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There are very, very few that I allow into my innermost sanctum.

As my hands grasped onto Yvette's thick hair, and I felt Jeannete's soft, moist lips on mine, I luxuriated in the privacy and  pleasure, basking in the warmth and love lavished upon me by my handmaiden and the maid assigned to assist me personally. Two chocolate colored maidens attend to me, and I find myself thinking of my first experience, perhaps not so long ago, though it feels like a lifetime ago.

Jeannette's lips parted from mine, and she went down to begin massaging, pleasuring and suckling at my chest. Large though they were, I counted myself lucky that they were such sensitive organs, there was so much more to pleasure, so much more to play with, so much more to offer.

I sighed in pleasure, my left hand caressing Yvette's head, the right now going to the dark, nearly black, globe of flesh encased in sexy white lingerie. "I've decided," I said, as I began playing with the meaty ass cheek, the open and vulnerable butt that enticed me so. "From now on, you can only wear white lingerie in this room. No more dresses or anything!"

Jeannette chuckled. "It will be as you command, my lady," she said.

Yvette's lips clamped on my clit, and I screamed in orgasm as she sucked hard, the sudden and intense surge of pleasure eclipsing what I'd experienced up to now.

Sighing, I laid back for a few seconds, catching my breath. Jeannette got off the bed for a few minutes, going to fetch something, at the same time as Yvette licked her lips, collected my juices from her face with her hands, and made a show of licking it up.

Furthermore, she gave me a smirk as she got up on her feet, off the bed herself, and began to gyrate her hips, hands raised up and linked together, dancing an erotic, sensual dance to a beat only she could hear, her luscious, brown body almost causing my throat to go dry, the white lingerie trimmed with golden details, white stockings and a garterbelt... it all added together.

She was clearly intending to entice me further.

"My lady, your highness, o princess," Yvette intoned, "just looking at you, just witnessing the glory of your body," she said, stepping up to the bed, on her knees, thrusting with her hips, one of her hands coming down to play with her lower lips, covered by the white thong she wore, "It's enough, just your body, just that sight, is enough to know happiness!"

I couldn't help myself as my hand began to play with my folds at the sight.

Which was right around the time where Jeannette popped back into the conversation, holding a pair of identical pairs of underwear- or rather... it was something akin to underwear, black leather panties, with a large, golden object attached to what I suspected to be the front.

It wasn't too hard to see that they were facsimiles of a phallus.

What was hard, however, was remaining in place as Jeannette smirked, showing me that the phallus was double sided, on both of them. She placed both of them before me on the bed, putting one in front of Yvette, and the other before herself, and then the two of them began to dance together, touching, caressing and rubbing against one another, the more voluptuous body of the Nileian maid a delicious contrast to the dark, athletic form of my handmaiden.

My throat was dry, and the two of them pressed their bodies together, sharing a showy, open mouthed kiss, only keeping enough distance between them to show me their tongues wrestling, as both of them pulled at the strings keeping their bottoms together. Even as they undid the knots... both of them were soaked through their underwear.

I giggled as the two of them had to actually peel off their underwear, tossing the ruined pairs aside, promptly going for the double sided strap-on toys, and, well, strapping them on, both maidens slipping the shorter end of their respective dildo into their drooling pussies.

I swallowed at the sight, and both of them offered me similar grins, pearly white teeth contrasting with the dark skin they sported. I thought them truly beautiful, then, the strong bodies of the women before me, my servants, who had shown and taught me so much about love and pleasure... Perhaps I've neglected them, as I've been getting pleasured so frequently and lovingly by the many men whom my body had enticed.

"Are you ready, princess?" Jeannette asked, grinning down at me.

"Allow me to service your body even more," Yvette moaned, stroking the fat golden cock quickly and strongly, probably feeling it from the other end.

"Yes, please do," I said, "show me how much more I can learn from you," I said, stretching both my arms towards them, open as if for a hug. 

Jeannette was first to my lower lips. She spread my legs, and lined her toy up with my own lower lips, my labia parting instantaneously to welcome the large toy in, like an old friend. My voice erupted unwillingly, though with the reactions my maidens had to my moans, I ceased trying to hold it back, instead letting them hear just how much their efforts pleased me.

"That's it, that's it, princess, take that big fat toy, take it all!" Jeannette encouraged.

"My lady, you're so erotic, so beautiful," Yvette moaned, as she moved around until she straddled my head, knees on either side of my head, adjusting her hips until the tip of the large toy was poking my lower lip. She moaned, but didn't quite go.

I screamed out in joy as Jeannette hit a sensitive spot with a deep and well angled thrust, and as I did, I was muffled by the thick golden phallus the maid sported, shoving it as deep as the base, forcing me to swallow, deepthroat, or risk choking on it.

I was in ecstasy, pleasure flooding my very being, spreading from my core and my throat, as my entire body became an erogenous zone, every bit of me either growing numb and dull, or oversensitive and lewd.

"Ahhh, princess, you're so wet, so wet and hot I can feel it through the toy!" Jeannette shouted. "Such a lewd body, the princess is such a lewd girl, I can't believe it, I can't believe my cute princess has grown into such a lewd woman!"

Yvette moaned. "We've, we did this, we made the princess into a lewd woman!" she chanted, "Princess, princess, princess, my laddyyyyy!"

She shook her hips rapidly - and I realized that she was also fingering her behind at the same time as she was thrusting into my throat, as I could see her hand behind her thick ass. I couldn't moan, couldn't respond, couldn't do anything other than stay there and be pleasured, be worshipped, be loved, by the maidens that had chosen me as someone worthy of their loyalty and affection.

Not for the first time I thanked the gods, for the blessings upon me, as the two maidens  began to frantically thrust and fuck me from both ends, spitroasting me enthusiastically and powerfully, pouring every bit of their energy and lust into me, giving my body everything and anything it wanted, and then some.

There was a feeling, as if a bolt of electricity ran through my body, rapidly zapping back and forth between my throat and my cunny, curling up, almost like a spring being coiled, tighter, tighter, tighter, building up to an inevitable RELEASE!

I shrieked so hard that it was heard over the muffling cock in my throat, as the two maids were flooded by the aftershocks of my pleasure, in my mind and in my thoughts and in my soul a simple plea erupted - and something, or someone, answered my prayer.

Both of my maids shook, shivering, then letting out long, loud and lewd moans, both of them collapsing on top of me. Thankfully Yvette had enough presence of mind to remove the large phallus from my mouth, and I took my first unlabored breath in minutes.

The pile of spent, fucked stupid women that we made lasted for minutes, maybe even up to ten, but eventually we caught ourselves, coming back to consciousness as a group.

"P-Princess, what, what was that?" Jeannette asked.

"A spell?" Yvette asked. "Some sort of magic?"

I groaned. I knew- I sort of, somehow, knew what had happened. My Privilege. My Imperial Privilege... it allowed me to give orders, of sorts, to people, sometimes without them even knowing I was giving them orders...


If I gave them the order to experience the pleasure I did... Apparently I felt strongly enough that I had... managed that somehow.

"I'll... I'll ask Sister Amalia for help later," I said, knowing I'd need her advice - if this had to do with something that involved my privilege, I'd need to have someone who could interpret and speak, to some degree, in the name of the gods in order to be able to check for sure.

That said...

The two golden cocks were still before me... and... I could tell, using my privilege, that both of them wanted more. Both of them wanted to experience that again. Both of them wished for even more.

I giggled a little, still somewhat fuck drunk. Perhaps I would have chosen another course of action, had I not been quite as insensate as I was at the time...

But I flipped myself over, offering my behind instead. "Yvette..." I moaned. "It's your turn now, enjoy your loyalty's reward, slake your thirsts upon your liege's body, fuck me to your heart's content!"

Yvette didn't need to be told twice, or g iven a direct order, moving so fast as to put a warrior to shame, hands on my ass faster than I could say hello.

She was playing with my thick, voluptuous cheeks, and spreading them, revealing my asshole and labia. She straddled my hips and thighs, lining her toy cock with my drooling vagina and then shoving it in without further ado.

Not to be outdone, Jeannette offered me her cock, by sitting in front of me. I moved only slightly, and she pointed the penis at my mouth, thrusting her hips forward. The blowjob I gave her was subdued, slow. I wanted to enjoy myself, and on some level, there was just something that was intensely satisfying about this entire situation, about how much pleasure these maidens sought to heap upon me.

My bed creaked a little as Yvette fucked me hard, each of her thrusts making Jeannette's toy go a little further in than the last, each one feeling like a thrust with a lance of pleasure directly into my brain, scrambling every thought and replacing it with the simple knowledge that I was feeling good.

I was feeling good, I was feeling so very good, that I could hardly think of anything else.

I couldn't imagine anything but the pleasure I was feeling, couldn't think of anything but pleasuring the cock before me, pleasure was all I thought of, all I felt, love and affection and pleasure, all shared, circulating between us...

And then all of a sudden, all three of us halted every motion, instantaneously.

"My darling, beautiful daughter!" the boisterous, loud voice of my father resounded across my room, as he walked right into my room with a bright, cheerful smile.

Yvette froze, hilted within my pussy. "Y-Y-Your m-majest-ty!"

Jeannette had the presence of mind to have pulled the toy out of my mouth, and with the position we were in, it slipped between my breasts. She also made sure to grab me so that it looked like I was laying on her lap, hiding anything and everything from view.

Yvette's hands were on my back, pressing down on my shoulderblades, it was a bit uncomfortable.

"Ah! My apologies, have I interrupted a massage?" father asked, giving me a proud look. "I see that you've heeded my words and taken a break from all that incessant training and stuying you do!" he said, crossing his arms and nodding to himself. "Well then, I won't take too long, you may go back to the relaxation in a minute."

I nodded, swallowing, not quite trusting my throat right now, to sound anything but raspy and freshly fucked.

"I just thought it would be best to inform you myself," he said, smirking, "we shall be heading to the southern shores of the Kingdom, my darling daughter," he explained. "We've been invited to spend a week at the mansion of Lord Ciboulet, near the beaches of Caraibo. We will be leaving in three days," father said. "I will be attending business, but you should be free to meet your cousins and expand your horizons, see some parts of the Kingdom you don't usually see!"

I groaned a little. "Daaad," I said, "you're making," I swallowed, trying to make sure I didn't let him know that my throat was raspy and a bit weak from the thorough and brutal treatment it'd just endured, "this awkward!"

Father laughed, then. "Ah, yes, my bad, my bad," he said. "Forgive me, my daughter - your father, he does tend to lose sight of the room when in your presence."

"That doesn't make this any better when I'm naked too!" I countered.

"Fair enough, my darling daughter," he said, "very well, I shall leave you to your relaxation. Keep up the good work, servants," he said, nodding at the maids.

On some level, there was some part of me that despised the fact that he didn't perv on them because he barely even saw them as people. Father may not be the standard noble, but in many regards, he was even worse. Either you were me, you were a powerful warrior, politically connected, or you might as well not even exist to father. 

I sighed as he left the room, closing the door behind himself. It was convenient, that he was so oblivious to the world around him, but it sure did make my life a lot harder sometimes.


Yvette moaned. "Princess... I think I'm even more excited now, I had to resist the urge, please..."

Smiling, I turned to face her. "I won't be going anywhere for three days, make sure to get your fill to be satisfied in my absence."

Yvette moaned. "Oooh, princeeeeess!"

She began thrusting her hips again, the pleasure once more mounting and coiling, at my core, as Jeannette grabbed my head and began thrusting a bit more violently this time, now desperate for pleasure. I began to let my mind wander, bathing in pleasure, and thought of how I'd go about reproducing the phenomenom we'd experienced before...

Before I departed to the southern shores, we'd be getting plenty of experimentation trying to do it again!


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