strength. It'd be an interesting twist on the usual 'last male' plot, they want him to permanently solve the all female problem and spread his superior genes, but the Galbians already have solutions to their all female problem both with genetics and their alliance/integration with the Masians, so there's not the usual urgency from the premise and it's fine if it takes a couple dozen generations. I think the setup in general is also interesting regardless of this hybrid thing, it's very different from the usual female only setting, which tends towards either utopian or dystopian which this is more, 'they did pretty well for themselves despite rather having their men around', how things went with the Masians is also interesting, with the Galbians being significantly more advanced and probably economically/militarily superior, but being reliant on them sexually, I wonder how their alliance developed.


Some more ideas: Original fantasy: The resurrected Dark Lord has managed to infiltrate the Good kingdom and seduced the heroine, the princess, the queen regnant, the general, the court magician and the high priestess, also that random thief for good measure, he is poised to complete the ritual to twist their love for him into complete enslavement to his will. Just to be sure he takes the time to look a year into the future to see whether everything goes to plan. He sees himself as the all-mighty ruler of a great dark empire with all the women who might have stopped him enslaved at his feet, however his future self suddenly turns to him and basically goes "don't do it man, we had a good thing going, ruling this empire was fun for about a month, and I got tired of the mindless slaves and started wishing back for the originals within a week." Could maybe also work as a series, the first chapter's Dark Lord doesn't get a message and just sees that his future self apparently lacked ambition and didn't even try, decides to go through with it and becomes the regretful ruler who got everything he wanted and hated it, then sends his message to his past self at the moment he scried himself. Second chapter is basically the above. Third chapter is another timeline's Dark Lord getting a message form C2 Dark Lord about how he shouldn't do it because being prince-consort with a loving harem is so much better than what he could achieve by seizing power, he listens and doesn't go through with it, but doesn't quite get the importance because he never saw the miserable C1 Dark Lord, so he just lives his life and doesn't remember to send a message to his past self (aka what C1 Dark Lord saw). Sword Art Online: Somehow I haven't seen this written before even though it's so obvious someone must have already done it. There's the semi-official chapter 16.5 about how Kirito and Asuna had sex for the first time in Aincrad, where's the one about them having sex for the first time irl?


I think ambiguously teen isn't allowed, just very unlikely to get noticed in text if you don't draw attention to it.


*Shrugs* Ambiguously Teen Anime characters are allowed, some of them being younger than 16-15 but since their 'teens' it's allowed. Anyway, main difference between Peni and other Ambiguously Teen characters is that she doesn't look like a teen.


Just directly posting to QQ is also always an option.


My thoughts as well, but NTW doesn't seem to do/accept anything 'questionable' with Friday prompts, not as far as I've seen.


Indeed... I'd generally rather not have the potential for Patreon to snipe me for ToS violations if at all possible. Also I still hold a grudge over One More Day.


I don't think I'm really familiar enough with SAO to write what should be a very character-dependent emotionally charged scene like that... might be a bit out of my expertise.


I mean... Your already risking ToS with Training Record, and probably the Red The Conquer... I get not posting that stuff here, but you can still post directly to QQ. Anyway, so no Marvel stuff in general?


Those are kept exclusively off of patreon. As for Red the Conqueror... Red's just a little under the average and has anime babyface. As long as I can make jokes about him getting carded when buying beer it's fine. It's not that I don't do marvel stuff as a whole, I'm just terribly unfamiliar with a lot of it, especially since it's been forever since I last read a Marvel comic. Like, I know what the symbiote is, I could probably write a story with the venom symbiote, just, y'know, character specific stuff can be hard.


Yeah I get that their posted on QQ exclusively, but my point is, why can't you post 'questionable' Friday prompts exclusively on QQ as well? The dickgirl one just involved some random Klynter/Symbiote OC, so not much knowledge needed about the character/species, also the species retconed a lot so you could just make shit up as needed. IDK if they even need phenethylamine for food anymore.


I, uh, didn't say that? I'd make it explicitly clear that the character involved is 18 at the least, and I'm pretty sure the character involved is a "teen" in the sense that Peter himself is a teen, as in, the extended "up to 25 years old teenager" stuff they do in comics. I'm not opposed to doing Peni Parker in a story, giggity, I'm just not particularly familiar with her. Reason I'm hesitant to take on that one is purely lack of knowledge of the character involved. I'd keep to Patreon's Terms of Service, but the character's ambiguous age falls on my favor here, I'd just make it explicit she's an adult. I really hate the idea of producing a subpar, unsatisfying story, especially given the nature of the poll. I put myself in your shoes and can only imagine how terrible it'd be to get lucky enough to win the poll, only for the product to not be any good, and then I cannot in good conscience accept that one specifically.


Uh, can you only read the non-edited version of my reply? Becuase your reply doesn't make much sense with the edited version. Oh, and the Dickgirl idea is separate from the Peni idea.


Yes I know it's separate, it was just hard to come up with a short description that can be read easily so it took longer to go up. I'm not sure what part doesn't make sense. The TL;DR: on it is ultimately that my reason for not putting up the story isn't that it's against the ToS because I'd just write a story that isn't against the ToS instead, it's that I'm unfamiliar with the character and can't really write a story about -her- that would be satisfying.


Okay, so to clarify, I'm not talking about Peni specifically, and haven't been since the beginning. I'm just talking about you not doing "questionable" Friday prompts without editing them to suit the ToS, when you could post them on QQ without any changes to the idea. Like when I suggested a Tanya idea, you made it less questionable and then put it up here, when you could have kept questionable but just put it on QQ and not here.


I suppose I could? I believe so anyway... I'd probably have to mark them some way but I suppose it's possible, since they're not going -on- patreon. I don't really want to get in the habit of doing so in general since it tends to screw with things quite a bit but once in a while I guess it's not so bad.


*Shrugs* Honestly, I was just curious about the why more than anything, if you wanna put your foot down then that's fine enough. Can't exactly do anything about that, can I?


For the Dark Lord idea what you have is different from what I had in mind (not sure if that's intentional). What I have is: 1: Doesn't get a warning, gets 'bad' end, sends effective warning, leads to 2. 2: Gets effective warning, gets 'best' end, sends semi-effective warning, leads to 3. 3: Gets semi-effective warning, gets 'good' end, doesn't send a warning, leads to 1. What you have is: 1: Doesn't get a warning, gets 'bad' end, sends ineffective warning, leads to 2. 2: Gets ineffective warning, gets 'bad' end, sends effective warning, leads to 3. 3: Gets effective warning, gets 'good' end, sends ??? warning and leads to ???. Also there's no hero and harem, just a heroine and her party/supporters, though I guess that's more aesthetics than a core part of the idea. (Maybe the dark lord possessed the hero? That's a classic as well.)


There's some formatting weirdness on line 188 of the google sheet that has the description of this prompt.


It's difficult to convey a multi-paragraph premise in a single sentence, but it's actually meant to be closer to how you put it than the second, it's meant to be: T1: Bad T2: Best T3: Good, but implication being that sending a half assed message to the past leads back to 1, establishing a timeloop. As for the hero and harem thing... There is a harem though, your premise literally starts with the Dark Lord making a harem of the strong and skilled women in the kingdom?? Further, one of those harem members you explicitly call out as the "Heroine", so I figured, "Hero" is a thing in this setting so using it as the backstory element for what killed the Dark Lord in the past, and this generation's "hero" happens to be a woman that he can seduce. AKA: It's just a little backstory element that explains why the Dark Lord is going after the women: Last time he was defeated by a hero with a harem, now, he'll go take the women who would've become the Hero's harem for his own, and then take the heroine herself too because why not?


Ah right, I see how you got there, my idea was that these women were actually the ones who defeated the Dark Lord and this takes place relatively shortly after it happened, not with a generation between it. The way you're proposing works as well.


Theme: Mirrored/B-Side Prompts. [Experimental Success-Mirrored] Route A A human xenologist in the distant future observes a race of large dual gendered Aliens during the midst of their digital era, during said observation she comes across an unique specimen among their species that has signs of both genders. Being a human degenerate and looking or an excuse, the xenologist abducts the double gendered alien and preforms some sexual experiments, for science. [Experimental Success-Mirrored] Route B A futanari human xenologist in the distant future observes a race of small asexually reproducing aliens, during her observations she comes across a unique alien, that has sexual characteristics very similar to that of a human female, curious of said characteristics the xenologist abducts the 'female' alien and test just how similar they are to human females. [Chronomancer Dungeon Traps-Mirrored] A group of adventures are exploring a dungeon trapped by a known Chronomancer Wizard (Female), coming across one of her traps, the part manages to store the magical part of the trap and then later use it on the Chronomancer herself (If for much less time), stopping her in time and allowing the party to have their way with her, and capture her once the trap wears off. Personal Ask for this one: The party is all made up of Futanari, don't have to but though I'd ask.


DBZ/Monkey Tamer Krillin: Android (gynoid/cyborg?) tamer I guess when David and fem!Vegeta have a kid he won't be named Trunks, but anyway, the Trunks-equivalent comes back in time to save Goku so she can fight the androids. While there he happens to mention that Krillin also died in an easily preventable way. Things proceed more or less as canon despite the changes made by David's presence, fem!16, fem!17 and 18 get woken up, kill Gero and escape. Unexpectedly it turns out it wasn't preventing Goku's death that was the key to saving Earth, but Krillin's, in a very King inspired way.


Do you have a media list? Just rather know, rather than make guesses based on your posting. Theme: Space [Zero Gravity] A Female Scientist's orbital lab has a malfunction while she's studying an alien lifeform, the malfunction not only disables the gravity leaving the scientist to float helplessly, but also frees the alien lifeform from its confinement, allowing it to have its way with the Scientist in Zero Gravity. [Portal] GLaDOS decides that Chell needs something different to challenge her wit, something that would force Chell to be more "creative" with how she thinks with portals and something that'll keep her occupied long enough for her "surprise" to completed. [No Space left Empty] Spider Gwen's early experience with her Symbiote is complicated, and not just becuase it was made with her DNA, it's had always had a lot of mass that had to be hidden inside her body, but it also gained mass a bit too quickly leading to her having to be... creative, with how she hid it in her body. However, it wouldn't have been so bad if didn't feel as if she was filled to capacity and beyond most of the time.


I don't keep a list since I don't really keep track of the media I consume; it's better to ask since I genuinely wouldn't be able to tell you off of memory what media I've consumed over the years.


Theme: Monsters [Dragon Dwarf] A Dwarf warrior comes across what they believe to be an adolescent Dragon, thinking it an easier kill she is unprepared for the almost horse-sized Dragon to quickly down her and rend her of most of her armor. The Dragon was fully mature and merely suffered from dwarfism, and was quite keen on relieving the length of its heat trying to breed the Dwarf warrior. [Pal Training] Saw some Dazzi art here, should be ok to write about. The Tamer dealing with their unruly Dazzi that keeps killing Pals their trying to catch despite their orders, decides that some "corrective" training is needed to instill some loyalty. [Duel Monsters] Some standard Blue Eyes White Dragon on Dark Magician Girl. Could be spiced up by including the other Magician Girls, trapping Dark Magical girls through a portal, using the Blue Eye's Twin/Ultimate Fusion for multi-cock, etc. [Pocket Monster/Pussy] A trainer fucks a Pokemon that's much smaller than them, using them as if they were an Onahole. Could be Kirlia, Lurantis, Lake Guardians, Mew, Stenne, Etc


Are you familiar with Stargate by chance? Also some more generic ideas: All the other warlocks are jealous of Bob, he's a fiend pact warlock who has an incredibly hot succubus as a patron and the only price he has to pay is to have sex with her every so often, it's not even some kind of depraved fetish or something, she's perfectly nice and even sometimes hangs out with him and his buddies, how did he manage to get such a great deal? All the other succubi are jealous of Lily, how is she getting so much power out of such a low effort pact? The answer is that they're both gay and they're each other's beard. Not entirely sure if this is allowed by Patreon TOS: Typical 'accidental demon summoning' scenario, as you do, except the person who accidentally summoned an ancient and powerful succubus is a young boy. Because she's bored she decides to hang around as a sort of guardian angel for a bit, but it turns out to be kinda fun. Cue some years later when the boy isn't so young anymore, could go either with them fucking or with her helping him get together with a girl he likes (or building a harem).


Theme: Undead [Ghost & Girl] Danny Phantom Jazz Fenton now in Collage comes across an enemy from her past hiding in her Dorm, Spectra, without any weapons in easy access she's forced to use an mortifying gift from her mother, the Fenton Anti-Ghost Strapon. [Spirits] Generic Fantasy A female Paladin enters a tomb filled with restless spirits, spirits of the sexually unfulfilled now tethered to the world from their undying lust, the Paladen wishing to making these spirit move on gives herself to them so that their lust may be satiated.


Theme: League of Legends [Hunter Humbled] Kindred stalks Lillia in forest pursuing the shy fae fawn, only to get a surprised in the form Lilia's mare cock. [Bound Hunger] Briar ends up in a predicament, stuck in place and her pillory just as stuck, she beset by horny people making the bound living weapon aware of a new kind of hunger she sate.


Imma be real chief, I have like, worse than bad levels of knowledge on LoL. Can I get away with just reading a wiki for these you reckon?


Yeah, that or the videos. Think it's like Overwatch in that regard, a decent bit of the lore is in the character videos.


Looks like everyone with the link has write access, probably not an issue as long as everyone behaves, but maybe not intentional?


Stellaris + Lustful Void mod: First encounter between an all female species and a species with inter-compatible sperm, maybe it's the first contact for both of them with another sentient species(?), so at first it's "Alien life exists, what do we do?!" and as soon as they solve the communication issues it's "these hot alien dudes are literally the solution to all our problems"/"there is an entire planet of hot alien babes who want us to fuck them". For context, in Lustful Void all female generally means it's a species that is supposed to have males, but they're gone for some reason and the species survives due to things like cloning, inter-compatible sperm means they can have children with any other species, boys will be father species and girls will be mother species with a small chance of getting an actual hybrid. I suppose this could also be original sci-fi instead of Stellaris. More orc/elf shenanigans: An elf from outside the forest is visiting and runs into the MC, she says or does something that makes him think she's one of the rapebait elves, so he gets in character, but then quickly realises she's actually afraid and not acting. Apologies and explanation happens and he escorts her to the elf village. Once the other elves assure her the big scary orc was telling the truth she becomes a lot more interested, she might not be into rape-play, but she's still a lewd elf who would love to try some consensual orc dick.


You are indeed correct, not quite intentional - but like you said, I hardly think it's an issue. If people want edit access it's not really a big deal to give it... I doubt people are gonna spend money just to troll.


Hah, I'd admit, while I do hang out with people that play Stellaris, I've not played myself, mostly just gave advice for narrative reasons on a playthrough. It does sound like it would be a fairly doable original sci fi story, though - unless Stellaris has a particularly unique mechanic like the Relays from Mass Effect to enable FTL travel. I can work with that, sure. I'll put them up on the list for sure. Honestly in many ways having a prewritten idea of what to do also just generally makes it easier for me haha.


Stellaris is mostly just hyperdrive, especially at the point in the game where you're getting first contact situations. I guess one relevant mechanic is that for first contact is that every empire has a stance of cooperative, cautious or hostile, with cooperative you're actively sending databursts to the other to teach them your language, with cautious you're trying to learn as much about the other as possible without giving things away yourself (possibly doing some hacking) and with hostile you're actively attacking science ships and abducting them for interrogation and vivisection. For this idea hostile doesn't really work, maybe cooperative for the inter-compatible sperm people and cautious for the all female people (something in the past massively fucked them over as a species after all)? Or just ignore that part of the game mechanics entirely.


I mean even if you don't use the stellaris mechanics explicitly, it's very easy to work it into the narrative itself, so yeah, I can do that.


To be fair Stellaris lore is basically 'Let's cram every sci-fi trope into one setting'. So there's not that much different from calling it original sci-fi.


Do you have any knowledge of Warhammer Fantasy? In the newest Total War: Warhammer game Grand Cathay is led by Eastern style dragons, able to take human form. Their primary motivation is to rescue the wounded bear god Ursun from the realms of chaos because he knows where their lost younger sister is. The thing is, she disappeared in the far west, near the eastern border of the Elf Kingdoms of Ulthuan. On that coastal border is the Kingdom of Caledor, led by Prince Imrik, the Dragon Lord of Caledor, who is known for his ability to tame and ride dragons into battle. I think this could be the basis for something pretty long, or just a short about an elf lord breaking in a captured dragon princess.


Probably more of a short story, but it should be relatively doable. If it were to be made into a longer story, I'd just use the writing prompt to create a story in an original setting instead, I'm not familiar enough with warhammer fantasy to write a long story on it, and I both vastly prefer and generally recommend original settings for longer stories, to avoid the constraints of working with someone else's canon and its rules.


D&D(ish), blatantly stolen from a YouTube comment: A man is in trouble/dying, a fey offers to help him out if he makes the traditional pact with her, she'll help him out in exchange for him giving her his firstborn child. He agrees, she helps him, but then when she's about to leave the newly minted warlock points out that the deal was for him to give HER his firstborn child, not to give a child to some random woman and then hand the child over. Some years later: Warlock to the rest of the party: "Don't worry about the little girl that just showed up in the camp, I have her every other week, she'll be fine, the monsters around here know better than to piss off her mom." Of course the youtube comment focused more on the latter part and this would be more about the first part.


Just adding this here since Armin made a good point about other people seeing it. I found this on Reddit, thought it was funny and it might make a neat story. https://www.reddit.com/r/tumblr/comments/sobvmm/gregory/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Leave a reply if you have ideas on how to flesh this out.


So, the webcomic Grrl Power has some interesting succubus lore, https://grrlpowercomic.com/archives/comic/grrl-power-992-infernal-relationships-be-like/ page 992 to 999 and 1019 to 1021, though the most relevant page is 998. It seems like a really good setup for something waifu cyoa like. There's a powerful cabal offering the MC a hot sex slave who's inherent nature is to do everything her master says, but one of the goals is explicitly to help her become more independent with promises of very painful death on abusing her. It neatly solves a lot of the problems from the Company of normal cyoas, the evil people responsible for the situation are long dead and the cabal is just trying to deal with the consequences as best as possible, so there's no issue with participating in the evil scheme or opposing it dominating the entire story and they do in fact just need 'any random dude' to take ownership of a young succubus.


Maybe something about how fae management wants him gone but the fae employees/customers find him cute?


Because I've seen one too many Ron bashing fics recently: So take the whole veela life debt thing, second task of the triwizard tounament, Gabrielle nearly drowns, Harry might have gotten her to the surface, but she was perfectly safe while under water and he has to faff around waiting for the gillyweed to wear off, so it's Ron who brings her to safety. Everyone forgets about it until she becomes an adult and the magic activates. Timing wise I think that would be shortly after Ron and Hermione's second child is born, so Ron is happily married and really not waiting for a concubine/sex slave/second wife, Hermione would insist on treating her properly even while trying to research a way out of it (there isn't), so there's at least awkward but hot veela threesomes.


For the Orcs/Elves series: Jana just really isn't into the whole rapeplay thing her fellow elves are, she is still an elf though and has gotten pretty close to the MC over time. Unfortunately her method of just asking him out on a date/saying she wants to fuck him, means that the other elves have gone from thinking she's a prude to considering her an absolute degenerate, much to her chagrin because SHE is the sane one, dammit. For a (somewhat) original idea: A powerful warrior princess who can fell a hundred men in battle has to face the unfortunate reality that her kingdom is just too outnumbered for her individual prowess to matter. Her father has no choice but to marry her to the crown prince of the more powerful neighbouring kingdom and she has no choice but to go along with everything to prevent war. Basically, obvious mindbreak setup is obvious. Turns out the neighbouring king/prince aren't actually hentai doujin villains who are contractually obliged to break the strong female character and are really just doing dynastic politics with the idea she'll eventually become queen and her descendants will become rulers of both countries. So she is waiting for the other shoe to drop while her new husband is just like 'we should try to get along, we'll be spending the next few decades together and be having children after all.'


Somnophilia Slime: A Group of adventure in lewd fantasy world sets up camp in a monster infested forest, unknown to them a Slime is spraying the area with sleeping fog putting them into a deep sleep, The slime sneaks into the camp and has its way with one of the adventurers and heal them afterwards, the next morning none of the adventurers are aware of what had happened. The next night the Slime puts the adventures to sleep again this time however they brought more slimes with them to have their way with the Adventurers. Each night escalating with what they bring with them to rape the adventurers with, all the while said Adventurer are non the wiser to what is happening to them.


Gray Goo Stimulation Armour: Sci-fi bounty hunter goes through a deprecated lab before being attacked by a Gray Goo, It manage to assimilate/merge with the bounty hunters armour/exo-suit, unable to get it off the bounty hunter is subjected relentless orgasms from the Gray Goo which is using their own suit and incorporating its various features to better 'torture' them. Chronomancer Dungeon Traps: Bunch of adventurers try explore a dungeon unaware that a Chronomancer/Time Mage as trapped the place, after being caught in a trap and frozen in time the adventurers are raped by the Mage before being left to the various horny monsters in the dungeon, fortunately/unfortunately for them the traps only have temporary effect as such while in the middle of being gang-banged the adventure are unfrozen and subjected all of the pleasure they couldn't feel.


(Pokemon) Hoopa's Portal-Holes: Hoopa feeling mischievous attaches portals to the to the various orifices of a random Pokemon trainer while sending a linked portals to either a local hot spring or a cave full of horny Pokemon. (Undertale) Endurance Match: During the visit to Undyne's place the human is challenged to an endurance match, if the human is female Undyne pulls out a double ended dildo and pile drives them, or if the human is male Undyne just strips them and rides them.


Hentai Remote: Finding a magical remote the protag uses it's various functions to have fun with the other students as their school. -Start/Pause Button: Hentai Time Stop. -Channel Buttons: Mind Controls people into acting various porno scenes. -Volume Button: Changes the target arousal levels. Babysitter Rutting: While being taken cared of by their babysitter a pair werewolf twins look up into a full moon, transforming into smaller than average werewolves they attack and rut their babysitter all night long. (Avatar Last Airbender) While in a bad mood Azula catch Ty Lee in a compromising/erotic position, deciding to punish her Azula ties her up and incorporates degenerate misuse of her bending to sexually punish Ty Lee. This is everything I can think of at the moment... well there are some stuff I thought of, but I'm holding on to them so they can used as commissions.


Keep in mind that due to the rules and terms of service of Patreon, the first one would have to take place at a college, not a high school, and the second would need a bit of a change in premise (maybe rather than a babysitter, it's more of a keeper? because the characters involved must be adults). Aging up characters is nice and easy and usually non disruptive, but when the entire premise itself is dependant on specific things... I suppose I can have 18 year olds still in school since it's technically possible to work with that, and maybe the babysitter is 'babysitting' two unruly 18 year olds that can't be trusted alone because they're liable to make a mess or throw a party or something... Also, ah, don't worry, that's quite a long list of ideas, material for quite some time indeed~


For the werewolf idea, maybe they need a minder specifically because they're werewolves? Maybe set in Harry Potter, the werewolves need someone around to do something while they're in wolf form, but somehow some love/lust potion was mixed with the wolfsbane potion they took and it turned them from aggressive into horny instead of aggressive into docile. Or could just have it be a werewolf and his wife/girlfriend, which would explain why they're around.


Got another idea, note that my use " - " indicates that these are potentially different ideas that are using the same premise. Ditto's Misadventures (Pokemon) Isekei'd into a Ditto our horny protag preys on unsuspecting trainers, copying moves from other Pokemon like Yawn, Hypnosis, Stun Spore, Constrict, Etc, Ditto targets various trainer taking on various Pokemon & Human Froms to have their way with said trainers. - At some point after arriving in Alola they happen to chance upon Silvally & Gladion and upon transforming into Silvally the find out they can know take on a more chimaera like appearance which they make great use of, by fucking trainers with tentacles that have a random assortment of Pokemon dicks on them. - Hypnotizing a trainer they decide to take her out on a walk with being a Mudsdale and her riding under their barrel impaled in their cock, using their shapeshifting powers to hide her underneath a fancy "saddle" taking a long walk around the place before their done with her.


It could reasonably work as a sort of "miniseries", which is something that I frequently do with the Friday Prompts. That said, these are prompts, please keep that in mind. I'm willing to try to get the spirit of it as much as possible, but if you want something where you can request specific details and scenes and such, that's more of a commission thing. That said, please keep in mind that the document already has a ton of ideas, and many of them are yours at this point... the more prompts and ideas present in it, the less chance that any particular one you wish to see will make it to the poll, and then be voted through. I love to see people participating in this feature, but please don't forget the mechanics of how it functions.


Fair enough I just thought that it looked a little empty.


I appreciate the thought; just do keep in mind that it might very well take a long long time to get to the one you want if there's too many.


In a similar vein to the Frozen one: Jafar gets what he wants by not being a Cartoon Villain: Could work either as Jafar just not being evil, or him being evil but capable of being affable enough to achieve his goals without making enemies. Get the girl by being respectful of Jasmine's wishes and helping her out with what she wants, then 'convincing' the Sultan a Vizier is close enough to a Prince. Become an all-powerful sorcerer, by just paying for the lamp as promised. Jafar gets to be sorcerer-sultan of Agrabah, Jasmine gets her husband, Aladdin gets to live it up in the city with all that money he got for the lamp, everyone is happy.


A RWBY Monochrome story with Sub Blake X Dom Weiss story where shortly after becoming a couple Weiss accidently discoverers Blakes hidden porn stash, and said porn stash happens to be made up of a whole bunch of very embarrassing perverted fetishes. stuff like bdsm play, pet play, maid with chastity play ect. Long story short this eventually leads to what was going to be a vanilla relationship to slowly going down the rabbit hole fetishes' that it ends with Blake becoming a full time love slave and Weiss awaking her inner dominatrix although one that specializes in gentle femdom and orgams denial!


(Youjo Senki) Now that she is older Tanya now has to undergo counter-interrogation training, fortunately for her Visha is the one that will be privately training her, however Visha has no intention to train her in counter-interrogation, rather she intends to train Tanya in taking a variety of sex toys.


Someone mentioned after Somnophilia Slime that Slimes can be used for healing or such so how about that? Potion Slimes: Imbuing Slimes with potions effects was a genius idea, to bad that's easier to put those energetic Slimes inside a persons anus, both so that the body can absorb the effects and that someone can quickly extract them, well most of the time it's quick. Could go two routes with this, people having to use healing Slimes while their out adventuring or in bed recovering, or someone can poison the slime with a Lust of Paralysis Potion and rape the victim while they still have the slime inside of them.


I think I prefer the "consensual" version because the fact that people have to actively put slimes up their butts is kind of hilarious to me.


To add to that maybe the "potion" bottle acts like a plug and the neck of it is ribbed or shaped like anal beads, so as to make sure the bottle doesn't leave the anus early or so that the Slime doesn't try to push the bottle out so it can escape.


Maybe it works better if the healing effects are inherent to the slimes? Then having to use the slimes this way is just the way things are instead of 'how did anyone think this was a good idea'. You could then also have fun with adventurers having to go out looking for slimes with rarer effects just to get fucked by them.


Well someone asked for a sequel, I can only think of two different ideas, one that continue the "narrative" and one that keeps to the original "themes" or you can use both since they aren't mutually exclusive with one another. • The now corrupted bounty hunter takes part in a gangbang with the scientist, slowing infecting them with nano-machines, enhancing them into pseudo studs that can keep up with her. • Before meeting with the scientists the bounty hunter takes a pit stop in one of the labs to corrupt a another female (who's an Alien?), by growing tentacles and other tools from her armour and pushes all of them into all of the scientist holes to infect her from the inside.


Hm... maybe I can do both in separate fics... one where she gets gangbanged by half robot half man uber studs, another where she starts, uh, creating other 'queens' so to speak?


That was what I meant by, "or you can use both since they aren't mutually exclusive with one another". Or did I fuck up my usage of that saying? Wow replying is weird now


No no, I agree with you, just making sure I've got it right, you know, in a "maybe I CAN do that actually" sense.


You can do Anything you put your mind to! ᵖˢˢᵗ ʷᵃˢ ᵗʰᵃᵗ ᶦⁿˢᵖᶦʳᵃᵗᶦᵒⁿᵃˡ ᵉⁿᵒᵘᵍʰˀ


Don't worry, it reminds me of the Scoreboard Schmoyoho song, super motivating :thumbsup:


[Youjo Senki / HameFura] "I kinda want to see Bakarina and Tanya do the horizontal tango" Ok, in all seriousness (Pft), 3rd life Tanya reincarnates into HameFura, she try's to avoid the main plot bullshit but is roped into a awkward scenario where her and Katarina are put into a very lewd situation. You can ignore this if you want, I'm mostly just taking the piss.


Some generic everything goes superhero setting: A girl gets visited by a demon who offers her powers, she can use whatever power she wants, but at the end of each day she has to perform sexual acts with the demon dependent on how many and how strong the powers she used that day were (as she's choosing to use powers she has an inherent understanding of what the price will be). I see two ways to do it, both could be interesting: As, like all superhero stories do, things keep escalating, she contestably has to weigh whether to go further, yes she could be better-Eidolon with a thought, but only if she pays the price. The girl and the demon actually get to know/like each other and she realises that if she has no problem fucking him then it's basically free better-Eidolon.