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I felt satisfaction deep, bone deep even, to the very core of my being, when it came time to begin moving against the Earl of Garand. In part, the fact that he'd tried to take advantage of a vulnerable girl, even if that girl was just me playing a bimbo, and sexually assault her while preying on her ignorance... well, that alone was a good enough reason to want him buried.

The fact that by Jeannette's discovery and the documents she had brought back, as soon as we could forge copies to leave in their place, we could now prove that he was plotting against the crown, that only gave us a righteous excuse to begin moving against him.

I laid the documents on Otto the One Armed Beast's desk, with a pleased and self satisfied smirk. "There you go, ye of little faith," I said. "I told you it'd be fine."

Otto rolled his eyes. "I never feared for your chances of success," he said. "You are not off your training, however. You begged me for it, I'm not letting you off the hook so easily."

I gave him a bright smile. "Oh there's a few ways I can think of to convince you."

"Princess- you should treat your body with more respect," he said, frowning and looking a bit uncomfortable.

"I respect my body for what it is," I said, shrugging. "Are you saying that you don't?"

"That's not what I meant," he said. "You should- you should be looking for a husband, to sate your... needs."

I laughed. "My kingdom comes first," I said, "then we'll deal with the rest. As is... Kirk surely discovered some rather incredible things during my visit to the Earl, did he not?"

Kirk, our driver back and forth, had been ready to agree to be the one to be credited with the discovery. A chance to play with my tits had been more than enough incentive for him to brave the dangers.

"I see... we'll make sure that this reaches the correct ears, properly."

I knew he would. My Skill had confirmed Otto the One Armed Beast was as deep as he could be, in my pockets. In my pants. Heh. "See to it. I have to attend church services, we may speak when I have time," I said, giving him a smile. "Father will worry if I am not in time to my appointments."

"The guard has been mobilized, so far - your detail is all trustworthy folks, but we're keeping an eye out for anyone who is in the pocket of a courtier or noble."

I nodded. "Thank you, have a good day, and make sure to eat your lunch this time."

"Same to you, especially eating properly," the man said, as I left his office, and was accompanied by his adjutant to the exit. I left the castle shortly after, followed and trailed by guards, both visibly and not.

Waving to the lower nobility and the common servants, I walked through the capital, on my way to the Grand Temple. The city had its own charm, but I found myself somewhat missing the vast open fields of Garand already. The large, impeccable buildings of the richest district of the richest city in the kindom were a bit oppressive, rising tall and large around its streets.

Even then I could still see the tallest tower of the palace rising above them all, and it gave me a little bit of comfort to see it. Strange comfort, but comfort nonetheless.

Once within the Grand Temple, I ignored the hubbub created by my presence - I was the blessed princess, and even if I weren't, I knew that my body drew eyes at the best of times. Dressed in a royal gown meant to accentuate and compliment it, it of course didn't make me any more conspicuous.

I was greeted by the brown robbed monk that sweeped the floors every day, who was working as a greeter and guide after his duties were over for the morning.

"Good morning, your highness," he said, "you are early today."

"They say the early bird gets the worm," I responded, smiling at him. "I need to start the day bright and early if I want it to be a good one, wouldn't you agree?"

The monk seemed a bit flushed. "Any day I get to see you is a good day for me, your highness," he said, and his eyes got really wide and big as soon as he realized he was accidentally flirting with me.

I smiled at him. "Thank you for the compliment," I said. Out of curiosity, I activated my privilege, and realized that his crush was honest, and not acted. In fact, I could get him to do very many things for just a chance to hold my hand. Not that I would - this boy didn't need the problems that being near me would cause him. 

"I- I'll call for an elder," he said, face red, bolting towards the offices of the clergymen and quickly coming back with a nun. A rather young gal, at that, who hadn't yet started wrinkling. Probably the youngest edge of eldership. 

She had long dark hair, that when the light of the sun's rays through the Grand Temple's windows hit it, looked to have a slightly green tint. Interesting to see, to say the least. She had bright green eyes that looked to be searching for something, even as they focused on me.

"I bid you welcome to the Grand Temple, Princess Noire," the nun said. "Allow me to introduce myself - I am called Amalia, bride of the gods," she spoke, "I shall be your cleric for today."

The Archbishop, naturally, could not be the only one that serviced the Royal Family, as he was near constantly busy. While he would likely handle me or my father's needs were he present and available, both of those lining up happened once in a blue moon.

I smiled at her. "Ah, that sounds nice. Would you lead the way, then?"

She nodded. "Follow me," she said, as she guided me to one of the booths. 

It was a rather interesting affair. There were no 'levels', so to speak, in this world. One couldn't slay beasts incessantly and cross a threshold of accumulated experience to increase power suddenly and significantly. 

That said - one's skills could grow, change and improve with time, effort and sometimes, a little bit of magical aid.

As we walked, I absent mindedly checked upon some of the assets I had within range. It really was nice to see that the guardsmen under my banner were doing their best and then some. I sent good cheers and vibes their way- I could not outright command them, not like an unit in a strategy game, but I could encourage them, give them a reward of euphoria when they did as I asked, and make them subconsciously aware that their 'lord' was watching.

They performed beyond reproach whenever I did, after all.

"Please, come on in," the nun Amalia said, as she opened the door to the booth.

I walked into the wooden booth, and she followed me, closing the door behind herself. With a flick of her wrist, magical candles burst to life, illuminating us.

"Your highness, I believe you have come to have your skills read?" the nun asked. "You do not seem like a lost soul, looking for guidance."

I smiled. "Perhaps another time, I might be graced with your advise," I said, "but for the time being, a skill reading would suffice."

"Very well then - allow me," she said, bowing, then extending a hand towards me. "By the divine grace of the Gods, reveal all secrets to me - Analysis!"

The familiar screen appeared, and we both read it.

Perfect Body had been improved, now listed at D rank. It was now beginning to push me towards superior strength, and I could even feel its effects coming into play during training. A blessed body made it easier to grow even stronger. Perfect Body was the sort of skill that fed into itself, if you sought to grow it.

Unfortunately... I had just landed myself into trouble unexpectedly.

"Curious, how very curious," the nun had said. "Princess - I am bound to keep your secrets, as I am of any who would entrust me with their skill sheet... but may I ask?"

Indeed... There it was, the reason for her worry and question, the reason for her to even wonder what might possibley be going on.

"Ah... that," I winced.

Deception, Rank D. A skill that would make me a better liar. Its description spoke of someone who was able to spin and maintain a web of lies, and whose lies were indistinguishable from the truth, to those who heard them. It granted an understanding of lies and their structure, reducing their effectiveness against its owner and increasing their effectiveness against others.

"I would not imagine that an uncommon skill, among the nobility," Amalia said, carefully. It was clearly something that wasn't true - she was quite shocked to see the skill. 

Beyond it, my Imperial Privilege remained as eye-catching as ever, the text faintly glowing.

"The Archbishop has declared you someone blessed beyond the norm - would it then not make sense that the Gods would bless you with skills befitting a ruler? One who may not be deceived, for they are a master of deception?"

No doubt, it was a skill that you'd find on Spymasters and blackguards, I thought, rather than rulers. "That same skill is helping me discern you're lying to me, you know."

The nun winced then.

Both of us sat in silence for a couple of minutes.

"Princess Noire," Amalia began. "Like I said - I am sworn to keep this a secret," she explained. "But perhaps you should consider... speaking with-"

And yet... my privilege was active and running. I was running through options. Unfortunately, she could be bought. She could be bought with riches and power. She was human, after all, like any other. 

This was simultaneously good and bad. Good, because I could deal with her and bring her into the fold, but bad, because that meant that she could be flipped.


I could buy her with... another method. The first step was to show honestly and being open. People tended to trust you more if you trusted them first - or at least, if you convinced them that you were showing them trust.

"Sister Amalia," I said, simply, "let us drop the charade. I am, after all, certain that you are not so foolish as to be convinced by my façade at this point," I said, giving her a smirk, as I pulled back. "Perhaps it might be shocking - but the princess isn't such an airhead, is she?"

"I see," the nun said. "Your highness- I understand, you would play the fool for the nobility?"

"Nobody expects the beautiful young princess, who by all accounts is her father's child and just as much of a meathead, to be anything but what she appears to be," I said, giving her a faint smile. "It does allow me so much freedom to move and hear things others would rather I didn't."

The nun nodded. "I see... but why tell me this? Why not continue to play the fool?"

"Because, my dear," I said, "no man is an island, and I cannot protect or lead this country on my lonesome. Father tries his best, but he is a warrior first. There are enemies, insidious and subtle, that he cannot fight, and I am only one person. I need others with me - others who would support and aid our kingdom when they are needed to."

"I see... then... you would-"

"Ask you to join me in such an endeavor? Naturally," I said. "A confidant who can be trusted is always better than one in doubt," I explained. "I wouldn't ask you for something like this, without showing you the benefits and bonuses that come with it."

"O-Oh?" she asked, trying to fake not being enthused by the offer. Naturally, when offered a reward for participating in some sort of conspiracy...

Being realistic, this is unfair - I am cheating, as I can see exactly what I need to do to buy her loyalty. Money and power would be one thing, but to truly get her on my side, I would need to prey on her desires.

And a cloistered nun who had been raised separated from men for most of her life, who was reaching her thirties and was still a virgin who couldn't even fathom thought of being with a man...

I could see prices as they related to my... available assets, so to speak. And as far as my Privilege was concerned, human resources were still resources. And I happened to have enough human male resources, of the appropriate age range and physical appearance in general, to fulfil one of her deepest, most dearly held fantasies.

One that would leave her ashamed and indebted to me, both to keep it secret, and knowing that I was the only one that could provide a repeat performance of it.

"I know your dreams and fantasies..." I muttered, "and I can make them come true. Join me, come with me... when your work for the day is done, inform your superiors that I have requested your presence and advice - that I wish for you to become my spiritual guide. I will prove to you, that I have nothing but the greatest intentions for you, for myself, and most importantly, for Trom as a whole."

She gulped.

I smirked, as I stood up from the wooden chair, and prepared to leave the small booth that afforded us privacy, offering her a final glance, knowing that just her curiosity about what it was that was on the table for her would be the only sort of hook I would need, the only bait that would be used being her own fantasies.

She would come - I didn't need any supernatural skill to tell you that much.

And when she did come, she'd come all the way in.



Aw. Missed opportunity to make a joke about her pocket is more enticing by virtue of it being "warmer, wetter, and tighter," but that might be a bit too crude for your style. Good chapter though. I like how she's being vindictive towards the Earl. He should know that generosity is a virtue and a good lover reciprocates. I'm curious about Amalia. Is her desire just to have a male lover, or was your reference to having "enough" befitting human resources an allusion to something more debauched? At the rate Noire is going, I'm surprised her perfect body skill hasn't evolved to perfect lewd body.