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It's close to the middle of the month, my homies, and that means we're starting something of a new tradition. 

I want to, at least once a month, create a post like this so that I may prioritize my patrons when I have the time and energy to post a prompted story.  

Do keep in mind that these will be short and relatively quick pieces, so I would prefer that you keep your suggestions to something that would be resolved in ~1000 words.

Please, tell me what you would like to see, just, please, keep these in mind:

1) What characters you want in it

1.b) If you can, do please include a wiki link, images or short descriptions, dialogue samples also help get their voice right

2) What specific sexual acts you wish to se

2.b) If you have a very, very specific request, being detailed helps me get it right

2.c) this means that if you wish to see acts in a specific order, I'll have to ask that you specify that order.

3) Any specific details you want the 'plot' to include (don't ask for some intricately detailed story, it IS just the sexy parts after all, but if something like, x characters met after y event, would work)

3.b) Assume at all times I'm unfamiliar with the source material, or a casual fan at best, so please don't make it too hard for me

I'd also like for you to inform me whether you would prefer that the post be Patreon only, a timed exclusive, or simultaneously posted in Patreon and publicly in QQ for all.

If I don't write down a prompt, please don't hesitate to bring it back up in the next month's post, it depends on a great deal many factors whether I take it or not. The only thing I can guarantee you is that I will always fulfil my commissions first, my patreons' requests and prompts second, and will take QQ requests if I have neither available.

As always, my homies, thanks for your continued support, and I hope that my work is worth your time and effort~



Hmm anything bimbofication or Transformation oriented always pleases me.


I still like the Star Wars idea I put up last time. Some others: "I thought I got isekai'd to kill the Demon Lord but it was actually a marriage". (very loosely inspired by a snip from JadeKaiser https://forum.questionablequesting.com/threads/and-what-i-write-i-rule-jadekaisers-snippets.8473/#post-2964693) Some young guy dies, meets some god(dess), he'll get summoned, destined to kill the demon queen yadda, yadda, yadda. So he arrives in the fantasy kingdom and he senses the Demon Lord right there! An older human woman explains things to him, turns out that the human and demon kingdoms have made peace centuries ago but the gods are just refusing to take a hint and keep sending Chosen Ones to kill the Demon Lords, luckily they found a bit of a workaround, if the chosen one and the Demon Lord get married it breaks the whole predestined to kill each other thing... So welcome to the family (the woman is the previous Chosen One/the wife of the previous Demon King/the MC's future mother-in-law). For the sex itself, pretty awkward, they're both virgins and just got married to this person they've never met before, at least the Demon Queen knew this was going to happen her entire life so she's a bit more confident. Symbiotic Lewd Dungeon: (inspired by an abandoned quest by Alchemixer on Akun https://fiction.live/stories/Dungeon-Quest/8tWKnrZcnRnZAT7Xc/Dungeon-Core-no-42069/oZJxirZBY5dr8NgTb) In this world both dungeons and adventurers benefit from each other, adventurers get loot and xp obviously and dungeons get power from everything that happens in a dungeon, time spent, time fighting, monsters getting beaten, adventurers getting beaten, killing etc. of course killing the other only benefits you in the very short run so there's a bit of a rule that adventurers don't destroy dungeons they beat and dungeons let beaten adventurers go instead of killing/permanently harming them. Of course dungeon minions trying to non-lethally bite claw and stab adventurers don't always succeed. Enter the lewd dungeon, practically zero chance of death if the monster is trying to rape you instead of stab you, it only costs you your dignity if you lose and maybe having to give birth to some monsters before being released. A party is trying a higher level dungeon for the first time, so they select the lewd dungeon for safety, turns out they definitely bit off more than they can chew. The full idea of what I had in mind might be a bit too long for this, it's basically where I hoped the last scenario would go before the quest died. Things go wrong at the entrance in the forest room, the witch gets caught by the walking roots' tentacles the rest get herded deeper into the dungeon, the fighter into the Minotaur room where she loses pretty easily, the rogue and the cleric into the kobold room, the (male) cleric gets overwhelmed and captured while the rogue manages to sneak away into a side room, at least there's a treasure chest so maybe she can sneak out with some loot, then she gets caught by the mimic. They all get released about a week later, the cleric has fathered an entire new generation of kobolds, the wizard gave birth to some new roots, the rogue to a mimic the fighter is the only one with something to show for it in the form of a slight bulge (because minotaurs take longer and the dungeon doesn't want the elevated threat rating for keeping her that long), they promise that when they're stronger they're going to come back and beat the dungeon that time. I'm not too fussed about the particular scenario, feel free to change the adventurers monster(s). It's more about the idea of this weird kind of dubcon, where the adventurers don't enjoy being fucked but at the same time they're resigned to it because it's exactly the risk they signed up for and know they'll be fine in the end, because if the dungeon keeps them too long or tries any kind of mindbreak then overpowered adventurers would come and destroy it.


Is there any one in particular that you wish to see earlier? I admit, my time is relatively limited, and it will be even moreso soon, but I might be able to at least get one short piece for each patron within the month, or at least before the middle of next month haha