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Sporting events had always been towards the boring side, when you weren't participating, and in this world, male sports were simply something done for fitness and health, at least in the context of school. All the important events were almost exclusively the realm of girls.

And even more importantly, the events were divided by age, and as you were in your final year, you and the only person you cared about that was participating today, Rina, were only attending the adult division.

Gym uniforms were a delight. Bloomers that had fallen into disuse in your world were plentiful, and when it came to competition gear, especially at higher levels? Well, you were quite happy to see that the trend established by Rina's skimpy racing swimsuit held true.

The first event was volleyball, and you and Rina attended to watch Hana compete. Their team was unfortunately defeated by the reigning state champions, but they put up a valiant fight. For reasons that were really beyond you, instead of regular volleyball, it was beach volleyball.

Even though the closest coast was a couple hundred kilometers to the east, less if you were flying.

You weren't about to complain, as it meant the teams were of two, and the game went by way faster. As much as you liked your wingman in all things teasing Rina related, you were already looking forward to what would come next.

"Hana looks great in her uniform, doesn't she?" you asked Rina, casually.

She swatted at your arm. "Stop looking at her like that, perv," she said.

"No," you said, simply, and Rina glared at you. "Are you jealous?"

She turned red and glared at you. What a cutiepie, who deserved even more bullying.

"Of me or her?" you asked, raising an eyebrow.

"W-What?" she was scandalized. "What are you trying to say?"

"Do you like Hana?" you asked, idly.

"She's my friend," Rina said, automatically, then she turned her head aside and would speak no more on the matter.

You wondered how far you could push Rina. 

This sort of world... it encouraged semi-romantic relationships between girls. It was common, nay, expected, for such friendships to blossom into school. Part of you remembered something about this, something about how in your world it was seen as acceptable, but something girls should grow out of.

As Rina and Hana came together, to share in comfort and for Rina to console her friend after the loss, you continued wondering about many things.

The two shared in a hug as Hana spoke about how tired she was, and how her opponents were just in much better shape and could go on for longer.

"Well, I could always help you with your exercise," you said, idly.

Rina glared at you.

"Oh, like you help Rina?" Hana asked.

"Yes, exactly like that," you said.

To Hana, when you had sex with Rina, it was simply to help her train and condition her body. Sex was a workout, after all. Sometimes she joined in, since she was quite fond of the cute faces Rina made when your dick was inside her, but you'd never actually had sex with Hana yet.

"N-No way!" Rina said. 

"Are you going to deny Hana your secret method to get stronger?" you asked, frowning at her.

The most hilarious part of it was that it worked. Rina's fitness had improved in leaps and bounds as soon as you started molesting her with the pretense of training. It felt almost as if each and every blowjob improved her lung capacity, and you could almost see improvement in real time, as she had gone from a fairly average swimmer to the ace of the swimming team over the course of a couple of months, since the first time you started your campaign with her.

"I..." Rina slumped. 

"She's your friend, isn't she?" you asked. "Though, if you want to help her yourself..."

Hana blinked. "Help me how? We're both girls, right? We can't have sex."

Oh, right. Despite how extremely touchy feely, and overtly romantic, girl friendships were, actual lesbians were a rare sight. The most you could ever see was women kissing, and even then, it was not exactly something you'd see on the street every day, more like a rare occassion prompted by the world's peculiar propensity for lewd situations.

"You totally can," you said. "Would you like me to show you how?"

Rina and Hana looked at each other, then looked at you. You knew how their minds were processing this situation. This ridiculously lewd conversation, that would have gotten someone who you thought normal to sock you across the face and call you a shameless pervert...

They thought nothing strange about it. Because to them, it truly was simply a method for training. Despite the inherent lewdness of the situation...

Rina and Hana held hands, in that stereotypical yuri anime way, with their hands level with each other's shoulders and touching foreheads. Disgustingly romantic, and cock burstingly erotic, as Rina wore a jacket over a skimpy swimsuit, and Hana a slightly bigger bikini than her usual fare, that somehow made her even more erotic than anything else.

"I will do anything to help you get better," Rina said.

"If it's you," Hana said, their eyes twinkling and their mouths getting closer together. "It's okay."

How cliché, you mused with a chuckle, as you grabbed the backs of their heads and pushed them together.

They hesitated for an instant, but then they melted into the kiss, both of them openly moaning. You then opened Rina's jacket and pushed their bodies together, ensuring their legs intertwined and each of them got to feel the other's thigh rubbing against their cunnies.

It was truly a breathtakingly beautiful image, as two girl friends who loved each other platonically discovered they were highly attracted to each other and simply never could put it into words.

The two finaly separated their lips, faces red and expressions twisted with embarrasment. 

"That... felt weird..." Rina said. "It wasn't like kissing you..." she said, looking at you.

"Better or worse?" you asked, idly. 

"Different," Rina said, looking back at Hana. "You're softer..."

"But his tongue just does things to you, right?" Hana answered. 

Rina nodded.

"Yeah, it's the same for me... I like both yours and his kisses..."

You smiled. Well, that was a good start.

"Keep kissing then, enjoy yourselves to the fullest," you said with a nod. "This is all for your training!"

They turned back to it, and without protest or talk back, engaged in a heavy makeout session, the noises of their kisses escalating as they became more and more comfortable with each other. Soon, their hands unclasped from each other, and you guided them to the proper places they ought to explore.

Hana seemed to really enjoy Rina's thighs, and you approved, they were thick, meaty and wonderful.

Meanwhile, Rina's hands squeezed Hana's tanned bottom, some of her fingers slipping under the bikini bottoms Hana wore. 

Without much care, you slipped yourself out of your pants, and began stroking your cock, as the arousal was mounting.

"Should we...?" Rina asked, panting as she turned to look at you.

You shook your head. "No, no, this is about you two. Please, don't mind me... you girls know how to use your mouths, right?"

They'd both gone down on you, sometimes together. They knew how to suck cock, though it'd taken a few tries to get it right.

"How about you try doing it for each other?"

They were confused, but nevertheless, allowed you to guide them. First, you got a couple of mats from the equipment room, while they continued kissing - you didn't even bother to tuck yourself back into your pants when going to get them, everyone was busy with the competitions - and then laid them down, good enough for one of them to lay on her back and be comfortable.

You then gestured for Hana to lie down. "You're a bit more tired so you'll be the bottom today," you said.

She nodded. "That makes sense."

So long as you made logical sense... for what passed as logic to them anyway... everything should go smoothly. You knelt before her and gestured at Rina. "Come here, right in front of me," you said. "Like you were getting into position for doggy style."

She'd always wondered why you called it doggy style, but didn't seem to mind as you guided her, hands on her hip, your cock bumping Hana's head a little as she giggled at the whole imagery.

Soon enough, you had Rina situated above Hana, and then you began lowering her down.

"Lick her," you ordered Hana.

Looking a bit dubious, the brown girl nevertheless looked at the oncoming ass train and resolved herself. She'd already kissed one set of lips, what was another one?

Besides, you knew that Rina had a beautiful pussy from first hand experience, and Hana obviously agreed, as she seemed to get more and more aroused the closer Rina was.

You could tell because she was already starting to leak fluids.

With a chuckle, you prepared to move to the other side as Rina's cunny settled on Hana's face, and the few tentative licks she gave produced some lovely sounds from Rina. You then used your finger to slip Rina's swimsuit to the side, and Rina produced a tremendously arousing whine as Hana licked her directly.

"Now lay down without separating from her," you ordered Rina, and the girl took a few seconds to listen as she was getting her pussy eaten by Hana for the very first time. 

She was flexible and quite fit, so Rina was easily able to adopt the position for a proper sixty nine... without even needing to hold herself off the ground with her hands, instead they were clasped behind her.

You chuckled. "You can hold yourself up," you said, rolling your eyes.

Rina blushed furiously, feeling stupid, and used her hands to hold herself up. Meanwhile, you hooked your fingers on the waistband of Hana's beach volleyball uniform panties, and marveled at how they stuck to her wet cunny as you pulled them off.

They let off a wonderfully thick smell, of effort, sweat and arousal. Really, women were so lucky that they always smelled good no matter what.

"Now do to Hana what she's doing to you," you said.

Rina looked down at the smooth, perfectly shaped and hairless pussy of her best friend, her sister in all but the biological, and legal, senses... 

And then she gave her first tentative lick, and by the look on her face, she found it quite tasty.

And then Rina's switch was flipped, and she began eating out her best friend like it was the most delicious dessert she'd ever eaten, the same way you knew she would get into sucking your cock the moment it popped into her mouth.

Both of them redoubled their efforts together, and you could hear both the sound of them gulping and swallowing each other's fluids and saliva, as well as the wet schlurping of the two of them discovering what made the other feel good. It seemed both of them had arrived at the conclusion that more points of contact made it better.

Rina used two of her fingers to massage Hana's hooded clit, and a finger from her other hand to invade her babymaking passage, while using her tongue to lavish the entirety of what she could reach with love, attention and drool.

For her part, Hana was no slouch, as she sealed her lips on Rina's larger clit to give it a very noisy blowjob, while she had two fingers in Rina's pussy and a third teasing at her rosebud.

You gave them encouragement and words of affection, telling both of them how much the other loved them, how much they needed to return the favor, all as you furiously stroked your cock to the spectacle of lust and lesbian love that you hadn't realized you'd needed after so long.

"Yes, you're such good sluts!" you cried, as you began to stroke harder.

Both of the girls seemed to reach their peaks as you did, you noticed both of them suddenly become stiff, then cry out their mutual orgasm.

"I'm- I'm CUMMING!" they chorused, as you joined them.

"FUCK!" you screamed, as your own orgasm exploded, all over their prone bodies, bathing them in cum. 

Rina and Hana then seemed to be satisfied, as Rina got up, then laid back down alongside Hana on the mats, their bodies once again rubbing together as the two shared in another passionate kiss.

Hana then scooped up some of your cum from Rina's back and collected it on her finger, before popping it into her mouth.

"I could get used to this kind of training," Hana said, a goofy smile on her face.

Rina smiled at her. "Just wait until he trains you directly..."

Well... Look at the time. It was almost time for Rina's event to begin.

How delightfully convenient, you mused. "Let's hit the showers..."

Even if not a single drop of cum got on you, a quick shower blowjob would give Rina all the protein and vitamins she needed to blow the competition out of the water.


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