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Working in Hotel Chaldea was... not quite what you expected it to be from a secretive and hidden organization like they were. You had no idea what they actually did besides the whole, you know, ultra high VIP escort business they ran, but it seemed like some pretty heavy stuff.

While you were running errands for the Master around the facility, ferrying stuff to offices and girls that required it, you sometimes saw men walking about the facility, frequently in strange and bizzarre outfits, sometimes carrying weapons, some of which looked straight out of fantasy like cosplayers.

Considering the Master frequently put your talents to use by tracking down what appeared to be people who tried to skip town and renege on paying their dues, you... almost didn't want to know what a two and a half meter tall muscled behemoth with gray skin and wild hair would do to the millionaire who'd thought himself out of Chaldea's reach.

Still... The Master called you to her bedroom, and when you arrived, she was apparently in the middle of changing, as she was wearing an unbuttoned and unbuckled shirt and no skirt, letting you see her underpants under her dark stockings. She was a delectable treat, as usual, but what was more important was that she held a familiar pad.

"You've done well," she said. "And it's time for a reward."

"Am I getting this in lieu of payment?" you asked.

She laughed. "You'll get paid in accordance to your services," she said, shrugging. "So, which one will it be I wonder?"

Your finger swiped through the catalogue, and the familiar faces, and bodies, of the girls you saw every once in a while greeted you, as well as a great deal of ones you'd never seen. Still... one of them caught your eye.

A beautiful, if slightly melancholic looking, woman with brilliant and dazzling blue hair, and a pair of pointy, long elven ears that triggered an almost orcish impulse within you. She'd caught your eye and you opened her profile, reading it through, as well as the courses on offer. You selected one, and the Master smiled.

"I see, then is that your choice?" the Master asked, finishing with her shirt, and bending over her bed to grab her skirt, giving you a wonderful view of her ass. She didn't quite bother putting it on, however, just holding it.

The door to her room opened again. "Mashu will guide you to her room," she said. "Mashu, please take him to room 31-b."

"Right, senpai!" 

You turned and were met with an incredibly cute girl in wide glasses and sporting a friendly and open disposition, with bright purple, almost lilac, hair. For some reason, she gave you an odd impression of an eggplant.

"By the way? Mashu is absolutely off limits," the master said. "The guy you replaced didn't respect that. See that you do."

The purple haired girl laughed nervously. "Uhm. Please follow me!"

You did as told, and soon you were taken to one of the deeper rooms, far away from the entrance. You made chitchat with Mashu until you got there, and finally, she gestured to the door and gave you a smile. "Please don't mind senpai!" she said. "She just gets jealous when people hit on me! But it's okay, I don't work as one of the, uhm, hotel girls so-" Mashu seemed to be at a loss for words. "Uhm."

You nodded with a smile. "She's protective of you, that's cute," you said. "A shame, you're super cute."

Mashu laughed with a rather cute blush. "Please, enjoy yourself. And don't hesitate to call for assistance!"

You smiled and waved at her as she walked away.

By now, the systems recognized you as an authorized employee, and when you placed your hand on the door, it lit up, chimed and let you through.

Within, you found yourself going from the super high tech, sparsely but tastefully decorated halls of Hotel Chaldea, into what looked like... some sort of cabin. The walls were even wood!

There was a roaring fireplace on one end, above it was a TV, and opposite it was a queen size bed, its canopy made of sheer, pink curtains suspended from golden poles.

On the bed sat an almost ethereal looking beauty. The woman you sought. She called herself Medea of Colchis. A mature beauty, an example of femininity and charm that could only be found on the profile of a woman who had fully and comfortably grown into her body, well proportioned and measured...

And with an absolutely fantastic pair of tits, not contained but enhanced by her silken and sheer bustier, which did absolutely nothing to hid the fantastic shape of a woman that she had, her lacy, just as sheer panties decorated with lots of bows attracted the eye as well. All of it in white, all of it evocative of a certain image.

All of it meant to resemble a wedding dress.

You couldn't help the excitement that flowed through every fiber of your being at the sight.

There was an incense burner setting the mood, and the entire room was just charged with an extremely warm and cozy atmosphere. Medea looked at you from the bed. "Thank you for choosing this one, client. From now on, the program will commence. Before we do, do you have any doubts, or questions you wish to ask?"

You shook your head.

She smiled and nodded. "Well then... come to me my husband, let us join together, on this, our first," and only, "night as husband and wife."

Your body shook with almost uncontainable excitement as you joined her on the bed, finding yourself drawn into an embrace and kiss, first a chaste peck on the lips, then a vigorous and hungry makeout session, as you devoured her sweet, delicious mouth - her blue lipstick tasted amazing.

You pulled back, and looked down, and saw that she was blushing, and your parts stirred within the pants that held them in containment. "My wife," you said. "my love, Medea, I love you," you said, already starting to get into the act.

"My husband," she said, "I can feel your desire for me," she said. "And I want to satisfy it, please, allow me to-"

You raised a finger and placed it on her lips. "No no," you said. "You are a precious treasure, to be cherished and loved."

A faint dusting of pink spread across her cheeks as she nearly went cross eyed following your finger, and you held back your chuckle. You pulled back, kissing her lips, then her cheek, then trailing kisses down her neck, spreading the front halves of her sheer nightwear, so you could keep kissing down the valley of her breasts and her tummy, giving her belly button a good lick as you reached her smooth, properly cared for mound.

You licked your lips as you looked into her panties, and with a throb in your cock, realized they were a crotchless pair, leaving her slightly puffy looking pussy lips naked to your eye.

Your hands reached her thighs, and she allowed you to spread her legs.

"My husband, that is- my wifely duties-"

You shook your head. "A wife is a man's greatest treasure," you said. "It is my duty and pleasure to service you," you said. It really was a pleasure. Her scent was thick in the air, and closer to her intimate parts, it was an overpowering, mind bendingly lewd odor that warmed you as it went through your nostrils into your brain, spreading an electric jolt of desire all the way down to your penis, which was already hard as a rock and straining in your pants.

"Bu-But," Medea protested.

And then you dove down, your lips meeting hers in an open mouthed kiss, invading her insides, her pussy spreading and allowing you entrance, her lips warm and wonderful feeling on yours as your tongue began massaging every part of her pussy.

"Ohh, yes, yes," Medea immediately began moaning. "That's so good, husband, my husband," she cried, "right there, right there!"

Every part of you became smug and satisfied and your body tingled as her hands came down on your head and grasped at your scalp, her fingers almost digging in as she tried to push you further into her cunny, as you continued using your tongue to tickle that spot that was making her go crazy.

You then brought one of your hands forward, wrapping your arm around her hip, and you reached for her hooded little clitty. It was a cute little button, small and hidden, but as you began to tease it with your fingers, still covered, it was quickly beginning to peek out of its hood.

She began gushing pussy fluid, delicious honey that had a slightly bitter, tangy aftertaste. Strange and unusual - and, in fact, you could almost detect a hint of a fruity taste that you couldn't quite place. It was delicious, it was unreasonably delicious, and you began to suck to try to get even more of her fluids into your mouth.

"Oh, oh gods, yes, yes yes yes, you eat me so good, you're the best, keep going, don't stop!" she shouted, her voice rising an octave as she arched her back and wrapped her legs around your shoulders and neck, in an intense embrace that overflowed with desire and need.

Her hips moved and she began humping your mouth, as you moved, sticking a finger in her impossibly delicious cunny and causing it to gush even more fluid, as you moved your mouth up and wrapped your lips around her clitty, now poking out of its hood and dying to meet you, softly lashing it with your tongue and sucking it.

"No no no no I'm gonna, I'm gonna, yes yes yes, I'm cumming, cumming cummiiiiingggg!"

Your mouth quickly moved like lightning, and you covered her pussy as well as you could, and began sucking, rapidly and almost violentely rubbing at her clit to kick off her orgasm. A gush of impossibly delicious fluid erupted from her pussy, a geyser of honey.

She panted, moaned and thrashed as you continued sucking and teasing her, suicking more and more delicious liquid, and delighting in each of her orgasms as she chained them together.

"I'm melting, I'm gonna melt, I'm gonna melt into nothiiiing, I'm too sensitive!" Medea cried. "Stop, stop, you're too much, you're making me cum too much!"

But you didn't stop, as she wouldn't stop cumming and giving you even more of her delicious fluids to drink. Eventually, however, you needed a break to breathe, and after what felt like an eternity of drinking one of the most delicious juices you'd ever get to taste, you finally broke off, causing her to collapse, panting on the bed.

"Too good... way too good... you monsteeeer..." Medea whined. "A wife... is supposed to serve the husband... not the other way... around..."

You were almost offended. "That's not love," you said, "a husband should treasure his wife and earn her love and affection! It's a two way street!"

She chuckled, her voice slightly hoarse as she did, apparently a bit of a dry throat. You couldn't relate, you were hyper hydrated after all.

"You're- you're right," she said, panting, "b-but... my husband, I'm-" she flushed, her red face looking up at yours. "I want- I want to, but my legs don't respond," she said. "Please... my beloved husband, please use me, use me as you see fit, find pleasure in me, that I may return the love that you've shown me."

You shook your head. "Then let us enjoy each other, my beloved wife," you said, already fully into the act, as you crawled until you were face to face with her. Her hands reached for your crotch, and yours for her face, holding her in place as you began kissing and making out with her, your tongues dancing with each other. She didn't seem to mind tasting herself on your mouth at all.

It didn't take her long for her to work your pants off, and it almost felt like they flew off of you, alongside your underwear. One of her small, soft hands wrapped around your shaft, while the other went to split open her cunny lips and she began teasing you by rubbing your dick against her wet cunny.

"My husband... I-" she began, her voice breaking up a little, "I am afraid, I am too excited, your talented mouth has made me oversensitive," she admitted. "I- I will not be able to cum with you," she admitted. "I... I will cum the moment you put it in, I-"

Your entire body shuddered. "Wife," you said. "If you keep talking like that, I will explode," you said. "Truly you are a beauty beyond compare, peerless, but your body pales in comparison to how cute you're being right now," you said.

She smiled, looking up at you with an unbelievably tender, soft expression. "Then please... come right in, come home, my love..."

You pushed with your hips, and her body opened up to you, your penis slipping into the slick, well lubricated and incredibly aroused cunt of your play-wife, of this beautiful, princess-like woman who gave the appearance of a stern woman, but who opened her arms to you and played such a game on your request.

She had played her part perfectly, and you were almost ashamed to admit that it had actually caused you to fall a bit, to buy into the act a little bit too much, to give her a completely honest and truthful look at yourself.

The paradise that was the space between her folds, between the walls of her delightful pussy, was simply too much, the stare full of affection and love that she directed up at you was almost searing into your soul, and you could neither lie nor pretend anymore. "I love you," you said, all of a sudden and quickly. "My wife- I-"

"Yes, my husband," she said. "I understand... we've opened our hearts for each other, and in this holy night, become one and the same," she said. "I understand," she said. "Please... please take from me, all the love that I have to give you, and give me all of yours, let us love each other... Let us sate our thirsts on each other, and drink until our lust for love is sated!"

There was something that was just too lewd about this woman. Something about her that was just unbearably hot.

As your eyes met hers and you held the stare, you could only think... maybe it was okay to let go of reason, as you leaned forward, captured her lips and began pumping your hips, the kiss never breaking as you picked up speed, the wet, nasty sound of your penis invading her vagina, of your cock gouging out her ultra wet pussy, joining the sound of skin on skin as your bodies crashed upon each other, time and again.

Her body shook, her pussy squeezed and strangled and caressed you, and it felt like even her womb was coming down to kiss your tip when you poked her deepest parts, as she shook and twisted and screamed in orgasm, again and again.

The lustful soundtrack to the mating dance that you two were performing was drowning out everything else, the crackling of the fire and the ticking of the clock, they all faded into distance, as your hands molested and caressed her body, one hand pawing at her breast, the other holding her legs, as somehow you wound up in a mating press position, forcing her down on her back.

Every part of you, every part of your body, screamed together. This was your wife. You were her husband. It was an absolute requirement that you went as hard as you could that you pounded as fast and harshly as possible, that you caressed softly and lovingly, and that you kissed with lust and love.

Your lips broke apart from each other. "My husband, my husband, my husband, I love you, love love you, I love youuuuu!"

Love... love! "I love you too!" you shouted. "I'm- I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna cum inside you, I'm gonna fill you with my love milk!"

"Yes! YES! YES YES!" she screamed. "Cum inside, please!" her legs twitched and her pussy convulsed, and you were treated to the intense feeling of her orgasming on your prick yet again, and it was just enough to push you over the edge, as you buried yourself as deep as you could go, your hips meeting the flesh of her ass and feeling the softness of her skin linger  as you leaned back and roared.

Your orgasm hit you like a wrecking ball, and you saw stars in your eyes, your balls throbbing and pulsing, you could almost feel a thick, unbelievably so, wave of cum travel down your urethra.

"My husband- I- Aah, my husband, I can feel it, I can feel your thick, hot cum, I can feel it in my womb," she moaned. "I can feel it... it's in me..." her voice trailed off. "So good... feels so good... I'm so happy... so warm inside... so happy," she muttered, panting, looking up at you, a completely guileless, vapid smile on her face, as she swayed. "Wuv yuu," she moaned, "wuv yu lots," she said, panting as she relaxed fully and completely.

You followed suit, crashing on your side, beside her, slipping out of her impossibly tight, yet soft and slick cunny. You wrapped your arms around her, and pulled her towards you. Absent mindedly, you realized that your penis was completely clean of your own juice, slick only with her fluid, and a glance down showed her slightly expanded tummy... and the fact that not even a single drop of cum had splattered out of her.

She rubbed at her tummy. "My husband... your cum... is all mine, all for me," she said. "I'm... not... letting... it... goooo~!"

She moaned and apparently triggered a small orgasm, and you realised you were poking her behind with your penis.


The course only covered this much. You would play newlyweds with her and bang her, becoming her husband for as long as it took for you to ejaculate inside her. 

You still relaxed alongside her, and wrapped an arm around her waist, your still hard penis slipping between her thighs.

"Hey..." she began. "Uhm... that... that was really good. We really got into it huh? I... sorry, I don't usually-" she sighed. 

"You were amazing," you said. "Heheh, sorry, I think- you probably get this a lot, but- I kinda fell for you a little. Pathetic, right?"

She caressed your hand.

"I'll- just give me a minutes to get my energy back and I'll let you get on with your day," you said, beginning to shift.

Her hand grabbed onto yours.

"I... I have no other responsibilities today," she said. "I... my night is free. Would... would you like to spend the night with me?"

You blinked.


Well... "As my wife desires," you said. Perhaps your little game would go on a bit longer.

"Thank you... my love."

Yeah... that little game could go on a bit longer.

Truly... a wise choice. The question was... would your choice be just as wise? It remained to be seen.


Alexander Probst

"By the way? Mashu is absolutely off limits," the master said. "The guy you replaced didn't respect that. See that you do." Whhyyyyyyyyyyyyyy? But damn if that chapter wasn't hot. I love lovey-dovey, and Medea deserves some happiness. I wonder, could a nameless guy buy out a girl? Either way, we had Caster and Archer. How about a Berserker next time? I vote for MHXA.


I have no idea who that is, but sure. I like the idea of going through all the classes. Maybe go for the Master after having had one of each class?

Alexander Probst

And there's an excellent ero cosplay by Shae_ of her. She's slightly hungry, but also a very, very good girl. (And a berserker. I have no clue why, but as I entered the game during Lostbelt 2, and Skadi was my second five-star, I was very glad when I drew her.)