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There were times when you thought you might be one of the most fortunate men in the planet, living a complete and fulfilling life.

And then there were times when by pure coincidence you came across a familiar woman, in the gym, working out, and because you are a damned fool, you convince yourself it's a good idea to say hi. Scathach, working out in an outfit that could charitably be described as a pair of yoga pants and a sporty top that revealed her tummy, but more realistically could be described as body paint with extra steps, had been quite eager to help you work out.

You lifted your head just slightly, to find the Master standing before you, legs slightly spread, just a peek of her cameltoe, covered by her dark stockings and her obscured panties. "Hey."

"Hey!" she said, a bright and energetic smile bearing down on you. She passed a bottle of water to you, and between blinks, it was drained and you were left wanting more. Fortunately, she brought three, and the second you sipped more carefully. "Better?"

"Better," you said, breathing more calmly now. She hummed, then passed you the pad. "Already?" you asked.

"I'm not gonna be here next week, I've got some business to deal with, so you get this one earlier," she hummed. "Of course, you can pass if you want."

Never. There was just no way you wouldn't take an opportunity like these when they came up. You could hardly even spend time with the people at Chaldea, since everyone was super busy all the time. These quality times that you had were pretty much the only guaranteed means to spend time with them.

"Besides, someone else earned a reward of their own, and it's only fair that they get to enjoy it," she hummed. "So I've got a job lined up for you next week."

You nodded. Well, that made sense. "So..." you said, beginning to leaf through the pad. "Huh, the threesome section is surprisingly extensive."

She smiled. "Well, almost everyone has at least one person they don't mind having a threesome with," she spoke. "Some you can only have in threesomes with their spouse, like," she pointed at a woman with a rather gloomy look, "her or," then she pointed her finger at a blonde cosplaying as a demon, horns included, "her, who would only have sex with you as a threesome with her, ah, let's say her keeper, for simplicity's sake."

You nodded. That was worth keeping in mind. 

"Do you want to try out the threesome feature already?" she asked. "Usually you have to pay out a fortune for these," she hummed. "Lucky you, eh?"

"Very lucky," you admitted. "Ah... I'm noticing a trend here," you said, looking at the fact that, well, damn near everyone was willing to have sex with the master. "Everyone, really?"

The Master giggled. "What can I say?" she shrugged.

"What about you and Mashu?" you asked.

She raised an eyebrow.

With a chuckle, you read through the available scenarios, and in particular, one caught your eye. A woman you'd spied once or twice, walking the halls, and in particular, a woman who had rather eyecatching... features. And the scenario was, well, a classic these days. 

You'd done some similar play before, but this... Well, it was a step beyond just that.

"Are you free right now?" you asked.

"Oh... I think I know what you have in mind," she said. "I'm down for it."

She pressed the button for you, and set the pad down, then she grabbed you by the front of your shirt and mashed her lips on yours.

You protested, as soon as your lips and hers parted. "I'm fresh from my workout, all sweaty and-"

She sent a smoky gaze your way. "I like the scent of a hardworking man," she said, voice low and throaty, before she caught you again, pressing her body against yours, heedless of staining or dirtying them. 

The floor was covered in mats, padded to minimize the amount of injuries one could potentially incur when exercising, and you were glad for that because the Master pushed you with one of her hands and you landed on your back, too exhausted to really do anything to resist.

She grabbed at the hem of her shirt and quickly threw it off of her body, followed by her yellow bra, releasing her breasts from captivity. She straddled your body, and your tight workout pants were quickly overful with your erection, your body betraying your lust and desire and ignoring your tiredness.

"Just lie down there, and let me do all the work, I haven't had my daily workout yet," she said, licking her lips, as she rubbed her covered cunny against your raging boner, while at the same time helping you off your shirt.

While you raised your hands and had the shirt over your face, she was pressing her crotch against yours, and the moment your shirt was off, she was already working on your pants. Before you knew, you were naked under her, and she had ripped a hole in her tights, moving her panties aside.

"I've missed this dick," she said.

"It's only been a couple of days," you said.

"I agree, too fucking long," she said, as she lined you up with her hungry fuckhole and plunged in. Again, the heavenly pleasure of the master's pussy enveloped you, and you couldn't even imagine being able to stop your body from declaring its bliss. Every part of you shuddered, and you thought it a miracle that you didn't immediately cum.

She bent down, and took one of your nipples into her mouth, suckling and licking at it, at the same time as she began bouncing her hips, and that was just about enough, your body just surrendering completely to her. Your hips bucked slightly, and your balls churned, and in a minute that felt like hours, you were already pouring your first load inside her.

"Aah, I love iiit~!" she moaned. "Such thick and strong cum, your semen's filling me up!"

Of course... your cock throbbed inside her, and your body demanded more. "Your body's incredible," your voice was hoarse and weak, as you tried to grab at her hips only to find yourself too weak. "I don't know how you do it, but- my mind just goes blank, and it feels like I'm melting!"

She smirked at you. "Practice~!" she taunted. "And now-"

"What's going on in here!?"

At the door was your chosen third for the night, hands raised to her face. 

"E-Even if you're not related by blood, to do something like this, is-" she shook her head. "Unacceptable! Immoral!"

It was almost startling, how quickly and properly that woman got into character, and the master wasn't far behind. "But mommy," she said, getting into the step daughter character really quickly, "I love my big bro!"

"That's still not right, my darling daughter!" the purple haired woman, Raikou as she went by, said, stomping her foot. "If you really loved your stepbrother, then you wouldn't be riding him so violently when he's tired and weak!"

You blinked. Well- actually it was pretty nice. She just hit that rhythm, you know- the one that made your head spin and your brain go haywire.

"Let mommy show you how you should do it," Raikou said, as she approached you, already in the process of removing the tunic she wore over her purple latex bodysuit. It was quick and easy, and it revealed the bodysuit had a hole cut out of it at crotch level, and apparently there was a seam she could easily open to reveal her absolutely mind boggingly huge and eyecatching badonkers.

Your jaw was open and you realized you were drooling, as the master giggled. "Mommy's titties are amazing, aren't they?" she asked. "So big and juicy and full, and her milk is the best!"

"That's right," Raikou said, puffing out her chest and giving them a little shake, "here, have some of mommy's milk, it'll make you feel better and energized!"

She knelt beside you, and offered you her nipple, which you latched onto, as she maneuvered your head so it was on her lap. Despite her words, she was leaking no milk for you to drink, though her nipple was delicious and fascinating on its own.

You suckled, not like a baby, but like a lewd adult, and delighted yourself in her moans and pleasured little gasps. "That's right, baby, suck on mommy's nipple," she said, letting out pleasured hums. "Aah, just like that, keep sucking like that, it's gonna, it's coming soon, it's coming ooouuuuut!"

And there it was, the... ridiculously tasty bounty of her chest. It was seriously amazing, it didn't really taste like what you expected - not that you knew what breast milk would taste like really. It tasted... lewd. It was more of a feeling, more of a sensation, than a taste, it was sort of like drinking liquid pleasure, spreading all through your body, energizing and electrifying you.

"Be soft and calm, sweetie, he's tired and weak!" Raikou instructed, as the master began to slowly, sensuously, rock her hips. Your cock, harder than ever, was already throbbing within her once more, and you could feel the sensation of the liquid energy you were drinking straight from Raikou's teat pooling in your crotch, feeling like it was directly filling your semen tanks.

With the warmth spreading it felt like you were on a cloud, like you could think of nothing but the infinite pleasure of your cock being caressed lovingly and sweetly by your playsister's vaginal walls, while the matronly woman playing your stepmother cooed over you and patted your hair and softly encouraged you.

An itch rose and then your entire mind went blank, everything consumed by pleasure and contentment.

By the time you came back to, the master was pulling herself off. "Geez, big bro, you came so much it feels like I'm pregnant!"

Raikou smiled. "Maybe you can help your mommy make some more babies," she said, lewdly, as she called the master over with a gesture. The Master replaced Raikou, sitting you on your lap. It was true, her tummy was actually a bit inflated, though you marveled to see not a single droplet of semen left her tightly closed, perfect and hairless pussy lips. They looked tempting, but you really didn't have the energy for that.

Especially when your body was neglecting everything else so that it could focus on the sensation of that otherwordly pair of tits dragging against your thights, her stiff nipples drawing patterns as Raikou began servicing your shaft, partially covered in the master's girlcum and your own extremely thick semen, looking more like gel than anything else.

The master giggled. "Her breast milk is amazing, isn't it?" she asked.

You nodded, weakly. Despite the fact  that you felt like you were more dead than alive, in most parts of your body, your cock wasn't even remotely sore, and if anything, every lick felt like it was rejuvenating you, and when she took you into her mouth, you could just completely and utterly relax.

Almost enough to sleep, but not quite - enough to put you in something like a trance state, where all you could think of was simply yourself, your lap pillow, and Raikou's embrace.

She stopped licking you, but the feeling didn't go away.

"Come in," she said, "come right into mommy's body, let all your worries and pleasures pool in your thick, wonderful balls," she said, as she caressed the pair of little troopers dangling in your sack, "and when you're ready, pour them right into my womb, pour your thick, delicious, creamy babymaking milk right into mommy's cunny, and make some babies with me!"

Fuck, there was something just so deeply wrong, and filthy, and so very very naughty, with all of this, so bad and just overall incorrect, that it simply was absolutely wonderful. You groaned, as her pussy lips parted to welcome you, driving an involuntary groan out of your throat.

"That's right, sweetie, just relax, just relax and let mommy take care of everything..."

You did as told, and simply relaxed, basking in the glow of her startingly pure and almost lewdly innocent love, almost really feeling like the love of a mother.

Chaldea really was the best, you mused, as you got even further into the character of the stepson caught doing something naughty with his stepsister.

"arrrgh, mommy, it's, it's gonna, come out, sooon!"

"Just relax, sweetie... let it go... mommy's gonna be here taking care of you all night, so just let it go..."

You did as told, and with a roar that came from surprisingly deep within, you once again released everything that you could, filling her up and then some.

The master giggled. "It's gonna take more than that to make mommy pregnant," she said, giving you a lewd smile. 

"D-Don't worry," Raikou said, her breath hitching, "I'm sure your big brother has," she moaned, "a lot more to give!"

You grinned weakly. Well, your body might be tired... but your cock throbbed. The flesh may be weak, but the steel rod between your legs was more than willing, and your spirit burned with desire still.

"We're not gonna rest until we're both rounded with your babies~!" the master said, cheerfully.

You and Raikou agreed with simultaneous cheers.

By the time that the two were finally satisfied, Raikou was looking like she was nine months pregnant, and you looked like a dried up husk of a human being, but they said your smile that day still makes men burn in envy to this day.



Since Raikou was requested last week and this week, I figured it was only fair she got the first shot at a threesome~


I'm not really familiar with Grand Order, but the Master is a normal human right? Maybe in the (far) future she decides she wants kids and the MC is basically the only actual human she trusts. So she asks him about being the father, but then runs into the small issue that he assumes it's yet another roleplaying scenario, so she first has to convince him she's serious. Is the job mentioned this chapter finally visiting Medea?


Indeed, the master is a completely normal human, just with a ridiculously high aptitude for being a master. As for what the job is... perhaps.