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Your job didn't lend itself to making massive amounts of money, at least, not the sort of massive amounts of money that would see you in the lap of luxury and traveling everywhere. You had nice stuff, but you didn't really abuse your clientele enough to fleece them for all they had.

Rina, meanwhile... 

Well, as it turns out, one of the most promising swimmers of all time could actually make quite a bit of cash. You hadn't thought there'd be that much money involved, from the very start you'd thought you'd be supporting her passion, but...

Rina trembled, as she read the contract her coach and agent, Takurou, handed her. "T-There's got to be a mistake," she reasoned. "This can't, this can't be right," she said, looking at the overweight former athlete.

He shook his head. "They didn't even let me get a word in edgewise," he said. "There might've been a rumor or two about a competing brand," he added with a wink.

Rina took a deep breath. "I- I can't believe," she then turned towards you. "Should, should I take it?"

You shrugged. "Rina, love, I'm here to support you," you said, squeezing her shoulder,

She looked at you for a few seconds, looking a little bemused.

"But if you want my opinion," which she obviously did, "I'd say why not? You just have to do a few publicity spots and wear their branding, right? Not so big a deal."

Rina frowned.

You then opened the box that they'd sent alongside the contract, which contained the latest swimsuit - specifically made for Rina - they'd developed. A high leg racing one piece. In a world where skimpiness wasn't an issue, minimizing drag and maximizing support was the name of the game. That said, this one was actually quite a bit more... modest, than most professional swimsuits you'd seen.

Then again, they probably knew how to swimsuit better than you did.

"Look I'll leave the mockup here for you to peruse it," Takurou said, "just make sure you think it through. Whichever your choice, make sure it's one you can live with, okay? I'm gonna go get a burger."

He then left, leaving the two of you to yourselves.

"It's some pretty heavy stuff, huh?" you asked, sitting on the couch beside her.

"Yeah," Rina admitted. "It's kind of really different than back in school when all I had to worry about was beating my previous best, huh?" she asked, smiling wryly. "I guess I've been leaving all the complicated stuff to you this long though."

You chuckled. "I'm used to bearing your burdens," you said cheekily. "I've been having to bear the brunt of your affections for a while."

She blushed. "That was the past! The past!" she protested. "I was a young girl, who didn't know how to deal with her feelings, and I was embarrassed of being attracted to a dork like you!"

"Bet you'd never have imagined you'd be dating such a stud," you replied, elbowing her side.

She snorted. "Well at least you discovered a good hobby."

Admittedly, prior to this whole thing, your favorite hobby was... fapping. You'd always been a bit of a pervert, after all. Does it count as a hobby? Whatever. You rarely did it nowadays, and usually only when asked. "No better hobbies than the ones you can turn into a moneymaking enterprise!" you agreed, giving her a thumbs up. "And hey, if I can brighten up people's days..."

Rina rolled her eyes. "Well... I guess we really have to think about our futures, now, huh?"

"We haven't been kids for a long time now Rina," you said. "We're adults and we should act like it, I guess."

"Yeah but... it sort of hit me all at once. Even after living with you for months... maybe I should start thinking of, you know, settling down, preparing for... after," she said, frowning.

After her career, she meant.

"I mean if you're thinking of having babies, I'm happy to help," you said with a wink.

She slapped your shoulder. "Don't be ridiculous," she said. "First, the riches, then the kids!"

You laughed. "Well I guess you're the one woman in the world that doesn't have to worry about her husband pumping her full of kids," you said. "You'd just have to stop taking contraceptive."

"I'd never do that without telling you," she said, frowning. "You don't have to worry about that."

"Eh, I don't," you said, shrugging. "You used to be such a bratty kid but you're a responsible adult now," you said. "Right?"

"Right," Rina agreed. "Wait, hey! I wasn't a brat! You were! I had to-"

You pinched her buttcheek and she yelled. 

"One of us used to insult the other every morning while pretending she wasn't hiding a crush," you said. "And it wasn't me."

She huffed and turned away, crossing her arms over her chest. 

Laughing, you leaned back against the couch's backrest. "So... Wanna have sex with your new swimsuit on?"

"You're acting like I'm gonna accept," Rina countered.

"Whether you accept the deal or not, I don't think they're gonna complain if you don't give the free gift swimsuit back," you said. "Given that it's got the brand name all over it, they'd be delighted to see you using it."

"I don't think they want me to use it to get fucked," Rina said, rolling her eyes.

You shrugged. "I mean I'd love to see that," you said.

"To see me getting fucked wearing this?" she asked, raising the rather small looking one piece, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, from the front row seat, right behind you," you said, cheekily.

She laughed. "I almost thought for a moment there that you'd suddenly become someone completely different," she said, placing a hand over her chest. "I... alright, okay, I guess we can have sex with my new swimsuit."

You grinned. "Great!"

She didn't waste time, removing her shirt and yoga pants quickly and efficiently, followed by her underwear. You were quicker, throwing your gray sweatpants and shirt off in an instant. 

You grinned as she set her panties down on the pile of her clothes, neatly folded, while your own were thrown on the couch's backrest, and you didn't even bother with underwear at home anymore.

You gave yourself a few pumps to speed up the process of getting hard, not that you needed much help as you watched Rina pull up the deliciously tight, and perfectly fitting, swimsuit. It really was amazing, technology these days, they'd managed to produce a swimsuit that, despite them not actually measuring Rina directly, managed to perfectly fit her body, sitting high on her thighs, and compressing her generous chest at the same time as it was supported and given shape.

All in all... a miracle of a blessed world, a swimsuit that allowed Rina's breasts to retain their shape, but reducing their size a little so as to reduce their effect on her when she swam, and as she turned around, you saw that it slipped between her meaty cheeks.

You licked your lips. Rina was always a treat, and you felt you'd been neglecting your girlfriend for way too long.

She gave you a nervous smile. "Well, how is it? Does it look good? Do I look fat in it?"

"You look leaner," you commented, "and my body doesn't lie," you said, waving your stiff prick at her.

She laughed. "You get hard for anyone."

"Not just anyone, just beautiful women," you said, cheekily.

She rolled her eyes.

"Now come here, and let's get some practice in for that whole making babies business," you said, winking at her.

She sat on your lap, then, your cock sliding between her thighs and settling in that wonderful space between them, rubbing against the delightfully soft fabric of her swimsuit. 

Her arms linked behind the back of your neck, and her chest mashed against yours, her swimsuit feeling quite nice on you as your lips mashed against each other's, and your tongues danced together. No longer a war, a battle to force the other to submit, to dominate, but a dance among equals, partners who sought to enhance and improve each other's experience.

Such a strange feeling of warmth spread all over you, very comfortable and just nice to bask in. Your hands found Rina's firm ass, helping her rub on your crotch, as both of you began seeking each other's body even more, rubbing your chests and crotches together.

Sex with Rina was just so different than it was with everyone else. With everyone else, sex was pleasurable and hot, it was exciting, it was quite enjoyable, but with Rina, it was something else entirely. It no longer was merely an act of mutual pleasure, it wasn't you taking advantage of the world to give yourself and another a good time.


With Rina, it was simply an act of comfort. It wasn't a craving of your body that drove you to it.

As your lips parted, you looked deeply into each other's eyes, and you felt fulfilled, simply. Rina's gaze was lustful, hungry and deeply motivating; her breathing was quick and heavy, and your foreheads touched as you leaned against each other, bodies entwined.

She kissed you again, and her hand reached down to slide the swimsuit aside, while your hand went down to steady your length as she rubbed her wet cunny against yours.

She pulled back a little, biting her lip as she began dropping down, slipping your throbbing cock right into her hungry hole, slowly, teasingly, glancing down at you as she did.

It felt like hours, days even, as every agonizing inch of you disappeared into her, as every part of you was assaulted at once by her, your every sense now only able to perceive her, your eyes could only see her face screwing up in pleasure, you could only hear the soft little gasps and moans she made, you could only smell the scent of her arousal, you could only feel her smooth and soft skin, you could only taste her tender skin as you kissed her neck, every part of her was driving you wild.

Your heart beat a mile a minute as you and her became connected at a level deeper than you ever did with anyone else.

Your cock throbbed, and every part of your being was overcome with pleasure, as she shivered.

No words were needed as the two of you pressed your bodies together, trembling as you shared a mutual orgasm, so deeply connected and in such complete synchronicity, your bodies so compatible with each other, so experienced with each other, that to the two of you, this was just a natural, perfect state of being.

A kiss celebrated your mutual orgasm, as you filled her up thoroughly and completely, not even bothering to hold back your orgasm, and she began rocking her hips, at the same time as you began running your hands all over her back and ass, feeling the fabric of the swimsuit, and even licking her nipple through the delightfully thin fabric, giving it an odd feeling and strange taste that was new and novel.

Neither of you spoke a word to each other, merely indulging each other with your bodies, as the afternoon continued.

Slow and simple though it might be, it was overflowing with passion and, dare you even say it, love. There was more kissing than fucking, there was more caressing than penetrating, and there was more affection than pleasure...

And perhaps, that made it all the better, all the more unique.

You turned to the side and deposited Rina on the couch, her head almost banging against the armrest on the other side of the one you were almost up against. You followed her down, and got back to kissing her, now taking the lead, pumping her with your cock as the two of you melted into each other, mind, body and soul, becoming intertwined as one being, forgetting everything but each other's pleasure.

That was, of course, until Rina's best friend, Hana, used the key Rina'd given her some time ago when she needed a place to crash while apartment hunting, to allow herself in.

Both you and Rina turned to her, as she dropped the bag of groceries she'd brought in, apparently to replace the stuff she'd ate the last time she had to crash here.

Hana's mouth was open. "Holy shit, Rina that's amazing!" she shouted, and then you realized she was looking at the contract on the coffee table, and the sum that was listed on it.

You laughed, Rina laughed, Hana laughed, and then you continued fucking Rina, even as Hana went to store the stuff she'd bought into its proper place.

Of course, by the time she was done with that, Rina needed a breather, and your throbbing cock wasn't quite done yet. Hana's butt was looking pretty delectable in that skirt, too...

Rina licked her lips, as she looked at her best friend's ass. "I'll join you in a minute, let me catch my breath," she said.

You laughed. At this moment, people'd have a hard time believing she was the pro athlete between you two. Still, you looked at where Hana was bending over, her ass and the cameltoe showing between her thighs on full display, her white panties already starting to look a little moist, while storing things on a cupboard.

Maybe it was bad business to keep giving Hana so many free samples, but hey.

It was your fault that Hana was such a lewd girl, it was your duty to take responsibility, right?

Your hand found her ass cheek. "H-Hey, aren't you guys busy-"

You leaned over her, slipping your cock between her thick, chocolate thighs. "Never too busy for you, Hana..."

Rina smiled, from the couch. "Keep him warm for me!" she said with a smile.

There is no rest for the wicked, and you wouldn't want it any other way!


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