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The short, petite girl that had joined you for training was a lovely person, in almost every way you looked at her. There was just something that was... pure, untainted, about her. Not quite innocence, of the sort you'd expect from children, but rather it was more as if she was just... unblemished.

The blonde offered you a hand up, clearly in better shape than you were. Even with how much better your fitness had become after so much training, it was always interesting to see just how much further you could be pushed...

And Scathach was always willing to push you even further than that. You allowed yourself to be pulled up by the deceptively strong girl, and soon enough, Scathach came up to you, only the barest hint of satisfaction on her usually unreadable face.

She wore tight yoga pants, almost painted on, and a thin top. For her part, the blonde was wearing a short skirt and a white tennis shirt.

"Nice to meet you," she said, giving you a smile. "You can call me Lily."

You nodded. "Nice to meet you too, I'm-"

Scathach interrupted. "Our client," she said. 

Blinking, you turned to look at her. "I'm... pretty sure-"

Scathach smirked. "I took the liberty to make the choice for you," she said. "You had the pad in your belongings, and we know what that means."

"Ah, instructor," Lily said, raising her hand. "I... did you select me too?"

She nodded. "Indeed. This is a great opportunity, as it will give us an entire day for uninterrupted training."

Lily looked at you with an expression that you thought was somewhere between scared and resigned. It seemed this was going to be your fate, for the time being.

"Alright, you got your air back, it's time to get back to work," Scathach said, as she gestured with her hand. "Come on, follow after me, we will start with a ten kilometer run, a hundred pushups, a hundred pull ups, a hundred situps, and then-"

And then even more.

Scathach was relentless, and she never stopped through the day.

It continued for hours, and hours, and hours. Even though it was only three, it felt like three thousand, and by the time you could no longer walk, you were being half carried to your room by a wobbly Lily, and then kicked in by Scathach.

You couldn't even muster up the energy to feel the pain from it.

Scathach then threw Lily on top of you, and you let out an almost humorous oof as Lily's light body landed on you. "Hey there," you said.

"Hi again," Lily said with a smile. "Ah... something's poking me..."

You blinked. Then you looked her in the face, and you felt your cheeks heat up a bit. "I... I don't know how that's happening, honest, I didn't think I had the energy."

Scathach hummed, crossing her arms. "I made sure to keep you thoroughly stimulated!" she explained. "By strategically bending over, brushing against you, and flipping Lily's skirt!"

Lily's face was red. "I-Instructor!" she protested.

"Lily, you wanted to officially join everyone else," Scathach said, "and among my students, he is the most prodigious and most well learned in the arts of sex."

"I'm your student?" you asked.

"In sex, yes. Though you are no true warrior, there are methods for war other than martial might," she said, nodding and speaking in a dissonantly serious and controlled way, that did not match with what she was saying. "Therefore, you are to conquer Lily, and show me that you are worthy of further training."

"Eh? Me?" Lily asked. "But..."

"Indeed! What better way to take a kingdom than by  bedding its royalty, and taking them for your wives!" she said, simply. 

"I don't think that's a reliable method," you said.

"But it would end conflict without having to have armies fight!" Lily said. "I would much rather be able to decide things without having to throw entire nations into war."

Scathach nodded. "I see that you understand the value of such tactics," Scathach said.

Oh. Ohhhh. Right, you were fairly sure you'd seen Lily in your catalog, and the scenarios attached to her, well most of them, had something like 'princess' or such. Well, in terms of playing the part of a princess... yeah, you could definitely see it.

So that's where it was going! Yeah, you could see it now. The scenario where a hero and his teacher, an older and experienced female, work together to subdue and convince the princess of a country to heed their cause and join their side, probably to stop a war or something.

"Right... Right," you said, nodding to yourself. "Alright then, Princess Lily, I'll show you my abilities!"

She giggled. "Right!" she said.

Scathach hummed. "Now, my student, it's imperative that you focus on her pleasure - if you are to conquer her, she is to be made dependant on you for pleasure."

Lily looked a bit nervous.

You nodded, and though you were tired and weak, you could find strength surging within you, and more importantly, your arousal was overpowering your exhaustion, not just in your crotch, but in your entire body. Your arms moved, and your hands landed on Lily's firm, small ass. She let out an almost adorable sound of surprise as you squeezed.

Red faced and with an expression that spoke of uncertainty and trepidation, she looked down at you, and as you caressed her ass through her panties, squeezing and massaging her, she let out her voice, moans erupting from her mouth.

You leaned forward and captured her lips, not letting her go for even a second, one hand remaining on her ass, the other keeping her head close to yours. Your tongues wrestled with each other, and quickly, you dominated her - massaging her tongue, lips and the insides of her mouth.

You flipped her skirt and helped her sit up, adjusting her until she was rubbing her panty clad crotch against your cock through your pants.

You grinned as you looked at her open mouth, she was quite inexperienced, but with how cute she was, and just how adorable it was to guide her, you felt you could burst just from the thought of corrupting this beautifully pure girl with dirty and filthy sex. "Princess, you're so cute that I could just eat you up!" you said.

She covered her face with her arms. "Noo, that's dirty, I don't like that!" she protested weakly, clearly not really meaning any of it, as she shivered in naked desire. "Don't talk dirty!"

"I see that you do not need my assistance," Scathach said, and you turned to her and-

Wow. Her crotch was soaked. She was so wet, so incredibly wet, that it almost looked like she had pissed herself. She was sweaty, yes - her top was also wet. But the dark stain on her crotch was not sweat at all.

She then walked towards your bed and climbed up on it, swinging her leg over your head. You were presented with the sight of her nearly transparent pants, and the pantyline that was so very enticing, her firm and perfectly shaped ass covering the entirety of your vision.

And then it descended, and your mouth and nostrils were filled with the scent and taste of undiluted feminity, as your perception became overwhelmed by Scathach.

Within a few moments, you felt Lily's weight off your crotch, for just a moment, and a single moment of breeze - your pants were off, and as you realized - so were Lily's panties. That was fast!

Scathach hummed. "I see you appreciate that," she said. "Now," she said, leaning forward. You felt her tongue running down your abs, and then you felt something wet, a very sticky and thick liquid, land on your dick, and it sent a tingle of pleasure from it to your brain.

That was...

You took a deep sniff of Scathach's arousal, and your brain melted from the intake. Your cock nearly exploded just from that, and one of your arms quickly shot to grab at Scathach's asscheek, mauling and roughly squeezing it. She let out a small moan, reserved as ever, and your crotch jumped, as you poked glory.

Lily's panicked moan, a combination of pleasure and hesitation, reached your ears, and your left arm caught one of Lily's thighs, and- and-


Heaven itself was wrapped around your cock. Lily's walls fluttered, as she shook in orgasm, and you felt like you were not within a woman's vagina, but wrapped in velvety sheets, wrapped in the embrace of a pure maiden...

And then you breathed in and the corrupting lewd scent of a female in heat brought you all the way back to the waking world, as you realized you were caught between heaven and hell, the infernal heat of the woman sitting on your face, and the heavenly smoothness of the woman impaled on your cock... a contrast that was as powerful as it was arousing.

"Keep pumping your hips, don't stop," Scathach instructed. "Remember, you must defeat her in bed, and subdue her completely, to avoid armed conflict!"

It was really not possible to even attempt to consider her words, all you could do was simply do as your instructor ordered, as she taught, acting more on instinct than on your conscious thoughts.

Lily's moans reached your ears as you began fucking her in earnest, keeping her in place with your arm. "That's right, keep going, and do me as well!"

There was a ripping sound, and you realized that she wasn't wearing panties at all, her pants just had marked pantylines on them for reasons beyond you. You didn't care. Her pussy was on your mouth, and you were greedily drinking her honey like it was the nectar of the gods, and it filled you with lewd energy.

"Nooo, you're, you're going too haaaaaaaard!" Lily whined, "I'm gonna, I'm gonna come apart, I'm bbreakinggg, brreeaakiiiing!"

For a brief instant, her pussy squeezed you with gentle strength that brought you an instant's clarity.

And with that moment's clarity, you surrendered fully to the pleasure, pressing her against your crotch as you thrusted, unleashing the contents of your balls in but a moment, feeling almost like you were blasting semen within her. Again and again, your body shuddered with each load you poured inside her.

She was panting, and you realized, you hadn't been breathing for a while, as Scathach pulled her ass out of your face. She grinned, pushing Lily so she landed on her back, and immediately dove on her crotch. "Let's not waste this gift," she said.

The dirty and lewd sound of her slurping, suckling and swallowing brought you back to full hardness in a second, and since she was shaking her ass in the air, it was easy for you to find a position behind her, taking her from behind in the familiar doggystyle, your cock hadn't even gone flaccid.

Her pussy welcomed you easily, and you gripped her clothed hips as you slipped inside to the hilt, soon enough, with all the force and power granted to you by the lewd energy coursing through your body, you were fucking her like a madman, drinking of the fountain of her lust like it was your only oasis in a desert.

Lily panted and her green eyes locked on yours, and you grinned, a promise between you two shared in a moment.

Your cock throbbed within Scathach's cunny, and you knew that you were going to give Lily another helping, as soon as you were rewarding Scathach for her contributions...


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