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"Are you sure you want to?" you asked.

Lily was... well, it was strange to say, but she had been quite skittish around you since that time she shared a, let's call it training session, with her and Scathach. Even when you greeted her in a hallway, she'd make herself scarce quite quickly, fleeing at speeds higher than the sprinting world record.

Today, however... today she approached you, and nodded firmly. "Y-Yes!" she said. "I've... I had to work up the nerve, b-but, I talked with Master, and she helped me gather the courage, I can't be a coward and keep running away like this."

You nodded, giving her an easy smile. "That's good with me, you're really cute, and I'd love to spend some more time with you," especially now that she wasn't running away on sight, "I was starting to worry that you hated me."

"N-No, no! I couldn't, no, not after- not after you, uhm..." she shook her head. "W-well!"

You were right outside of the Master's office, and with a smile, you opened the door. 

"Was that couch always there?" you asked, more yourself than anyone else, as the first thing you saw was a couch against one of the walls you were sure had been bare a day ago. On it was a trio of kids, huddled together under a blanket, all three of them with silvery hair. One of them had scars on her face, another a strange headband, and the last a fancy hat and extremely long, braided hair.

You turned to the master, who was putting a book she had been reading from on the desk. She raised her finger and shushed you and Lily, who made your way over to her desk quietly.

"Aren't they cute?" she asked, softly, gesturing at the kids. "Anyway... good timing, you've got a job."

"I do?" you asked, blinking. Wasn't it time for your weekly... payment, so to speak?

"Yes, yes, I know - it's a bit late, but what can you do," she said, shaking her head. "It took me longer than I expected to track down everyone I needed to, and get the slips signed and everything."

You frowned. "What's- I was going to request Lily today," you mused.

She looked at Lily. "Perfect. Lily, you wouldn't mind helping him with his job, would you?"

"Not at all master!" Lily said, enthusiastically but quietly, "I'd love to help! What do I need to do?"

"Right! It's simple... we have some VIPs in one of our classrooms, and their parents, caretakers or otherwise the people in charge of them have paid for a Sex Ed lesson, and you two are going to give it to them."

You and Lily looked at each other, carefully not overreacting, then looked at the master in silent questioning.

"Not like, a sexual health class - you're quite explicitly going to be teaching them how to have sex. Lily, can you do this?" she asked.

"I... ah... I guess... putting on an example, is, is... is just part of the path of a King, right?" she asked.

The master smiled. "You don't have to if you don't want to, I can find someone else to do it..."

"No, no! I will, I'll- I'll do it!" Lily confirmed, clenching her hands and raising them dramatically before her chest. You could almost see fire igniting behind her eyes, the flames of determination soaring.

It was terrifying how easily the Master had fired her up to do it.

"Good girl," she said.

"Don't I get a say in this?" you asked, humor creeping in.

The master smirked at you. "If you don't want to, I can have someone else do it..." she said. "But then Lily would be disappointed."

The blonde looked at you then, looking a bit dejected. "If... If you don't want to do it with me, I'll- I'll understand," she said.

Tugging at your heartstrings, eh? You bent down and kissed Lily's lips. "Of course I love he idea of spending time with you, even if it's like this," you said, running your thumb on her cheek.

"No kisses for me?" the master asked. "Harsh. Either way - the classroom is in the business level. Can't miss it, it's got signs leading to it. Please make your way over there."

You nodded.

"I suppose I should call you teacher?" Lily asked, turning to you. "It... I like it, teacher... teacher... no, instructor! Instructor is better!" she said, nodding to herself. "Let's go, instructor!"

With determination and aplomb, the both of you gave your goodbyes to the master and set off.

It would only be when you were already in the classroom, watching as it filled in with young adults, that you realized you'd been manipulated just as easily and deftly as Lily had been. Well... that was your own fault, you mused, for not paying attention to it.

Still, wasn't so bad... most of these guys... kids really - so odd when some of them were taller than you. It was quite a few girls, each of them newly minted adults, each and every one of them a sheltered virgin. Some seemed to be rich kids, the likes of which you'd only seen from the distance before, some were wearing the standard stuff Chaldea provided, indicating perhaps not as affluent...

You also spied almost every color of hair in the rainbow, and knew that this class was no different than the rest of Chaldea. It, too, was a strange and eclectic mishmash of people that gathered people from all over.

Some of them looked nervous, others looked bored, but most were paying attention.

Attention to you, and Lily.

"Hello class," you said, as you wrote your name down on the blackboard behind you. "You may call me instructor, I am here to educate you on sexual matters," you said. "This is my assistant, Lily," you explained.

"Hello! I'll be helping the instructor demonstrate," she said, bowing to the class.

There were murmurs - as expected, some mentioned just how terribly and amazingly cute she was.

"First, I will be clear. I am contracted to teach you guys about sex, not sex education. I will be having sex with Lily here, and I will be having you observe this to learn," you explained. "If any of you is not comfortable with this, we will not force you to remain here, alright?"

Despite your warning, and despite some of them looking nervous and unsure, none of them left.

They didn't even waver from their chairs.

"Good. I suppose first, I shall begin by explaining to you about foreplay. Now," you began, "Lily, would you mind undressing for the class?"

She nodded, cheeks pink, as she began to work off her white minidress. She was quite agile and dexterous, but nevertheless showed you her back while she worked off her gloves.

You smiled, pulling down the zipper of her dress behind her. It fell to the ground. She stood then, in nothing but her stockings, shoes and underwear. 

Getting down to one knee, you began helping her off her shoes, while being treated to the wonderful sight of her perky, perfect behind as she bent over in front of you, giving her better access to the waistband of her panties and dark tights, which she pulled down simultaneously. When she got down to her feet, you helped her step out of them, leaving stockings, panties and shoes behind.

Finally, she unhooked her bra, and took a deep breath, shaking a little. 

She was clearly mustering up her courage to stand undaunted before the class, and looking at her was tickling you in ways you didn't expect, she was just adorable like that, and it was sort of inspiring to see her defy her own embarrassment to try to look strong.

WIth her doing her best, you could do nothing less than that.

Soon enough, Lily's clothes were neatly piled up, on the desk and she stood before the class, naked but unbowed.

"Now," you began, as the front row of students leaned forward, and the rows behind them moved about to get a better vantage point, some leaning forward, others to the sides, and others standing up a little, all eyes fixated on Lily. 

You ran a hand over her body. "My beautiful companion," you explained, "can entice a partner with just her body," you explained, then gestured at your crotch, the tight normal issue Chaldea pants already bulging with your half chub erection. "But it's important that your partner be properly aroused before any sort of insertion."

One of the front row students, a girl with dark blue hair, raised her hand.

"Yes?" you asked, gesturing towards her. 

"How do we know if our partner is aroused?" she asked.

You nodded. "Good question. First," you said, "for male and those with male features," you explained, "it is quite easy - a penis grows erect when aroused, and even small ones will be noticeably different when erect."

She nodded, as did several other students.

"For females, it's a bit more complicated," you explained, "but once more it's easy to focus primarily on the sexual characteristics. For instance," you said, and moved your hands to Lily's chest. "A byproduct of arousal," you said, beginning to rub her breasts, "is heightened sensitivity to touch - though that could very easily be psychological, some are more sensitive than others as well. As you can see," you said, fingers rolling Lily's nipples, "my partner's nipples become erect and quite beautiful when she experiences arousal."

Most of the class hummed in agreement, and you swore you could hear someone gasp.

"However, most importantly," you said, as a hand traveled down, caressing Lily's tummy as it did, then one of your fingers slid between the cleft of her lips, before it came back up, then down again, playing with the outermost layer of her genitalia.

"This area becomes engorged, softer, more flexible and most important of all, she begins to secrete fluids that lubricate her," you explained. "Now, I want you to understand - arousal itself is a physiological response to stimulation," you said, playing with Lily's cunny, "and it is normal to become aroused even without stimulation. It does not imply nor signify consent," you explained.

Some of them nodded.

A girl with a full head of well cared for brown hair gulped and raised her hand, her cheeks so pink it looked like she had blush stickers on.

"Yes, right there, you," you called at her, one hand continuing to play with Lily's cunny as you pointed.

"Is it possible for someone to get aroused, in, uhm, a hostage situation?" she asked.

"Yes," you said. "In fact, it's pretty common to get aroused after or even during high stress situations," you explained. "I couldn't begin to tell you why," you explained, "but I've had some close calls that ended with me desperate and raring to go."

Lily let out a long moan as your finger began diving under her outermost lips.

"As you can see, my partner is becoming more and more aroused, and her lips part easily to accept my probing finger," you explained. "How are you feeling, Lily?"

"Ahh... that feels good... I feel good, you're so good, instructor," she moaned. "A-And, I'm, I'm happy to be helping... the students!"

"Communication is very important," you said. "Letting your partner know that you like or don't like what they're doing, and asking your partner for their opinion, is the best way to make sure you have mutually satisfying sexual relations."

Lily moaned, and nodded. "I, ah, feel good," she said. "M-More..."

You smiled, and began to caress her insides with two fingers, a bit more insistently.

A girl with light pink hair was next to raise her hand. Your eyes were caught by the fact she had a tattoo on her forehead, and she was one of the ones with the standard issue gear. 

"Yes?" you asked, this time you kept teasing Lily's chest, while pointing with the slick and wet fingers at her.

She shivered a little. "Ah, I- I wanted to know, if you could show us how to, how to get men aroused," she said. 

Clearly she had a partner she wanted to entice somehow. You weren't surprised, if her partner had communication issues, it was likely he hadn't as much as told her what she needed to do to get his motor going. Well, physically, there were ways with people that were almost universal.

You nodded, kissing Lily's cheek. "Are you readY?" you asked.

She nodded.

First, you removed your pants, and underwear, and then you sat on the desk and opened your legs, making sure to give Lily proper access. "Observe," you said, as Lily got on her knees before you.

"There are multiple ways to arouse someone," you explained, as Lily grabbed your cock with her slim, small hands, and began stroking it, looking up at you from below, making sure not to obstruct sight of her actions or your cock.

You let out a long and pleasured sigh, hand coming down to pat Lily's head as she worked, and you smiled at her almost incandescent happiness. "Do my hands feel good, instructor?" she asked.

"Yes, very good, good girl," you praised, patting her head, and enjoying her stroking even more.

A girl with very bushy looking hair, who had been furiously scribbling down notes not a moment ago, raised her hand.

You smiled, letting out a sigh before pointing at her with one hand, the other stil caressing Lily's head to reward her for her good work. 

"Would," she gulped, "would this work on someone who, uhm," she seemed hesitant to say it. Then she slapped her red cheeks. "On someone who doesn't actively want to, but isn't opposed, to having sex?"

You frowned. "You could arouse someone," you said, "even if they're not willing to put in the effort themselves. But sex is a give and take," you explained. "Never let anyone take advantage of you," you explained, "and always remember that your partner is exactly that, a partner. Unless you two agreed beforehand, it's a two sided relationship, and you should receive as much as you give."

A redhead with almost carrot-orange hair, with distractingly large... assets, so to speak, raised her hand. 

You let out a moan unexpectedly, but then pointed at her, "yes?" you asked.

"What if I want to give my partner pleasure?" she asked. "Uhm... like, if I like just..."

You nodded. "I understand the thought," you said, "but for instance," you said, "I prefer to have an equal relationship with my partner. You should ask that person if that's the kind of sex they want to have, it's not wrong to indulge your partner, nor is it wrong to ask your partner to indulge you."

The girl nodded.

"Lily... would you mind demonstrating the next step?"

She nodded. "I'm ready," she said, standing up.

You leaned back, resting most of your back on the desk. "Class, get a closer look..."

Lily climbed on top of the desk and straddled your waist.

"This is only one of the many possible forms of penetration, in particular, this is vaginal penetration, in what is called the cowgirl position. Reverse cowgirl, to be exact," you explained.

Lily teased at her wet cunny with the tip of your cock.

"Make sure your partner is properly lubricated - there is no shame in utilizing a bottle of artificial lubricant, not everyone gets as wet as Lily does," you explained.

You could already feel the dripping lube that her cunny drooled on your glans. It was actually starting to drive you crazy. You hadn't expected to get this aroused during class. In fact, you hadn't expected to do this well at all, instead you half expected you'd die of embarrasment, but...

Well... you'd certainly had quite a bit of time to get used to sex just being something normal, that it just sort of worked.

Lily began to lower her hips, and let out a long and loud moan as she penetrated herself. "Ahhh, ah, instructor, your, your cock is going inside me... it, it feels so good, I can't- I can't stand it!"

She felt no less good from your cock than you did from her pussy, and it was an amazing pussy that seemed to be hugging you from all sides, welcoming you back after a prolonged absence. It was really way too long since you last got her to spend some time with you.

And if anything, the eyes of the class gathered around you, the stares of young women who were all sheltered virgins, watching live sex potentially for the first time...  It had a strangely erotic, intensely lewd feel to it. 

You gasped as Lily began to bounce on your hips.

"W-Wow, she's so small, but it went all in!"

"She's- she's taking that big thing, all the way in..."

"I think I can see her stomach bulging when he thrusts!"

You ggroaned. "F-Find a rhythm, that, that your partners, and yourselves, are comfortable with!"

Lily moaned. "It feels so good, aah, instructor, instructor, your cock, it's, it's gonna make me cum!"

"Be vocal!" you encouraged, as well, "tell your partner how you feel, don't be shy or embarrassed, be lewd and bold!" you said. "Your partner wants to hear how good they make you feel! They want to know that they're doing it right, or for you to correct them if they're not!"

Lily shook on top of you. "IOnstructor, instructor, I love your cock!"

"I love your pussy too, Lily, and I'm going, to cum, too!"

She moaned. "Yes, yes! I want it, I want it inside me!" she shouted.

You grabbed at her hips, slamming her down, and then grabbed her body, sitting up and pressing her back to your chest. You kissed first her shoulder, then her neck, then her cheek, and finally turned her head towards you to share a searing open mouthed kiss. 

You pulled back. "And finally! Orgasm!"

"Cummiiiiiiing!" Lily announced.

It almost hit you like a lightning bolt, as her pussy first seemed to become almost deathly still, then assaulted you all at once, constricting, hugging and seemingly kissing your cock all over, feeling like more than trying to milk your semen, it was trying to shower you in love and affection.

Every part of Lily from toes to the top of her head was precious, and you pressed her body to yours to make sure that the affection she was showering you with was responded to.

Both of you panted.

Both of you then remembered you were in front of the class.

Several of them were clustered around you, and others were watching from not too far away. Some of them were, well, touching themselves.

"Sorry sir," a slightly airy looking girl began, looking more than a bit apologetic as she played, fiddled, with her long blond hair, "I didn't catch that, could you show us again?"

You looked at Lily, and then kissed her cheek. "Are you up to a repeat performance sweet?"

She smiled. "With you, always, instructor!"

You nodded. "Then,m pay attention to the movement of the hips, and try to match your partner..."


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