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It's that time of the- huh. Ah.

ooooh right

Uhm, sorry about that, last month was a bit busy, but I think I got a decent number of requests done~

As per usual, tell me what sort of story you want, and remember, the more details you give me, the easier and faster it'll be for me to get it done~ I'll do my best to get it did!


Wiser Guy

You remember the omake I did for the Monkey Tamer QQ quest with Fem!Perfect Cell: https://forum.questionablequesting.com/threads/monkey-tamer.15241/page-33#post-4812108 Would you please make a continuation of that? Possible routes (includes, but not limited to if you have a better idea): 1. David wakes up, but realizes he is stuck perceiving through Cell's eyes, ears, touch, ect. but unable to do anything except telepathically communicate back and forth with Perfect Cell. Perfect Cell then reveals that she has David's dick and then: __1a) Rapes a unnamed human woman. __1b) Masturbates with it, then stuffs the ejaculate up her vagina to get pregnant. EDIT: David may try to use his influence over Sayian Hybrids in an attempt to persuade Cell. He would be desperate, but he would have a bit of hope, even though it would probably be futile. 2. Actually ending up in a kind of flesh cave, where adult copies of Cell attempt to get pregnant by raping David. ...And one last option if the above ideas are really unappealing... 3. Krillin jumps into the tail hole to 'sacrifice' himself...Er, he was trying to save 18. Cell pukes him out, but is severely weakened. David then attempts to subdue Cell through sex before she can recover.


I really don't mind; whichever one of the ideas you prefer - though it will most assuredly be a non-canon omake that will kind of run with a total AU that doesn't take into account what choices might've been made on the way to the Cell Saga.


I'm still interested in this one: "I thought I got isekai'd to kill the Demon Lord but it was actually a marriage". (very loosely inspired by a snip from JadeKaiser https://forum.questionablequesting.com/threads/and-what-i-write-i-rule-jadekaisers-snippets.8473/#post-2964693) Some young guy dies, meets some god(dess), he'll get summoned, destined to kill the demon queen yadda, yadda, yadda. So he arrives in the fantasy kingdom and he senses the Demon Lord right there! An older human woman explains things to him, turns out that the human and demon kingdoms have made peace centuries ago but the gods are just refusing to take a hint and keep sending Chosen Ones to kill the Demon Lords, luckily they found a bit of a workaround, if the chosen one and the Demon Lord get married it breaks the whole predestined to kill each other thing... So welcome to the family (the woman is the previous Chosen One/the wife of the previous Demon King/the MC's future mother-in-law). For the sex itself, pretty awkward, they're both virgins and just got married to this person they've never met before, at least the Demon Queen knew this was going to happen her entire life so she's a bit more confident. The symbiotic lewd dungeon idea is probably too much setup for one of these, maybe more something for a commission if you're interested in writing it.


Symbiotic dungeon is definitely one that would take quite a bit of time and planning, though by that same token, it's also one that could potentially become a long running series of commissions. I'm long for running it, but it'd kinda have to be a quest, a long runner or a commission, as it's just a very large amount of time required to properly write it, due to the variety and consequences.