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The sound of her fist smashing into the pillow I was holding in my hand came first, the sting of her blow going through it and resonating all the way up my arm into my shoulder came second. Third was the second hit, and I was quickly set in a rhythm of her swinging her fists as I moved the pillows around. 

I remained ever aware and vigilant, following her motions, ensuring that I was trying to put the pillows in awkward positions, and yet as she moved, flowing like violent poetry in motion, she kept up with me, her fists flying ever true, maintaining a frenetic pace even as he had the added challenge.

I thought, for a moment, of how I found myself serving as the training aid to the CEO of an entire international trading company - the well known Amazones Shipping Company. Not just the CEO, but the sole shareholder, and bringer of its highest priority deliveries, its topmost and most decorated delivery person.

This was Penthesilea of Amazones. She was shorter than I expected, but she was just as powerful and intense as she had been described to me. 

This day started with me thinking I might be in the mood for something different, so instead of waiting for the Master to summon me, I, in my ever increasingly questionable wisdom, approached her for a job that she found appropriate for me - given that we had to wait on a lot of reports from our field agents tracking my targets, where I had sent them.

And so she had with a smile handed me a file and a mission.

"I've set you up for success," the master had said, "all you have to do is be the clincher. Good luck!"

At first, it had seemed not so insane a proposition.

You had the sexually frustrated CEO of one of the most well known worldwide companies, a shipping giant known not just for its services, but also for being one of the few companies of its size to ever exist AND all of it being owned by a single individual, depending solely on itself, without having outside investors.

All you had to do, was sleep with her.

Easy, right?


As soon as she had seen you, she had recognized you.

"Ah, you must be the stress relief that the Master mentioned," she said, throwing away the pillow swung over her neck. She wore tight spandex shorts and a sports bra over a svelte chest, and showed off chiseled muscles, a six pack of abs, strong, powerful thighs and biceps, and a scowl that promised violence.

She threw the mats to you, and instructed you to aid her as she went about pulverizing the bones in your hands.

Once or twice, you took a swing at her, forcing her to weave and duck under and around your attacks, but never really caught her by surprise enough to come close to hitting her.

The Master had given you some advice. 

For starters, she had told you to never, ever, call her beautiful. Apparently that would trigger past trauma in her. And it wouldn't just result in her screaming or crying. According to the master, it would result in you becoming paste very shortly.

She was being quite literal, she insisted, that you would be paste before the end of the night.

It was time to begin the plan that had been outlined for you.

"I'm told you are among the most succesful and powerful women in the world," you said, as you took a step back, avoiding her attack as she stumbled on her step, clearly taken off guard by the comment.

"I am a queen and a warrior," she said, voice icy. "If you see me as a mere woman then I will relieve my stress with your body, not your aid," she said.

"Mere woman?" you said, your own eyes narrowed. "Are you implying a woman is less than anyone else?"

She scoffed. "You think you are the first to try that with me?" she asked.

"I notice you didn't answer," you replied, taking another step back, raising the mats again as she returned to punching. She was going faster, and your body burned as you tried to match her pace.

"I don't!" she said, huffing and letting out her breath in short bursts as she began a series of quick jabs followed by strong hooks, that you tried but failed to throw off, moving about in the gym, your feet cushioned by the soft mat below you as you began taking quicker steps.

You threw a kick at her head, and she ducked under it, then the moment your hands were up again, she started throwing fists again, and you quickly made a motion with your eyes, and she understood the gesture, mixing in kicks as well, following your movement.

"It's you men, who consider us less-"

"My boss is a woman, whom I respect immensely," you replied, simply, "and who I couldn't dream of questioning. You are one of the most powerful people in the world period. Fools will be fools."

She scoffed. "So? Are you telling me you're different?"

"I'm telling you that your view is narrow and biased," I said, bluntly.

"Brave," she said. "If this were another time, I'd make you swallow your balls for the disrespect."

"Good thing we're in modern times," you replied cheekily. She threw a fist at you and you ducked under it, it was quite slow and telegraphed, she hadn't intended to hit you. "You strike me as a woman of action, who isn't kidding about that."

"I'm not," she said, "my tribe, the Amazons, might have changed in recent times, but some traditions remain."

"I've heard you dislike compliments on your appearance," you said, idly.

Her eye twitched, and you understood you were approaching a nerve. "So?"

"Some people find power beautiful, and you have that in spades," you said.

She threw a quick kick at you, but it stopped just short of her unclothed foot slamming into you, instead it was more of a quick slap. "Speed up!" she demanded.

You were feeling the burn already, but after a moment catching your breath, you held the amulet Medea had gifted you for a few moments, always going to it for comfort when in need. You took a deep breath and nodded to yourself. Soon enough, you two were once again in movement, faster than before.

"Power is power!" she shouted. "To be reduced only to my appearance is the gravest of insults!"

"And yet, here we are," you said, panting a little as you put some distance between you with a couple back steps, catching your breath as she approached again. "You move gracefully, you strike quickly, you move with purpose and strength - I see you, and I see a wild predator, I see a fierce and proud hunter."

She hummed in approval of your praise, your hands stinging as she struck at them hard and fast. "Your words are honeyed, but empty!" she chastised, though it was lacking in heat.

"Truthful!" you retorted. "In this line of work, attraction comes in many forms!"

And in many, many, MANY different women! And even some boys! Seriously, this place was like a collection of the most beautiful people in the world!

"What is even your point!?" she shouted, as her foot landed, almost softly, on your chest, and then pushed, not quite hard enough to hurt, but enough to throw you back, causing you to roll with the fall and get back on your feet.

"Power attracts!" you shouted, simply.

"Suitors have come looking to get their hands on my Queendom, my company, my tribe, my very life," she said, voice as cold as the arctic outside, "what would make you any different?"

You grinned. "That none of that matters to me," you said, cracking your neck. "Because I know that if I wanted fame, fortune or power, I could have it. The friends I've made here could grant any of that to me if I asked for it. I'm certain you're familiar with several of them. After all..."

You had gone for advice to Medea, Scathach and Medb, on how to handle this woman. After all, the Master hadn't been sparse in detail when it came to the problems you would face. They had mentioned that the master had already given them a headsup - obviously, when she said she had set you up for success, she'd meant it.

The CEO of Amazones was sexually frustrated, violent and was a walking mass of issues. However, she respected power, she respected dedication, she respected strength, and she respected those who respected her.

And in many ways, each of them had told you exactly how to handle such a woman.

First, prove your strength. Naturally, you couldn't truly spar with her - you had months of training compared to a woman who had worked to turn her body into a weapon from practically the time she could walk. But you could prove that you weren't a dead weight pathetic nothing, by keeping up at least a little with her training.

Scathach had made it clear - you didn't need to be her equal, you couldn't be, you only needed to be worth more than the usual idiot that thought they could tame the Amazones CEO.

Medea had then explained to you that she had a great deal of issues with men specifically, many of which you dodged by virtue of not sharing their origin, but some of which you shared - Medea had called it "an aversion to handsome men with a heroic bent", but you could get over that.

Between the two women, they had come to the conclusion that the best thing you could do is make your position clear, and make it clear you were sexually attracted to her - which to be fair, you were, she was admittedly pretty good looking, and you weren't kidding when you said strength had its own seductive power - while also playing it off instead of focusin on her aversion to compliments to her physical appearance.

She was moving like a whirlwind now, as you tried desperately to keep up - once or twice, her fists tapped your body, instead of the mats, it was merely a display of the difference between the two of you, yet you continued to try to keep up as best as you could, until finally, her open palm hit your chest, and then grabbed onto your training shirt, swinging you around like a ragdol, slamming you into the ground, driving the air out from your lungs.

She then leaped onto you, one hand on your neck holding you down, the other balled into a fist, raised into the air, as her expresion spoke of fury.

You would've grinned, but you were panting pretty hard. 

It was time for the final step. "I am a warrior, and a queen, first and foremost!" she said, "and don't you forget it!"

Indeed. "You know," you said, conversationally, "this isn't making my boner go down any."

"W-W-What!?" ah, there it was, the shocker. "You dare, you DARE!?"

"You give me the same boner that Gorgon did," you said, simply. "Turns out danger's one of my kinks. Who would've known?"

"Gor...gon..?" she asked, almost as if her rage had a bucket of water thrown on it. "Then..."

"Call me weird, I like me a powerful woman," you said.

Indeed, your cock was already stirring, at the feeling of her almost rock hard ass, the firm and shapely globes of her bottom giving off an enticing warmth that soaked down into your workout shorts. 

"You... you..." she glared down at you. "You think that you can claim the Queen of the Amazons?"

"Claim?" you asked. "Nah. Satisfy? Well... I'm keen to try."

She hummed. 

Medb's suggestion, and arguably the most important one here...

"If you think you've got what it takes," she said, giving you a dangerously threatening grin, as her hand grabbed at your shorts and ripped them off easily, then doing the same for the crotch part of her own spandex shorts. "I'll show you the mistake you've made!"

You grinned up at her.

"I'll show you your place!"

She then lined herself up, her crotch on top of yours. "Oi! If you go in dry it'll-"

Hurt! It actually hurt! It was painful, as her dry pussy split and pressed down on your cock like a tight vice grip, grasping onto you almost like it was her very hand. She wasn't wet, only very slightly moist, but the pain was quickly passing as her pussy's hold on you relaxed.

"What, is it too much for you, man!?" she said, almost spitting out the word man, dripping venom. She began pulling herself up, and you groaned as her ridiculously, overly tight and dry pussy's walls felt like they scrapped your cock as she pulled up.

You opened your mouth, but before you had an opportunity to say anything, she slammed down, and the air was driven out of you. Again and again, she tortured you, drowning you in pleasurable pain, laughing as she watched you squirm under her.

And yet... and yet...

Combat was her niche, her place, her dominion, but this... this was yours. Strong and controlled though she was, with a tight and erotic pussy that was slowly growing wetter as she continued fucking you in earnest.

You grit your teeth. 

Medb's advice was the clearest, and easiest to follow.

Turn the sex into a battle, and most importantly, win it!

Your arms moved, and grasped onto her strong thighs. She grunted, but your eyes met hers and shot her a challenge, as she seemed about to rip your grip from her.

She leaned down, placing her hands on the mat and gritting her teeth, eyes filled with fire as she glared down at you.

Her hips began moving even faster, and it almost felt like she was determined to pulverize your hips and crotch, every powerful movement sending mixed signals of pain and pleasure to your brain, even as you began to shift the angle a little, raising your hips a little so you could start hitting her sensitive spots.

It didn't take long to find them - in many ways, despite her strength, power and control...

Compared to Medb, she might as well be a virgin. Predatorial and powerful though she might be, Gorgon had her beat in sexual aggression.

You couldn't hope to impress her with your strength in combat, but she respected forms of strength beyond just combat, and you had deliberately associated herself with the Master in her mind earlier, to get her to open up to the possibility.

Manipulation, at its finest, to get her to pit herself in combat against you, in a fight that she could never win.

Your bodies, both, were finely honed, tempered weapons - but where she was a hammer of dominance and violence, you were a scalpel of sexual comfort. 

She was losing, and she could tell - she was starting to lose control of her movements, her hips pumping in a disorganized, desperate manner, and her pussy walls started to spasm as her body surrendered to its basest, most primal of desires.

"T-This- cannot be!" she growled, "how can you, a simple man, force me to my limits!?"

"It's because you have thrown away the strength of a woman!" you chastised.

"T-The strength... of a woman!?" she panted. "What nonsense-"

You grinned almost savagely. "You have a lot to learn!" you said, grinning as you began destabilizing her with your own thrusts. "A Queen must first and foremost be an exemplary woman!"

She panted.

"Such as a King is the example all men must aspire to, so should a woman! You should inspire by example!"

She closed one of her eyes, and let out the first unencumbered moan she had all night, clearly starting to lose the ability to fight back, as you began thrusting into her pussy, finally overpowering her and throwing her on her back, starting to pound her in the mating press position, reversing your prior situations.

"This... this can't be!" she moaned out, "how could I- lose like thisaaah!?"

You looked down on her from above. "There are no losers here," you said, breezily. "There's only training - and it's high time I started returning the favor for the training you gave me earlier."

Her eyes widened, and you began pounding her harder than she ever did, her now sopping wet pussy making a nasty squelching sound, lewd and naughty, as you pounded her into the mat, to the sound of her moaning and the slap of skin on skin.

You pounded her through her first orgasm, and continued throught triggering the second, her spasming pussy stroking your cock within her as you began unloading the contents of your balls right into her eagerly waiting womb, as your body impressed upon hers the worth and power of a woman - the strength she had neglected.

She might have thought she lost, but you were about to start showing her just how much she would stand to gain by opening her eyes.

She panted, looking up at you. "It's my defeat, once again, brought low by a man..." she said, bitterly. "I won't... I won't accept this fate again, I will-"

For a moment, you almost panicked, but your head was kept cool. "Then fight!" you shouted. "You're using the wrong weapons! The wrong strength!"

She stopped, frozen. "This..."

It was then that you grinned. "You will never master yourself truly, until you master every aspect of yourself! You might be a great warrior, and a great leader, but until you are a great woman, you will never be truly complete!"

"To be... a great woman..."

She burst with inner fire, then. "I will show you... I will show you just how great of a woman I am!"

Her legs wrapped around your waist, and with a quick motion, she threw you on your back. Once more, she was on top, looking down at you. "I understand..! I'm not defeated yet! I will show you my might as a woman!"

"That's more like it!" you agreed. 

The night was young, and you were excited to see her true and complete strength, as the two of you turned the tried and true mating ritual into a fight for dominance and pleasure.

Neither of you would be considering themselves a loser, by  the end of the night, though you would need to spend a few days recovering, unable to move your hips, when she was done with you...


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