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Being invited for drinks by your boss was supposed to be a stressful experience for many people. After all, when you go with your superiors out for a drink, you have to be very careful to manage yourself and not make a fool of yourself, or accidentally say something that you shouldn't say to your employers.

For you, however, that wasn't a stressful experience at all. As much as you sort of really wanted not to make a fool of yourself in front of your boss, the Master of Chaldea... truth be told, it was very hard to be shy, stressed or reserved, considering that when she invited you for drinks, said boss was also giving you a handjob.

And, well, it was a pretty good time. You were joined by a couple other employees, in green shirts. Apparently they were regular staff, but you didn't meet many of them often, given that you were directly under the Master's purview and tended to be very focused on your work or generally spending time with, ah, the master's girls, so to speak.

Over time, however, several of them excused themselves out, and when you were left alone with the master... she smiled. "So, regarding that request you put in..."

The request you'd made for a threesome, the original reason why you were meeting the master when she offered you to go out for drinks...

The door to the recreation room that had the appearance of a private room in a japanese bar opened, and in walked a pair of rather petite women, shorter even than the master. Both of them had fancy headbands with horns poking up from their foreheads, and you giggled a little at the sight.

Despite their height, they were definitely women. One of them had dark hair in a bob cut, not quite a bowl cut, styled just enough to be rather charming instead of plain. She had a figure that completely dashed any misgivings, considering she had widely prononuced hips, legs that might not have length but they sure had shape, and a predatory smirk that sent chills down your spine.

By contrast, the other beside her had a much more youthful appearance, of sorts - she had a slightly bigger chest, a slightly wider waist and slimmer hips, but you didn't need to be an expert in anatomy to recognize the difference in appearance between petite and underdeveloped. Cute in some ways, her long blond hair and unassuming yet confident smirk caught your attention as well, but most important, her tattoos - from her glove-like tattoos covering her hands up to nearly her elbows, to the visible red marks on most of her body.

Both of them wore japanese style clothing, a purple kimono that was barely holding together due to a loose obi for the one of dark hair and hungry appearance, and a better fit yellow kimono for the confident blonde, that left her shoulders bare.

"Ah, Shuten, Ibaraki, good," the master said, gesturing towards them. "These two were looking for a bit of... entertainment," she spoke. "Sorry that you missed the party."

The dark haired one, Shuten, let out a little sigh. "Once more you deny me an opportunity to share drinks with you, my sweetest master," she spoke, voice heavily accented, a drawl to it that you couldn't quite place.

"Oi, oi, you told me there'd be candy here!" the blonde complained. 

The master smirked, gestured to the table, where some of the remainder of the drinkin party's snacks remained. "Help yourself."

The blonde's eyes lit up as she sat down and began to eat the candy, one by one - surprisingly stopping to savor each, despite looking like the kind who'd just shovel food in her mouth.

Shuten smirked and sat down. "So this is the man who will sate our appetite, then?" she asked, turning to you. "You look... passable," she mused. "He may not be the golden boy, but if I am not to have you, Master, I could think of worse alternatives."

She then grabbed one of the bottles of sake, wait had that jug been there all along? You didn't remember seeing it or the saucer that she offered you, filled with the slightly whitish, mostly transparent rice wine. 

"Ah?" you blinked, confused.

"A gift," Shuten said. "Please drink!"

The master smiled. "That's the good stuff," she said. "I definitely recommend trying it at least once."

"My name, it is Shuten Douji," she spoke, "of Mt. Ooe," she continued. "My companion is Ibaraki - for the remainder of the night, she is to serve as your... ah, how did that cow put it?"

"Cum dumpster!" the Master supplied.

"Exactly, thank you," Shuten said, smiling.

"W-Wha-" you blinked in shock.

"Shuten wha- this isn't what we agreed upon, I thought we were gonna terrorize him!" the blonde, Ibaraki, complained.

Shuten raised a hand to her face, covering it with a sleeve as she laughed. "Oh, dear," she said, "you said we should, I never agreed to," she said. "Please, do go ahead and remove your clothes," she spoke to you.

"Here?" you asked, a bit scandalized. 

"Well, yes," Shuten said. "We could go to your room, if you prefer... you look quite uncomfortable in that stuffy shirt..."

It was a little bit far, and the heat of the room had already been making you uncomfortable, plus all the alcohol had raised your body heat...  She might actually have a point, all things considered.

"And with that, I'll have to excuse myself," the master said. "I will leave you to your fun, everyone, please have a good time!"

"Ah, you're leaving?" you asked, blinking. You'd thought she might like to spend some more time drinking with the wonderful wine, with its slightly dry taste and pleasantly warm sensation.

"Yes, I'm a little bit drunk, and I need to work tomorrow," she said, smiling. "I'll have Mashu nurse me, don't worry!"

You chuckled, though it came out a little giggly. "Have fun!" you said, waving at her with your refilled saucer.

The dark haired horny girl clinked her saucer against yours, and the two of you drank, to cheer for the master as she left.

You blinked, only to realize you were already shirtless, and Shuten was running her hands down your chest. "It all seems quite nice, your bones seem nice and hard," she mused, openly, and her hand trailed down, grasping onto your, ah, not quite bony boner. You giggled more at the thought.

"Oh! Very hard indeed," she mused, "I've held iron rods less firm, and so very warm... I do quite like some of my liquors warm," she mused, stroking your rod.

The blonde pointed her red hand at you. "Oi, you, get your filthy hands off of Shuten!" she screamed.

Shuten hummed. "It does feel quite nice," she spoke, and you realized your hand was grasping her ass through her purple kimono. You looked at the self autonomous traitorous and quite happy extremity, which seemed to almost mock you by taking a squeeze of that wonderfully firm butt.

Shuten took that moment to remove herself from you and pull her purple kimono off, revealing a fancy black bra and garter set, that connected to a a pair of stockings that covered her legs up to her thighs. She took another swig of the sake, and so did you.

"O-Oi, Shuten, this is a bit fast, I, I'm not-"

"You shouldn't spend so much time sharpening your horns, Ibaraki," Shuten said, her voice almost like a low hum. "Learning some of the wifely arts is a good time as well."

"I have no intention of being anyone's wife but yours," Ibaraki protested. "E-Even if-"

"Oh dear, deary dear me," Shuten tutted, patting the blonde. "Would you disappoint the master by failing the mission she gave us? I would be quite cross if we failed."

"I- Er- no, absolutely not!" Ibaraki spoke resolutely. "So, I, I- I have to- with him, right?"

You took a drink from a glass of water that was on the table, the ice cubes in it clinking a bit when you put it back down. It did wonders for your dry throat, but you still didn't really feel like talking much when you witnessed the two small women before you, as the blonde discarded her own kimono, revealing a fancy white lingerie set, similar to Shuten's black one.

You licked your lips, and your cock throbbed, as the two came close and Shuten placed an almost loving kiss on Ibaraki's lips, though the blonde looked quite disappointed when it ended.

"I will give you another kiss, when you collect a mouthful of his savory cum," she said.

The blonde nodded.

You leaned back and relaxed, opening your legs. The low table that had you using the floor cushions to sit was now against your back, and the tatami of the floor cushioned the blonde's knees, as she got down on them before you.

Her red hand gripped your cock a bit harshly, but the haze prevented any pain from coming to you, instead it just felt oddly pleasurable. "Be grateful, the great Ibaraki of the Oni of Mt. Ooe is going to be sucking your dick!" she proclaimed.

You couldn't help it, her way of speaking, her needy behavior and the false bravado, it all awakened something deep within, something that didn't often see the light of day...

A mean streak.

Your had found the back of her head, and you grinned as you forced her down in a single swoop, her mouth opening almost automatically as she took you in. Halfway down your shaft, she began to choke, and you allowed her to pull up a little.

"Oh dear, he already has you pegged," Shuten said, sounding quite amused. "Perhaps we may even skip the foreplay?" she said, as she approached you, and you realized her panties were bunched up and thrown aside a few moments ago, because her delicious looking pussy was now right on your face.

It tasted much like the sake, you realized, as you began to drink of her nectar, flowing like water from her cunny. She was so ridiculously aroused that it was almost shocking. 

"Don't stop fucking Ibaraki's throat," Shuten commanded, as her hands came down on the back of your head and kept you in place, while both of yours began forcing Ibaraki's head up and down, grasping onto her horned headband.

You ignored her complaints and protestations, and instead focused your mental strength on licking at every nook, cranny and crease of Shuten's inner walls.

She moaned, then, and her fingers caressed your scalp. "You are quite talented," she praised, "keep going, right there, you will get your reward soon - be sure to drink every drop, this is my most premium of liquors!"

The passage of time was a blur, but you could tell that soon meant soon, as she didn't even bother holding herself back, moaning long and lewd, her hot girlcum quickly pouring from her vagina and into your mouth, as you sealed your lips against hers and began to suck strongly.

Your brain, for a moment, had an instant of reasoning and thought that this might not be so sanitary, but then your hands shoved Ibaraki's head down as the wonderful taste hit your tongue, and electrified your body, a charge of pleasure running all the way to your balls and provoking an almost instantaneous orgasm.

You began flooding Ibaraki's mouth with your cum, though the blonde dutifully collected it all, load after load, deposited right there for her. Her cheeks expanded, adn she looked like she'd tried to swallow a giant jawbreaker.

You giggled, as she looked pleadingly up at Shuten, who separated from you. 

Giggling a little, the dark haired woman of the duo bent down and planted her lips against the blonde's, eagerly sucking up your cum from her mouth, and drinking it, visibly gulping it down, making sure that you saw her throat moving as she did.

"Ah, indeed, I was right, you are quite a prodigious man," Shuten mused. "I bet you could repopulate a clan with your seed..." she muttered, before bending over the table, presenting her behind to you, and finally laying with her back on it, legs raised. "Enough foreplay, I was going to tease you longer, but you have proven yourself..."

"S-Shuten, you.... are you going to give your, your vagina to this man?" Ibaraki said, voice sounding a bit panicky. "But, but usually, we just tease them until the time's up!"

Shuten smiled. "Ah, but this is our sweetest master's honored guest, and a man unparalleled besides," she spoke. "Though my heart may belong to my master, I am sad to say, she has no penis to fuck me with."

You giggled, swaying a little, finding her hips. "Knowing her, you'd have to but ask!" you said.

"Ah, I was to share tonight with you and her," Shuten spoke, "but alas, she was busy."

"W-Wait, you weren't going to include me?" Ibaraki sounded a bit like she was in despair.

Shuten giggled. "I would have come back to our room at the end, and we would've had our own, private fun."

It seemed that for Shuten, nothing was easier than manipulating her partner's mood, because the blonde cheered up instantly.

"But for now," she said, turning to you. "Please don't hesitate," she drawled, "and let's take our fill of each other."

You didn't waste time, hilting your self in an instant, delighting in her hiss of pleasure, followed by a long and lewd moan. You groaned and grunted, beginning to pound her, the sound of skin on skin slapping together, of man and woman becoming one, and of the table scratching the mats under it as you pounded against it, quickly taking over the very low background music.

Beside you, Ibaraki had now shoved a hand inside her panties, moaning "Shuten, shuten, you're so beautiful, shuten," as she masturbated wildly, her other hand grasping at her covered chest.

You grinned, and grabbed her with one of your hands. You deposited her on top of Shuten, and in a swift motion, pulled out of her, and placed your dick between their warm and drooling pussies.

"Ooh, oh, I'm, I'm touching Shuten, I can almost feel her pussy! And her titties, against mine!" the blonde said, almost drunkenly.

"Oh dear, the master must've prepared candy that was filled with alcohol," Shuten said, "Ibaraki appears quite drunk..."

You blinked. "S-Should we stop?" you asked.

"Oh, no, no way, she'd never be honest to herself otherwise. Although, my dear sweet master compells us to say that we agreed to this beforehand," Shuten said. "Do continue!"

You grinned, then, and began applying pressure with your hands on Ibaraki's panty covered bum, pressing her pussy through her panties against your cock. Shuten's bare cunt was warm, and just as wet, and the contrast was amazing.

"That feels quite good, more, harder!" Shuten cheered.

"Shuten, Shuten, Shuten!" Ibaraki chanted.

You began pulling yourself out, and then thrusting forward, and pumping back and forth, fucking the two petite women for all they were worth and then some, the very wet humping session feeling just as good as anything you'd ever felt before, and yet you hungered for more of Shuten's wet warmth.

Your cock was inside ehr once more, and you pounded her wildly and hard, while roughly pulling Ibaraki's panties off, giving them a deep sniff, before throwing them a ways away with a giggle - she smelled like the rest of the room, of rampant and uncontained female arousal.

You pulled out of Shuten, and shoved it right into her, frenetically pounding her pussy the same as you had Shuten, accompanying it with an odd spank to her small and firm, but ever reddening behind.

When she was almost glowing red, nearly the same shade as her hands, you pulled out, and began roughly massaging her ass, ignoring her screams of combined pain and pleasure, shoving it all the way back into Shuten.

The dark haired woman moaned wantonly. "I'm close, so close, don't stop!"

You began pounding her furiously, then - you didn't care that you were forced to tighten your muscles, and hold back like you'd almost never had to before, your muscular control slipping further and further away, alongside what remained of your sanity.

You spied the jug of sake, and knew that not much remained within it, grabbing it and downing the rest of the liquid, then tossing it away, ignoring how it rolled down the padded tatami.

You put your dick in the middle of the two women once more, and now pressing against Ibaraki's bare pussy from above, and Shuten's overflowing cunt from below, you began the final stretch, thrusting fsaster and harder than ever before, the woman below grasping strongly to her blonde companion and partner.

You knew it was the end.

Shuten and Ibaraki both moaned and shouted in unison, and their screams of pleasure echoed in your ears as you, too, found your limit, and let out a blast of cum that felt like you'd just fired away all the contents of your balls in a single burst, like a ball of holten magma had been pushed through your cock, exploding like fireworks, painting their flat tummies and their not quite flat chests, and even reaching their faces to stain the sweaty, content smirks that they sported.

"A-Amashin'..!" Ibaraki moaned.

"We're not satisfied just yet," Shuten said, licking her lips, opening her mouth in a fang baring smile. "And by the feeling of that thick iron rod throbbing between our bodies... neither are you. Truly, you are a man amongst men..."

Not ready, or willing, to disappoint, you decided it was time to take a deep breath and buck up. You took a moment to catch your bearings, and then... your hands grasped onto Ibaraki's ass, and you spread her cheeks apart, revealing her tightly puckered backdoor.

"Oh, yes, yes, yes!" Shuten said, sounding quite amused. "Let me hear the lovely sounds Ibaraki makes when her anus is toyed with!"

You lined yourself up,  and prepared to continue the night of debauchery.


Alexander Probst

Ahhh, Ibaraki, the gift that keeps on giving. Best Banana ever!