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Holding a baby was not your idea of fun.

Holding your own baby was a lifechanging experience, one that you weren't quite sure you would ever have experienced, the way your life carried on before.

But here you were, holding the fruit of the love between yourself, and a woman who you never would have expected to be in your life. Over ten years your elder, once your stepmother, but now, legally, your unrelated live in nanny.

"He's so cute," Hana cooed, as she observed the tiny bundle of blankets and life, that felt so very small and so very fragile in your hands. "Awww, you're making me want one of my own!"

Rina huffed. "Me first," she said, her face only managing to hold onto her stern expression for a few seconds before it melted as your son yawned in your arms, moving slightly.

With reverence and not inappropriate care, you handed the boy back to his mother, who cradled it in her arms. Yamiko looked at you with an expression of undiluted satisfaction. She was the veritable image of happiness, holding her son in her arms. "I never thought I'd get to see this day," she said, "thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for everything..." she said, her eyes filling with tears.

You took her in your arms. 

"Everyone," she sniffed, "I'm, I'm so happy and proud and so glad, that you chose someone like me- this unworthy, useless woman, to, to do this- Even if I am only a surrogate-"

Rina placed her hand on Yamiko's shoulder. "You're not just a surrogate... even if you're no longer my mother in law, I... I still consider you part of my family," she said. "You're family. You're... you're one of us."

Hana nodded, giving her a grin. "That's right! If it hadn't been for you, we wouldn't even be able to witness this miracle," she said, cooing at the small baby in her arms. "Look at him, doesn't he make it all worth it?"

"Well, for now, he's like an angel," Yamiko said with a chuckle. "Let's hope he doesn't turn out like his dad, huh?"

"Yeah, imagine him coming out like his daddy," Rina said, "and turns out to be a pervert like him."

Hana grinned. "I wouldn't know, I think his dad is a swell guy."

"At least someone here appreciates me," you sniffed.

"Aww, you know we love you," Hana said.

Both she and Rina then moved, and with a bit of help, Yamiko followed. Hana pulled you and you turned, and then you felt Hana's lips pecking your cheek from one side, then joined by Yamiko's lips on your other cheek, and finally, Rina captured your lips in hers.

"We love you, and we're glad that we became a family," they chorused.

"You guys are trying to make me blush," you said, feeling the lingering heat in your cheeks. "It's not gonna work!" you protested.

They all giggled, and you joined in, happiness bubbling forth from deep within.

Indeed... life had changed so much, but you wouldn't have it any other way.



"Oh me oh my.

"What a tale you have written for me, this time.

"I truly did not expect this... perhaps this little experiment of mine may have some more development left unexplored... yes, indeed, I am not quite satisfied, not just yet... perhaps there might be yet another... visitor, in the near future.

"Yes... Definitely, this is definitely what I should do. But I wonder... what to do, what to do... yes, indeed... what kind of man, I wonder, should I bring here next? Decisions, decisions. Perhaps I might even ask a human. This lot does seem to come up with the most entertaining of ideas.

"Yes! That's it! We're not quite done yet, not by a long shot, not with so much more fun to be had!"



The story of our nameless protagonist has come to an end, as he has reached happiness and satisfaction with his life in a world where his perversion goes unpunished. Now I ask of you, my friends and readers... what sort of story would you like to see next, in this here world?


I had a bit of trouble putting it into words, but here goes: The issue for me with coming up for ideas is that the world doesn't really lend itself to storytelling. If the MC can have any woman by just sticking his dick in, then it's hard to make a distinction between them. The approach to his (step)mother isn't really any different than to the childhood friend, a random classmate, the teacher, or any other woman. So you're pretty much entirely reliant on the characterisation of the women he interacts with outside of sex instead of the scenario.