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"Nanomachines, son!!"

Kahlua, fleet footed, strong of heart and with endless, infinite and boundless courage, was a bit of a woman of many talents. Archaeologist, treasure hunter, bounty hunter, sometimes on the side of the law, sometimes running wild outside of it. She was a marvel of biological engineering herself, strong, tall, muscular and proud of it, and thanks to the latest innovation she had found in the ruins of an old abandoned ancient laboratory, she was now able to show off the body she worked hard for.

But of course, even better than the magnificent washboard abs that she had just been punched on was the thin layer of form fitting gray nearly liquid metal armor. When it bunched up it looked like a mass of mercory, like silvery gray goo, that wrapped around her body, spreading as thinly as a molecule, yet protecting her better than any amount of heavily shielded armor.

Weaponry in all forms, be it laser, plasma or old school bullets, even sharp and blunt melee weapons, physical or energy-based, nothing could get past the impenetrable barrier formed by her Gray Goo Armor, as she called it. And even better, thanks to being linked to her nervous system, it moved with her, amplified her motions and even did the heavy lifting when something exceeded her limits.

In short...

"They make me harder, better, faster and stronger!" she called, smacking her chest with a fist, sending sparks flying, "you cannot defeat me!!" she added, throwing her head back, her hair, in thick braids held together behind her head, whipping about as she laughed openly and uncaringly, as shots of all kinds were deflected by her armor.

She raised a hand, and the gray goo coalesced, thinning out around the length of her arm, revealing more of her dark skin under the silvery gray of the armor, and forming into a weird looking handgun, with a thick barrel that looked too heavy and unwieldy to fire, let alone aim, closing her eyes and then beginning to move only her arm and hand, shooting at each and every one of her attackers' weapons and easily and quickly disarming all of them.

She opened her eyes, needing not doubt, for she knew her partner would handle everything for her. It was a little bit of a party trick she liked to use, while it wouldn't work at very long ranges, in the confines of a pirate smuggling facility, in this case the tight hallway that led to their barracks, it could easily track and hit the targets with pinpoint accuracy without her needing to take matters into her own hands.

She observed her surroundings. The dark gray metal walls, so unlike the shiny nearly-chrome tone of her armor, were scored with the remnants of mass based ammunition, and the remaining scars from the deflected laser and plasma shots. She smirked as she observed the terrified, and now disarmed, pirates. Six men, and they were indeed men she wasn't just using it as a generalization.

Among the most dangerous in the whole quadrant, known for system hopping with their asteroid base, making them hard to track, hard to stop and most importantly, hard to eliminate.

But she was good, she was better than anyone gave her credit for, and she was able to read their movements well enough to catch them as they were traveling, invading their base before they could fence or stash their ill gotten gains, liberating many millions of credits worth of cargo. Foolish pirates, if they weren't so greedy, she wouldn't have had a reason to come hunt them down, but now that they had become a big enough fish for her to take interest...

"Your days of evildoing and thievery are over!" she called, as the cannon dissolved back into her armor, and she pointed a finger at their leader, an old school pirate looking motherfucker with a big black scraggly beard, and an even more scraggly mane of hair on top of his head, missing a couple of teeth from the beatdown she'd given him earlier, and with burnt hands from the hand cannon destroying his gun earlier.

"I'm only going to give you this one chance," she said, pointing a finger at him, "surrender now, and you will be remanded to custody of the Quadrant's security forces," she said, "or you can choose to take the easy way out and get spaced while I take all your stuff to be sold," she said, "your choice, Billyboy!"

His name was Billiam, and her suit was feeding her the details, a thin membrane over her eyes acting as a sort of transparent screen for a HUD to display on.

Kahlua, of course, fully expected the man to attempt to spit on her, and her suit moved swiftly, intercepting with a laser shot.

"You'll never take me alive, Cunty Hunter!!"

She actually laughed. "Really, that's all you've got? You think I haven't heard that before?" she asked, rolling her eyes.

"Go to hell you fucking slut!!" he shouted.

"Well don't you wish I was, maybe if I were a little more loose, you'd even have a chance to get laid before you get put away for the rest of your life, alas," she said, turning around and showing him her thick, rounded and muscled behind, sitting on a pair of heavily muscled and thick thighs, sending a message to her armor to make the plating extra thin so he could see that there was no padding, it was just her incredible dark brown ass, a marvel in itself, crafted through good old hard work! "But all you're gonna get is this memory of my ass for you when you're sitting in a dark, dank and cramped cell, thinking of me as you masturbate-"

Her eyes widened suddenly.

"Wait no I didn't mean-"

There was a strangely wet, and even more strangely naughty, sound that broke the momentary quiet as all six pirates, most incapacitated but some well enough to get up and look at what was happening, were left speechless by the sight before them.

The mighty bounty hunter, untouchable and invincible, was suddenly bending over in half, showing her plentiful and fat ass to their leader directly, her hands going to her crotch and grabbing it as if she really, really had to pee. Confusion and shock ran through the pirates, but they could not even begin to imagine the spectacle they were about to witness.

For you see, in Kahlua's head, a million and one thoughts were racing, and almost all of them were repetitions of the word "SHIT!" as she realized what she had accidentally done when she used that most ill fated word by pure accident. The beautiful black babe, as some would call her, had found her suit and taken quite a bit of time to get familiar with its quirks, but there were some that she could not change no matter what she tried.

And perhaps one of the most annoying?

The suit was extremely sexually stimulating to wear. To a degree that was totally unexpected. Wearing it felt like taking a bath in liquid velvet, it felt like she was rubbing against satin every single skin cell of her body, it felt like the warm embrace of a lover and the caressing hand of a skilled masseur, all in one, combined and amplified by a thousand times. It had taken a long time to get used to being in nearly ceaseless sexual ecstasy, and only even possible because she found that wearing it permanently made it lower the setting from overwhelm with sexual pleasure to background stimulation.

Except, of course, for when she said the magic activation word that would send it into overdrive again.

The suit normally covered her in an uniform layer of silvery-gray mercury-like metal, thin enough that her muscles were plainly visible under it, with only thicker portions covering her breasts, crotch and ass in a more opaque and darker gray color, essentially forming something of a bikini cut plate, though it was just for show of course as her suit was perfectly as protective everywhere, skintight though it was.

When she said 'Masturbate', however, the suit would become thinner everywhere except around her nipples, clit, asshole and over her cunt lips, so thin in fact that it was actually almost impossible to see, most without specialized eyes would only see that she looked like she was covered in oil in some way, reflecting light in weird ways her dark skin normally wouldn't.

This was just the start, however, and she took one step forward, away from the disarmed pirate, nearly stumbling to the nearest wall, placing a hand around it, only vaguely feeling the cold metal of the hallway, and even then, only because her body heat was rising so rapidly.

The caress of a machine angel intensified along the entirety of her body, causing her to moan out loud, unable to stop herself, it really was just so intense that she couldn't even resist it.

Images flashed through her head. Images of dozens of people, some looked like scientists and researchers, others like soldiers and mercenaries, but they all shared their situation in common, images flashed through her head of people getting fucked by gray goo tentacles, images of men and women half covered in metallic goo, some of them with tentacles still pumping into them, having frenzied sex. Images of men and women, held up by their arms, their legs spread by their ankles, wrapped in tentacles, getting furiously fucked all at the same time while machines extracted bodily fluids from them.

An image not nearly as horrific as it was enticing, each and every one of them shared a face of utter ecstasy and pleasure, all of them were having the time of their lives.

The images shifted, half merging with reality, and she could scarcely tell what was real and what wasn't, what was an illusion put in front of her eyes by the suit, and even the words whispered in her ear, as her thoughts centered on a stunningly beautiful blonde woman, wearing the very same armor that Kahlua was wearing, whispering directly into Kahlua's ear, a sensual caress of pure auditive sex demanding that she "give in", repeatedly.

Kahlua couldn't even try to concentrate on repelling the intrusive thoughts, because the gathered gray goo in her snatch and asshole poured directly in, forcing their way past her wet and ready pussy, and spreading her anal passage and making sure it was nice and squeaky clean, because of course the suit also had that function, and of course it felt fucking fantastic to have her insides scrubbed clean, as her body was sexually stimulated in an incredibly intense way.

Masses of goo wrapped around her clit in irregular patterns, and she stumbled onto all fours, her fingers actually cutting furrows into the steel flooring underneath them as she felt the suit grow something of a strange protrusion, like a proboscis except inverted, that went into her mouth. She knew what it was, the suit produced a nutrient paste that could keep her fed, though it was tasteless, through long journeys. The problem was that it also could produce a highly aphrodisiac substance that sent her energy levels skyrocketing, it was detecting that she was unusually tired and was using the emergency feature.

Because she was cumming her brains out, and at the same time, getting the highly stimulating paste shoved down her throat, she started to cum even harder, doublecum, quadruple cum, an infinity of exponential orgasms tore through her and actually caused her to almost begin vibrating on the spot.

The intensity of the invasion of her ass and pussy became even greater as she produced more juice and more insistent, reaching further and deeper inside her. The suit did interact with her internal organs a lot, mostly through electric impulses and very minor invasion of her actual body, but when it was in 'fuck your brains out' mode, it would go ahead and even slip past the parts it wasn't supposed to, filling her womb and her intestines with its shiny gray material in a way that should have been horrible but just felt overwhelmingly fantastic, bringing her to the very peak of ecstasy and making her cum again and again as she was filled up by vibrating mercury-like gray goo that seemed to be heating up and cooling down as well, at random intervals, stimulating her even further and never letting her get used to it.

She screamed out in orgasm repeatedly, her throat never growing sore, her body never lacking for nutrients, the loop of cumming and being fed more paste bringing her to mind breaking ecstasy.

Finally, she fell, limp on the floor... for about eight seconds.

Luckily, the suit could also flush the remainder of the hormones out of her and rapidly get her back into fighting condition. Important, because some of the pirates were starting to crawl towards their weapons.

In fact, one of them even took his rifle, which was missing most of its components and would surely explode should he try to fire it, only to be tackled to the ground by another of the pirates.

It was their leader, the scraggly Billiam, who had gestured for that to be done, and with a glare, he stopped the others.

"You're right," he said, letting out a chuckle, "I'm gonna be thinking about you and jerking it for the rest of my days. Just, just damn," he said.

An unbidden thought crossed through Kahlua's mind. She remembered the images of countless men and women, enraptured by pleasure, caught in its throes, unwilling to escape it...

She remembered the lovely blonde, who felt familiar, like an old friend and trusted colleague... she remembered her words, her whispering, lovely, sweet voice...

Maybe, just maybe... these pirate smugglers could have another fate, a different one, than imprisonment at the hands of a stellar noble more interested in their bottomline than justice.

"How would you like to... experience what this suit has to offer?" she asked, her voice husky, a little raw due to her screaming.

Once upon a time, justice was done, bringing revenge upon those whose unthinking greed had resulted in an irreparable change in a young woman's life.

Now, another young woman was making a similar choice. A choice to give others a choice, to give others the freedom that that stunning blonde had not had... in the name of freedom...

... and pleasure for all!


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