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~~please forgive this break in immersion~~

Hey guys, I think we've had quite a few new people since I started this series, I feel I should explain how it works for any that haven't been here, especially now that we've had a rather important change

This series' next installment will be decided by you guys, not by a poll, but by you posting suggestions for who the next girl (before from the stable of Chaldea's servants, currently, basically any character from fiction that wouldn't break Patreon's terms of service) and supporting one another's choices such as with likes or comments of agreement

So please, don't be shy - suggest a girl. I'll certainly do my best to make it work!

~~and now back to your story~~

"Now, it's been quite some time since you first got here," the master said, "so I thought it might be time to perform a performance review."

"Do we have to do it like this?" you protested, as you gestured with your shoulders. You couldn't use your hands, as they were handcuffed behind the chair.

Dressed in nothing but a leather corset and thighhigh boots, the master gave you a wide, almost threatening smile. "Well, no, but this is more fun," she said, as she raised her foot and softly, almost gingerly, stepped on your erect cock, the hard point of her heel feeling strangely arousing as it dug into the stiff flesh of your hard cock.

You groaned as she began grinding her booted foot against your genitals.

"Does this treatment mean I failed or something?"

"Oh, no, not at all, you passed with flying colors," the master said, removing her foot and kneeling before you, softly caressing your penis before placing a loving kiss on the spot where she'd been applying pressure.

It actually felt quite amazing, even moreso than usual, to have the pain and the gentle caress being juxtaposed like that.

"Hehe, sorry, I'm in a mood for testing new things!" she admitted, beginning to stroke you and then giving you a wide smile. "Speaking of which, I won't bother you with the methods, but we've expanded our selection. You'll find many more girls available now," she said. "Don't think too hard about it, or, think as hard as you can," she said with a wink, then she leaned forward and took you into her mouth, stroking your penis softly as she serviced your glans with her mouth.

You groaned. There was something strangely arousing about being tied up like this - ankles fastened to the chair legs, hands cuffed behind your back, naked as the day you were born.

The master continued her gentle blowjob for several minutes, slow and teasing, clearly making sure that she kept you hard as a rock, but not pushing you over the edge.

She hummed, pulling back. "So think of a girl you want, any girl really, and we'll see about finding a way to make it work," she said with a thumbs up, returning to her work as she passed gestured to the pad, standing on a stand on her desk behind her. You realized that the cursor on the screen was following your eyes - Chaldea's tech was really impressive.

It was clear, then, what the master was doing, by  keeping you aroused. 

She looked up and the grin on her face was pretty clear, despite her lips being wrapped around your cock. 

Really, this woman, at any time you thought you had a handle on her, she came up with some new and exciting way to prove you wrong!



Multiverse summoning capability unlocked~ You may now request crossover girls! I'll try my best to bullshit out a logical reason, but, go for anything, I'll do my best to try to write it into place~


We somehow haven't had Medusa yet. Anyone ideas for her?


I guess if we don't have to be bound by making sense any more: Medusa needs a +1 for a double date with Shirou and Sakura (the F/SN versions, but they're Servants somehow) she's heard good things about the MC.