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The Hidden Village offers a lot of services you can't find anywhere else, especially because Succubi cannot carry any human sexually transmitted disease and none of the diseases they can be afflicted with are physical in nature, it's impossible for humans to catch a Succubus disease and vice versa.

They also broke down sexual fluids left within them within minutes, if they weren't actively trying to prevent it, and even the most resilient of bodily fluids would be gone within an hour.

Which meant that they were always safe sexual partners, even for extreme plays that would normally carry risk of disease, such as, well, unprotected anal sex.

Thus, the only limitation on what you could do with a Succubus was how depraved the Succubus was. While just about all of them were willing to have sex with just about anyone, they did still have their preferences and some of them were willing to do things that others weren't, which went from the simply and vanilla, almost every single succubus was willing to suck a dick that had just come straight out of their own ass for example, and even the slightly more extreme act of directly eating out a human's asshole was a common stretch for Succubi.

The average level of depravity of the species was very high, and some were even willing to engage in frankly disgusting play that left me baffled, not just because they were willing to do it, but because there were people who wanted to do it with them, but who the hell am I to judge, when I'm technically the guy bringing them together? As long as it fed the succubi and they didn't ask me to engage in those plays, I'm happy they can find someone to do it with them.

Especially if I don't have to see it.

But today I've found perhaps the most deviant and depraved succubus of them all, because he has the most unusual and radically nonsensical fetish of all time.

"You... want to work customer service?"

High heeled shoes, thighhighs with skull and crossbone designs, a tiny navy blue miniskirt, a navy blue blazer and a white button up underneath, super dark blue gloves, red painted lips, brilliant and almost glowing red hair done up in a pair of messy twin tails and a little cap sitting on top of his head... It was an unusual outfit, but apparently, this was a common outfit for a certain subset of succubus worker.

The tour guide.

With the heels on, he was nearly as tall as I was, which was testament to how high the heels were, and his incredible balance for being able to walk like it was nothing. Also made his legs look positively wonderful but that's beside the point.

His name was Karnelia, and apparently, his humiliation kink was something special.

Striking a pose with his left hand raised, holding a tiny little flag with the emblem of the succubus village on it, winked at me with his right eye and raised his right hand to eye level, holding two fingers open, like a sideways V shape. "Yes!" he said, finally. "Lately we've had a lot of people visiting us for the shows and stuff, not just to be our meals!" he explained. "And since they wander around, get lost, cause trouble and make us have to work wrangling them, I figure, why not make it one of the services we offer directly?"

I looked down at the service proposal on my desk, the Guided Tour to the Hidden Succubus Village, and the diagrams for the vehicle, an open-top carriage that would allow people to be guided around the village without wandering off.

I hummed, leafing through the little booklet. Most of it was pretty well put together and presented, on ever page he made an itemized list with projected costs as well as the difficulties and challenges of running the system, he had put a lot of work into the logistics and operation. He had also roped one of my fellow humans, who had training to serve as a coachman should the need arise, and it did sometimes as Noblemen lost their coachmen and needed help getting back home, into the service, being the one who would control and drive the open top carriage around the village while Karnelia gave the tour.

The problem was, the projected gains were nowhere near worth the cost that running the service would incur.

"You've done a good job with the proposal, but this," I said, raising the booklet and hitting it with my nuckles, open handed, to make the papers shake and make a satisfying noise, waving them briefly, "is simply not worth the time, effort and monetary investment," I explained. "You couldn't have expected this to convince me."

"I didn't expect it to, but I did hope," Karnelia said with a bright smile. "You see Boss Will," he explained, leaning forward and putting his hands behind his back, sticking his flat chest out, "I'm willing to..." he closed his eyes, pausing for a moment, "do a little bit extra to ensure we get some good tips!" he said.

I snorted. "All under the table?"

"Yeppers!" Karnelia responded, almost falling forward but placing his hands on the edge of my desk, leaning forward with a big and bright, toothy smile, "all my tips will go directly to running the service, of course, and I'll make sure that I get my fill while I'm on my knees under the table!" he said. "That way, I can keep running my service, and some people that normally would refrain from engaging in our services can get some incentive to keep coming back, maybe they'll save up and scrounge up enough for a repeat performance, just for them!"

"Advertising?" I hummed, rubbing my chin. The proposal did mention that this could possibly increase the popularity of our services by giving people a taste. Apparently it was a common tactic used by drug peddlers and the like, give a cheap or even free sample of the product to make the users crave it... And it was very hard to quit succubi once you get your first taste.

"Or maybe we can even scout some workers for the village!" Karnelia said, pushing off the desk and bringing his hands together as if on prayer while looking up. "You're always telling everyone of how the dwindling number of humans in the village's been a problem!"

Of course, that wasn't incorrect. I did tell them there were very few humans... which wasn't really that crazy, considering both men and women wound up preferring the sexual company of Succubi, and even in my own case, I've never exactly sought female companionship, instead satisfying my needs with the succubi.

"RIght," I said, "let's not get ahead of ourselves."

I have a list of applicants that would take several days of nonstop reading to get through. People know you can get to be with the Succubi pretty much whenever you want, for free, if you live and work in the village. We don't want just about anyone here, and that's not even getting into the amount of times people have tried to sneak in, spies, saboteurs, religious fanatics, you name it, we've had it. The reason we don't take in a lot of applicants is that, sadly, the kind of people we want don't exactly apply en masse to live and work here.

"Well, okay," Karnelia said, scratching his cheek. "But the rest would totally work!"

"I'm not sure if I believe you're up to the task, this seems very complex, and your entire species is as a rule flighty and free spirited," I pointed out.

"Aww... let me show you that I can totally pull this off!" Karnelia said.

"How? You're going to give me a tour?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

Karnelia giggled. "Of course not silly!" he said, "we'd need to buy and modify the carriage first, people won't really be up for much if they have to walk around, there'd be no novelty!" the succubus lad said, standing almost sideways to me, leaning towards me with a conspiratorial wink and wagging his finger at me, the other hand on his hip. He almost looked like a teapot being poured over.

I could go for some nice tea, I'll say.

"Then how do you plan to convince me?" I asked.

Suddenly, so fast that I almost thought he'd left a poof of smoke behind, Karnelia disappeared, and when he did, he dove under my desk. There actually was only a very small space between the floor of my office and the edge of my desk's front side, so it was actually a pretty incredible feat for even the thin and flexible succubi to get under that to come up between my legs, but Karnelia found a way.

"This is really clean!" Karnelia said. "Hm, I'm not the first to have this idea huh?" he said, as he pulled his gloves off his hands and stuffed them in one of his blazer's pockets.

"You're lucky Malon's got business today," I joked, "it's his favorite spot."

"Boo! The Prince always steals your time!" Karnelia huffed. "Well! This time I'm gonna show you how I put the Suck in Succubus!" he said, his eyes almost bursting into flames of determination, as he reached for my crotch, his tongue sticking out of his mouth in concentration as he worked open my pants by undoing the button holding them closed, then he reached into my underwear and fished out my meat rod.

Of course, this is hardly enough to get me going, so he found himself with a mostly inactive penis in his hands.

The sensation of his soft and tender fingers did a lot to correct that, however, and he leaned forward, exhaling softly over my cock, the warm and wet breeze adding to my growing excitement and arousal. We had this meeting for an hour and his entire proposal had taken all of five minutes. I'm not too stupid to realize what his goal was considering the circumstances...

But then, I've been working all day and my normal outlet's been busy.

An unfortunate reality is that once you get used to getting your dick sucked on the regular, it's hard to go back to not getting your dick sucked, so I decided that I would let this little trick stand by and pass, instead leaning against the backrest of my chair and putting my arms onto the proper rest on either side of me. "Okay then," I said, "show me what you've got, show me how you're going to be earning all those tips to keep your little pet project going."

"Y-Yeah, of couurse, Boss Will," Karnelia said, sticking his tongue out obscenely before catching himself, swallowing and then licking his lips, eyes half lidded as he became concentrated purely on my cock, cradling it softly with his hands, holding it as stretched as it could get considering I was only beginning to stir and grow in size.

I exhaled out of my nose, feeling his careful ministrations start to get more intense as my cock became bigger and stiffer in his hands.

His soft, painted lips put a kiss first on the base, near where my ballsack met my shaft, with him tilting his head to reach it more easily, and then began trailing kisses up my length, lingering, pressing his lips against the sky of my shaft, allowing me to memorize the sensation, then moving on, and as he did, my cock became increasingly stiffer and bigger and more ready, he trailed the veins and with his hands, held it in place as he placed stronger, firmer kisses, until he finally reached the tip, righting himself and placing his lips against my tip in an electrifyingly good display of devotion.

I controlled my breathing and kept my hands firmly grasping the armrests, and let him have his way.

His lips parted as he pushed down and I slipped into the wet warm cavern that was his mouth and throat, he wasted no time going to the farthest he could, enveloping me in that tight embrace, the pressure of his throat tightening around my cock the deeper he went made me feel better with every passing second.

I had to grit my teeth for a moment, the pleasure was actually quite sudden, his surprise deepthroat hadn't given me any time to get acclimated to him before he took it to a fully serious encounter, but he didn't stop there, pulling up just enough to open up space for his hands, which wrapped around my now fully grown cock, at first softly but then applying more and more pressure, until he got the reaction he wanted, and then he started to move, bobbing his head up and down with incredible accuracy, rhythm and speed, he wasn't wasting a single motion, his jaw, his lips, his throat, his tongue, even his eyes, they were all put to use to pleasure me, as he kept his eyes trained on mine, letting me see the effort and work he was putting into pleasuring me.

His hands followed the upward motion of his head, using the lubrication of his spit to stroke my cock when he was pulling back, adding the impossibly soft and smooth succubus skin to the stimulation I was receiving, it was almost cheating really, his palms, his fingers, it all worked together beautifully to enhance the feeling I was getting from his mouth.

I had to admit.

This is actually a pretty solid argument, I could certainly imagine people giving him tips, all night long in fact!

My balls were already starting to tingle, and he had just only started blowing me, he kept getting more intense, moving faster and faster by the second, adjusting and intensifying the pleasure for a minute at a time, then slowing down, resting, letting me catch my breath, slowly taking me down into his throat, then humming, letting the vibrations course through my cock and into my body, collecting in the pit of pleasure he was already creating in me... and he wanted to make me fall and drown in it, restarting the fast movement, another minute of furious movement, followed by another soft, slow and almost loving embrace of his throat and hands.

Finally, however, either because his jaw was getting tired or he was desperate for my cum, he didn't stop after the minute was gone and instead just went harder, taking me beyond, my muscles tightening up, I could even feel my ass hurting from how stiff my body was getting as I resisted the urge.

But even with all my experience...

These succubi, they can just get things out of you, and by things I mean cum, and that was no different, I couldn't tell you much of the orgasm, other than the fact that it felt so damn good I actually closed my eyes and just went unconscious for a good few seconds before I had to come back down to the world of the awake.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, and saw and heard and felt, between my legs, a dutiful and hard working succubus, making plenty of gulping noises as he drank down his hard earned reward.

Now, I allowed my instincts through, and I patted his head. He leaned into my hand, pulling off of my cock and nuzzling it, relaxing while he stroked my length with his hands.

"That was pretty convincing alright," I said, "fine, we'll give it a trial run, and if it doesn't work, you'll have to work double shifts to pay off the costs."

I wouldn't hold him to it. I think he knew I wouldn't.

But I had to say it, I have to at least try to pretend these sexual fiends can't control me if they really try...

He giggled. "I promise~!" he said, burping and blushing bright red.

"Good..." I said, "now get out from under there, turn around and show me that tight little ass of yours," I said.

He nodded, and rapidly did as I commanded, standing up, needing me to push back the chair a little so he could get up, and then he turned around and bent over my desk, reaching behind himself to pull up his tight skirt, revealing his panties, such as they were, didn't cover his buttcrack at all, instead, only containing his small cock which had a big wet stain on its tip, hard as a rock and pushing out. I snorted.

"You creamed your panties, you slut?" I asked, putting a hand on his nice, tender, soft and deliciously meaty ass.

"Yeppers~!" he responded, enthusiastic and even proud of the fact he'd cum from giving me a blowjob. "Ooh, I've got another idea for a business opportunity, you think people would buy panties we wore? We can even have a special deal for panties we wore while masturbating!"

"I'm sure we can find a sufficiently degenerate and sufficiently rich man if we try," I said, "it'd be a good way to cover all the pairs that you incorrigible sluts ruin," I said, reaching to grab his little cock through his panties, stroking him through them even as I placed my tip against the entrance to his anus, before pushing it in, splitting his anal passage and filling up the space I made with my own, spit and cum slick meat.

While stroking him, I began sawing in and out of his tight, warm and delightful ass. We still had about forty five minutes of our hour long pitch meeting to go, and as I leaned down, I began to lick his earlobe, grabbing his head with my free hand to turn him to me and meet his lips with a kiss.

I pulled back and looked him in the eye. "Want to invite some of the boys and rehearse how to beg for tips from a group?" I asked.

Karnelia shuddered, and I could feel a spurt of cum explode out of his cock, onto my hand, which I brought up for him to lick, he was cumming so much he was soaking through the panties with ease, and he was a perfect slut that had absolutely no objection to eating his own cum off my hand, licking my fingers eagerly and submissively.

Sticking two of my fingers into his mouth, I pulled his tongue out, playing with it a little. Karnelia was a pretty submissive succubus, all things considered, who really liked it best when he was being used or being submissive to his partner.

I am actually somewhat reluctant to subject him to the horrors of customer service... maybe I'll assign him a more dominant partner?

Thoughts for later, for now, I rang the bell to call an assistant, and began pumping in and out of Karnelia's tight ass while waiting for someone to come so I could send them off to gather some of the lads to give Karnelia some proper 'practice' for his services...


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