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Dave was, as usual, available to be your companion in a convention while you milled about and waited for Janine to finish her day's work at the booth. It did actually annoy you a bit to see the degenerates drooling over her, since she happened to be wearing a revealing outfit as part of the promotion, but you could hardly complain about it.

Security would make absolutely certain none of the models would suffer under the neckbeards' attentions, fortunately this wasn't the sort of event where the public was allowed to approach or touch the booth babes.

That said, for a change, you weren't just killing time. Instead, you were actually involved a bit in the discussion, as Dave sighed despondently. "I don't know what to do man, I wish it was as easy for me as it was for you."

You raised an eyebrow and gestured for him to elaborate.

"You and Janine just hit it off instantly, and fit together like a well made puzzle," Dave admitted. "I'm really jealous about that, and hell, Janine's a goddamn wonder of a woman and if you screw that up you probably deserve to be the object of mockery for the rest of eternity."

You agreed with him, fucking things up with Janine would definitely be worth shitting on you for the rest of your life. That said, it didn't really get to the crux of the situation.

"I'm seeing a girl," Dave spoke, "but I don't think it's really working out. I think she might be the sort who, you know, strays," he said.

You frowned.

"Not like you, not like, you know, uh whatever it is you've got going on with her," he said hurriedly. "But more like... I'm not sure I'm her only man?"


"And it's not consensual," he added.

Yeah, that'd be the issue. You of all people couldn't complain about polyamory when just this morning you'd literally cucked Janine with her cousin, who was working alongside Janine right now. Her underwear was stained, and she had neckbeards drooling over her, that didn't even know.

That was a pretty satisfying thought, but a bit ugly and you dismissed it. The point was that Dave feared he was being cheated on, and unlike your girlfriend, he wasn't turned on by the thought.

Question was... what did he expect from you?

"I figure that what's on your mind is, why am I going there," he said, "well, it's pretty simple. You're a pretty attractive guy, you work out, got a good job that pays well, you dress the part, and best of all, you never say stupid shit like I do," he said. "Pretty good package if you ask me. No homo."

You chuckled to yourself, but then shook your head.

"I'll clear it with Janine first, but, I want your opinion. I know if I ask her she'll say yes, then she'll do the puppy dog eyes thing that you pretend you don't love, and then she'll have you wrapped around her pinkie like every other time."

Fair enough, you admitted. At least he had the good graces to ask if you were okay with it.

Which... if Janine was, at this point, so were you.

"Here's her picture," he said, showing you the picture of a long haired brunette, her build a bit on the slimmer side, but with a good amount of curves where it mattered. Her sports top showed off the beginnings of what might be a fourpack in her abdominal muscles.

You hummed.

"So, you in?"

You nodded. 

"Cool, I'll ask Janine, then," he said. "Later. For now, let's just enjoy these burgers in peace."

Both of you would have the food court's fast food for the day, though Dave ate your share of fries. He paid for your food, so it was only fair, you mused. Besides... you stole his while he wasn't paying attention, fair's fair, and all is fair in love and war.

Later on, you'd reunite with Janine and Elizabeth, the latter of whom was already looking forward to a repeat performance, and Dave approached them about his plan. Elizabeth was onboard instantly, just because she thought it sounded funny. Janine was a bit worried at first, however.

"What if... what if she is cheating on you?" she asked. "I can't imagine that'd be nice."

You were almost floored.

Elizabeth laughed. "That's Jan for you..."

"What?" Janine asked. "Swinging's totally different!"

Well... she had a point there.

"Anyway... if it happens, it happens," he said. "It's not really a serious thing but... I still don't like to be cheated on you know."

Nodding, Janine ran a hand through her blond hair, a bit  stiff and sticky from the hair spray used to solidify the hairdo of the character she was playing into proper position. "Do you have a plan of approach or attack or whatever?"

Dave nodded. "Yeah, so, here's what we're gonna do..."

The plan was... put into motion not long after. A couple days after the convention, Dave had you and Janine join him and his girlfriend on a double date.

"Hey, this is Tiffany, Tiff, these are the people I told you about," Dave said, gesturing towards you with one arm thrown over Tiffany's shoulder.

She didn't quite fit the bimbo-like image that the name evoked, looking instead more like an athlete. Tiffany smiled, and offered you her hand, which you shook firmly. "Nice to meet you, Dave's told me about you, a lot in fact!" she said.

Introductions complete, you and Janine joined Dave and Tiffany in Dave's car, taking the backseat for yourselves, and allowing Dave to drive all of you to a relatively upper class restaurant. Not quite the sort of place the rich took dates to in order to wow them with money, but certainly above the median. A nice place for a date.

It had a good atmosphere, with quiet murmurs as people had relaxed or intimate conversations without raising their voices, and decent enough lighting to see, but not blindingly bright.

The tables had white cloths, and the utensils and glassware was all rather pretty. It was your first time there, and you actually were quite excited. Janine, however, had apparently come to a similar place in a company work trip back when she worked her office job. 

It was a bit surprising to hear that she hated it, but, well, she put it best.

"I was so awkward and shy back then," she giggled. "I hadn't found someone like you," she added, arms wrapping around your own arm, as all of you were led to your reserved table.

Sitting in a cross pattern on a circular table, you were in front of Dave, and Janine and Tiffany were across each other. The tablecloth covered all of your legs, and the waiter was on point and very quick to deliver your menus and take your orders for drinks.

There wasn't much in the way of deep conversation. Most of it was idle chitchat, through which you learned that Tiffany was a college student, was considering changing her major and had already done so in the past, and most important of all, that she had met Dave at a party one of their shared friends had thrown.

So far, so good. Nothing seemed out of place, as the night continued. Janine did try to drag Tiffany into conversation a couple of times, but she seemed oddly hesitant to interact much with the blonde.

When the food came, it was about time to start putting the plan into motion. Through one excuse or another, Janine and Dave both removed themselves from the table, and made sure to make it clear they'd be a long way off. Dave knew the manager, and claimed he needed to go catch up with him, while Janine had gone for a bathroom break, or so she said.

At this point...

"So, I notice you haven't been participating much in conversation," Tiffany said, a strange smile on her face. "I'm surprised Dave has a friend like you."

You frowned, tilting your head to the side. You prodded at her to elaborate.

"Well, you know, Dave is..." she frowned for a moment. "It's hard to describe but he's just sort of... safe," she said. "He's a good boy don't get me wrong but... he's just that, a good boy."

You raised an eyebrow, faking interest in her diatribe.

"But you, you look like a man who can handle himself," she said. "I like that in a man."

Well, that was... almost disgustingly bold. Terrifyingly shameless. Utterly and totally unacceptable.

"Yeah... I can definitely see it in you. You're the sort of man who doesn't let anything get to him, huh?" she asked.

You leaned forward a little, giving her a questioning glance.

"A girl needs some excitement in her life, you know," she said. "Dave never wants to do anything fun. With him it's just the standard dance clubs, maybe going to watch a sporting event or movie... we never do anything that gets the blood pumping," she said. 

Well... you didn't really do any of those things. Not even the safe stuff. Janine's biggest idea of fun was watching you fuck other women. Wow, that... was actually kinda sad. But hey, those were some really good date ideas! You were definitely taking mental notes, on stuff to do with Janine later.

"So..." she said, her hand doing an exaggerated two finger walk towards yours on the table, "what do you say... do you want to go on a fun hiking trip or something? It'll be just you and me, Dave and Jan don't have to know..."

Well... that was all you needed.

You sighed internally. You almost wish this wasn't the case. Your hand grasped hers, and you pressed forward. You stroked her hand in a specific way, that had been drilled into you earlier, slowly, but with enough strength to be felt, and careful to make your intentions clear. Elizabeth had insisted that your general demeanor and behavior was strangely sexy, in some way that was just a primal appeal. You doubted that this would work, but Janine had agreed. You figured both of them happened to find you attractive, but if it worked-

"O-Oh, I see," Tiffany stumbled. "It's a bit fast, I don't usually put out on the first date, but... yeah, I get it," she hummed. "I think we can head over to my place before-"

"Before what?" Janine asked, popping up from behind Tiffany, smiling an almost entirely too smug smile. "Before I catch you trying to seduce my boyfriend?" she asked, voice cheerful.

"N-No, this isn't what-"

"Give it up, sweetie, this was a setup from the start," Janine said, crossing her arms and glaring at the brunette. 

Dave rejoined the group then. "Yeah... Sorry Tiff, but your act isn't as good as you thought it was."

"D-Dave, I- baby, this isn't what it looks like, I swear," she said. "I just- I just wanted to discuss date ideas, that's, that's all!"

Rolling his eyes, Dave glared at Tiffany. "Yeah, right. Look... let's just get the bill and go somewhere a bit more private so we can have a proper conversation without making a scene."

You admired the maturity and strength of character it took to deal with the situation like that. You would have probably already flied off the handle if you'd caught someone trying to chat up Janine. Then you blinked, and realized that the thought of Janine reciprocating didn't even cross your mind, and you gave the short blonde a smile, which she returned.

A peck on the lips later, you and Janine were once more huddling together on Dave's backseat, as all four of you, the happy couple at the front, deathly silent.

You didn't know what the future held for the people involved, but something told you it was about to get nasty.

It might even be prudent to actually stay to make sure nothing bad happened. Yeah. You nudged Janine, and it seemed she'd come to the same conclusion. A silent communication between the two of you transcurred in an instant, and you both decided you'd definitely stay as long as it was needed to make sure Dave was in a good place, after all was said and done.

It was the least you could do, after all.


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