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A doctor and his patient, in his comfortable office, stood opposite each other, him in an armchair, her on a bigger couch.  The doctor had short dark hair and a relatively slim build, while his patient was a mousy looking woman with auburn hair and tired eyes, thin lips set into a tight frown.

"Miss Morton," the doctor spoke, voice calm and steady. "You've signed every waiver, but are you absolutely, completely and utterly certain that this is what you wish?"

Margareth Morton signed her name on the last waiver with a shaking hand, a paper that bore the simple and clear phrase of "I've chosen to participate in this clinical trial of my own free will", merely a formality for the peace of mind of the doctors themselves.

She looked up and nodded, passing the pen and paper back to the doctor. "This is a risk I'm willing to take."

The doctor sighed, nodded, and placed a small white cardboard box, blank, containing a plastic pill bottle.

Margareth took the box, opened it, and poured a pill from the bottle into her hand, before capping it again. 

The doctor gestured to the bottled water on the coffee table between them. "One every twelve hours, remember, and come see me once a week."

Margareth nodded, popped the pill in her mouth, and downed a third of the water bottle.

They shared a handshake, and the woman left.

The doctor sighed, watching her go. "What desperation does to people," he mused.

A week later, it was time for Margareth's first checkup.

The doctor greeted her into the office, taking from her a sheet that detailed her experience with a week of treatment, laying it down on his desk before taking his spot on the chair, and gesturing for her to take a seat on the couch.

"I'll look at the sheet later, for now, any pain?"

Margareth shook her head. "The pain from my joints has decreased and I'm no longer trembling all over the place, but I'm still weak and my coordination is still shot," she explained. "Though I do get this strange itch sometimes, mostly on my butt and breasts," she said, raising a hand towards her chest.

The doctor nodded. "That is normal," he explained, "the pill causes you to produce excess estrogen, and your body is doing its best to handle it," well not really but bogging her down in the actual details of how it worked when she wouldn't understand them was pointless, it was close enough to the truth anyway.

Margareth nodded. 

"Your itches will continue, but the pain should continue lessening and your body strength should be increasing."

She smiled. "Thank you doc," she said, a little bit of a strange tone to her voice as she offered the doctor a bright smile. She was already looking much happier.

The doctor shook her hand, a bit more firmly this time, and once more sent her away with a promise to come back in a week.

The week came and gone.

"Ah, miss Morton, nice to see you well," the doctor said with a small smile.

She returned it. "Maggie, please," she said with a wink. 

Once again, the same exchange took place, with the doctor noting there was far less written on the sheet. Margareth had also taken to wearing slightly better fitting clothes, rather than the body concealing pantsuits she'd worn before. She was even going for a skirt, now.

"So, any pains, aches, anything?"

She shrugged. "I mean my titties itch sometimes, and my butt feels tingly," she mused.

The doctor nodded. Expected. A bit earlier than predicted, however. "Are you taking the pills every twelve hours?"

Margareth hummed. "They taste nice and calm my nerves when I get itchy so sometimes I take them like three or four times a day~!"

Well... that... wasn't actually a problem. Predicted behavior, the pills were designed to be taken six times a day safely, for good reason. Room for error meant less potential lawsuits. "I see," the doctor said. "If you feel any pains or aches, a good massage can make them go away."

Margareth nodded with a smile. "I'll keep that in mind, doctor! Thank you for the visit!"

"You're visiting me," the doctor said with a small smile.

"Oh, I am? Sorry, your office is so comfy it almost feels like I'm home!" she said with a warm smile.

With a firm handshake, the doctor was about to send her away when Margareth leaned in for a hug. The doctor accepted it, and then she left.

The next week came, and Maggie was wearing a very, very tight shirt. Except it was the same button up she'd been wearing the week past, just notably more strained.

Her skirt was strained, now, and anybody could see that she wore a thong under it, because the bright purple strings of it rode above the waist, and with her tits causing her small shirt to ride up, her tummy was visible up to a bit over her belly button.

Maggie greeted the doctor with a giggle and a kiss on the cheek. "The massages really helped doc~!"

The doctor nodded, writing something on the clipboard. The sheet was forgotten, Maggie hadn't bothered filling it in. 

"But my throat's been dry and parched aaall week, and I have to drink so much water that I almost peed myself at work a buncha times!"

The doctor nodded. "I guess it's about time. You now need a special diet to make sure that doesn't happen," he explained.

Maggie hummed, playing with a lock of her auburn hair, her full lips moistening as she licked them.

The doctor undid his belt buckle, unzipped his fly and opened his pants, pulling out his six inch half chub. Something he'd been made fun of at school, often jokes made at his expense, and at medical school his roommate used to say all the testosterone went to his huge meat.

Maggie licked her lips, clearly and obviously salivating. The doctor knew her to be a virgin, not surprsiing given she was the kind of woman who was shy, timid and never stood out. Before her treatment, she was flat chested and flat assed, and her hair was thin and stringy.

And yet, now here she was, with a pair of double Ds, an ass that overfilled her skirt, and thick, luscious hair that almost shined by itself.

The treatment was a massive success, in many ways, as it had gotten rid of her severe health issues, and accomplished its secondary objective.

As Maggie Morton knelt before the doctor, almost hypnotized by the doctor's hardening, oversized cock, he smiled and placed a hand on top of her head, guiding the overdeveloped bombshell's head as she took in his mostly flaccid cock into her mouth, perverted instinct taking over as her lewd body began warming up.

The doctor sighed in pleasure as a woman took him into her mouth, licking passionately and suckling on his tip. Soon enough, he was almost entirely hard, his oversized cock, so fat it could be called obese, fitting snuggly yet comfortably in her throat.

It took years of medical research, and some experiments of dubious ethics, but for the first time he found a woman who could actually deepthroat his almost horselike meat rod. 

The doctor allowed himself to relax into his chair as Maggie moaned, her own arousal spiking. 

The project wasn't done, nowhere near close. The pills made her malleable, had primed her... it was time for the doctor to finish the job, by bringing the correct tools for the job.

His hand gripped the back of her head and pulled her back, her eyes almost looking like they rolled up as she looked guilelessly into his eyes. With an encouraging smile, the doctor began to force her back down.

The sound of liquid hitting the ground as her lips kissed the base of his dick, forming a ring around it, caused the doctor to look down with a grin. Her compatibility with the treatment was off the charts. 

The doctor then began to mercilessly throatfuck the overdeveloped, excessively and overwhelmingly feminine patient, and both of them felt truly fulfilled for the first time in their lives.



Hey guys, sorry it took me so long to fulfill that request~ But I at least managed to complete my commitment to complete a request from each person within... something of a month. Yeah. It's completed in September, that's good right? Right? Sorry, sorry, it's just, this one just refused to come out right.