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Laura Torres was a... mostly normal person, with a normal person routine.

She woke up early in the morning, stretched her muscles after a night of sleep that felt like just minutes, and got up, yawning as she did, trying to rub the sleep off her eyes. Her apartment was a mess, a tiny, uncomfortable mess, but it was the only one she could afford near her workplace.

One would think that the immense amounts of crime and destruction Manhattan suffered every single day would lower property values and rent prices, but apparently, with the excuse that "you might see a real life super hero!", they just raised the prices instead. Sometimes they also said, as an excuse, that they needed to charge high rent because they had to rebuild things so often... but then they also had insurance for that.

With the distaste coursing through her, Laura removed her covers and her eyes became wide as saucers as she noticed that, rather than her customary sleep pants and shirt, she was instead wearing a slick black bodysuit, and then suddenly, everything that happened the previous day hit her all at once.

She remembered that even though everything was fine now, literally the day prior most of the world had been conquered and subsequently nearly destroyed by some sort of unbelievably hyperadvanced aliens from another dimension, that had reached Earth through a portal opened in Manhattan and turned the world into their plaything, only to then be defeated by the combined forces of Earth's superheroes, who used the nearly almighty aliens' own weapons and powers against them to drive them back to their own world through their own portal.


Not all of the aliens, or whatever the hell she had come across, had been driven back to their world.

While trying to head home to rest after the harrowing experience of nearly losing her life, Laura stumbled upon a little gift left behind by the would be conquerors. What she had at first thought a pool of tar or crude oil or melted rubber had, the moment she stepped near it, turned out to be a gelatinous and goopy but still living creature that attacked her immediately.

Or rather... attached itself to her immediately.

She didn't even remember how she got home after that... she had been ready to assume that everything had been just a dream, especially considering everything just looked like it was any other random day.

But... as she looked at her own legs, covered in slick black film, she couldn't help but reach out to touch them, only then realizing that the same black film covered her hand, though she couldn't feel it at all, and when she put her finger on her thigh and pressed it, ran the finger up and down the muscles, she just felt like it was her own skin, even though she looked like she was wearing latex.

She got up and off the bed, and almost stumbled her way to the bathroom, walking was a little more difficult than she expected at first, like she was relearning to use her legs, but soon enough, she was moving swiftly, with purpose and with agility she hadn't had before, and she found herself in front of the dinky little mirror of her bathroom, which was more of a shower with a toilet and sink attached to it than a real bathroom, but such was the cheap apartment life, she thought bitterly-

Before she could think about anything, she felt something like a zap of electricity, or even a swat with a towel or something, on her rear, and she nearly jumped, looking at her face in the mirror. She was a little more pale than normal, there were bags under her eyes, and she was trembling as she looked at herself. For a moment her skin was so pale she could see the blue of her veins underneath, but within moments the color returned to her cheeks. She hadn't ever seen that before, she wasn't particularly dark skinned but she did have a brown tone that was made darker by her daily life moving about under the sun.

Worry hit her for a moment, but then she felt another swat at her rear, this time on the other cheek and she reached for it, placing both hands against her butt, one on each of her struck cheeks, a little fear coursing through her. This thing, this alien that had attached itself to her, was it doing something to her?

However, before she could do anything, she felt another swat to her rear, and when she opened her mouth to scream, the slick bodysuit grew from where it stopped halfway up her neck, and covered her mouth, filling it with its black gelatinous and goopy mass, to the point not a sound came out of her, and even went down her throat.

Her suit moved her against her will, and she was made to face herself in the mirror, looking as her mouth was covered in black, as she was given a warning. Make a fuss. Create a disturbance.

Call attention to the alien that had become a suit around her, and see what happens, it was telling her.

She didn't need words for terror to course through her, and her mind raced with thoughts, she would say nothing, she'd stay quiet, clearly the alien could do whatever it wanted to her-

She mewled and gasped as she suddenly felt warm sensations all over her body, as if the suit was softly caressing her, rubbing a warm washcloth with scented oils along her tired body and massaging her aching back and legs and shoulders, all at the same time.

She mewled and gasped, and almost fell. The black mass in her mouth retreated and she realized she hadn't lost her breath, in fact, the suit had been letting air pass just fine, and had prevented her from hyperventilating by regulating her breathing itself.

Trying to calm herself down, and keep the fear at bay, she looked at herself in the mirror. The black suit covered most of her body... she hadn't ever really thought herself particularly good looking, but... now that she saw herself, on the small mirror's surface, wearing the sort of thing that those unbelievably hot spies on TV would wear...

She adjusted the mirror and then moved it to look down.

Something she... hadn't thought of was... she wasn't exactly a normal human. She almost didn't want to look at it.

She bit her lip. The suit came with a certain kind of structure around the general crotch area, but the instant she focused on it, she saw it almost dissolve. For a moment, she was upset. Considering the outfit she'd worn the day prior was gone, not in the laundry basket or anywhere visible... it was fair to assume all parts of it were gone.

Including the rather expensive compression panties that kept her... non-girl parts hidden from everyone.

Before she could become too upset, however, she was distracted by another swat to her rear, and the moment the thought crossed her that it was just rich, that now she would no longer be able to hide the ugly, fat and obscene cock that she'd been born with-

It was at that moment that she suddenly felt that warm, caressing and soft sensation, this time not all over her body, but instead centered around her cock. She mewled and moaned, a surge of pleasure coursing through her as the bulge became more defined, the suit wrapping more tightly, like a second skin, rather than, well, a suit, around her crotch, taking hte shape of her cock and making it look almost like she had painted it in black latex, and more importantly...

The strong and powerful stimulation was actually working at getting her hard.

Ever since her childhood, Laura had hated the part of her that made her different. She had always been a victim of mockery and derision whenever it was discovered, and as a child she'd had to move schools twice because it was discovered... She'd despised that thing, that shouldn't be on a woman... she'd always hated her dick.

It was the one part of her that wasn't 'normal', and she knew she lived in a world that hated anything that wasn't 'normal'...

Yet the more she thought about how much she hated it, how much she hated the body she was born with, the more her thoughts were driven away by more and harder swats to her rear, so much so that she actually heard the impact as her suit somehow managed to simulate spanking her.

A flash of inspiration struck her... every time she thought something bad, something that made her upset, angry or distraught, it would seem like her suit would retaliate with that distracting sensation... and yet...

She moaned as she felt the sensations around her cock intensify, as she began to feel herself growing increasingly stiffer with every passing moment, her hands gripped her metal sink hard enough to dent it a little and she gasped, shaking in place as her cock became flooded with blood and pleasure coursed through her mind.


She was starting to get it. She breathed slowly through her nose, concentrating on what was happening. Bad thoughts... anything that evoked sadness, fear, anger or distress... those were all responded to with a highly distracting swat to her rear. It wasn't hurting her, it was only giving her the sensation of being spanked, because it ripped her off the bad thoughts.

And more importantly...

She panted and closed her eyes. By now, her cock was reaching its full length, as she approached full mast. She was no innocent little girl, she was a grown ass adult woman nearing her mid twenties already, she was no stranger to sex, and she was no stranger to pornography. She'd seen her fair share of it, especially when she was exploring her sexuality...

No matter how much she hated her cock...

She was forced to admit jerking off felt good. Perhaps that made her a little more understanding of the horndogs that kept making passes at girls, knowing how good it felt to have her dick stimulated.

And based on what she was experiencing?

She had no doubt that if they could, every guy she knew would want one of these suits, because she was experiencing a sexual gratification unlike anything she had ever experienced before. Was this how it tried to make her fall in love with her cock? By making her experience the most unbelievable sexual joy anyone ever could?


No... she remembered... this had been it from the start.

The thoughts, intrusive as they were, replayed the memory of what happened in her dream. She accepted this. She agreed to this. She had straight up asked for this.

She had found a starving, weak and dying creature, and when it begged for help, she had agreed to help it... and when it told her that her emotions were yucky...


It set about making her feel a whole lot different.

It was like billions of tongues lavished their loving care and affectionate attention on every single cell of her skin along her cock, not a single bit of her, not a single nerve, went without stimulation, not a part of her was left untouched. With her cock now at full mast, she almost tripped but her suit helped her sit gently down on her closed toilet, her cock standing like a pillar of flesh covered in black spandex, shaking and throbbing and moving by its own power, reacting to the mind blowing pleasure.

She couldn't contain herself anymore, opening her mouth, only for more of the black goop to once again invade it, but it went deeper this time, it spread along her throat. She was breathing, not by her own power but she was breathing, and it felt like something was going in and out of her throat, in a stimulating way, something delicious, something that was triggering weird and unexpected sensations.

At the same time, the sensations on her cock changed, and she understood what was happening, the sensations of the rod of goop in her throat were being transferred, replicated, along her cock, she was feeling the pleasure of deepthroating herself, something she had always been too embarrased to even imagine, let alone try.

For someone who'd never gone beyond stroking herself, and had never even showed her penis to anyone else deliberately... it was too strong a stimulation, both the sensation and the image in her mind that was forming, both getting her dick sucked, and sucking someone off, turned her on fiercely.

But that wasn't all.

Because as she was experiencing that, she didn't notice another part of her was being prepared, she felt the goop suddenly become a lot thicker around her crotch, and another rod of goop, thicker than the one in her throat, this one with rib-like structures and a phallic head, speared into her pussy. Much like her cock, she'd only ever used her hands to touch herself there, and it was a world of difference.

She had been a virgin when she met her goopy companion, and she wasn't sure she'd ever find a partner considering this felt way better than she ever imagined being with a human being could feel.

And it was only starting to go into her... only for the sensations that rod of goop was feeling to be passed onto her cock as well, giving Laura an absolutely unbelievable peak of pleasure as she felt much more than a human being was ever supposed to.


This was a pleasure unique to someone like her, something only those born with both 'halves', so to speak, those born with male and female sexual organs, was able to experience... something that was unique to her body.

She had hated it all her life, and always seen her cock as a problem, but her goopy new buddy had decided to show her just how amazing her body truly could be... if only she had listened whenever someone told her to go fuck herself, she would have known just how unbelievably amazing it actually was!

She couldn't speak, but if she could, she would be screaming in ecstasy, the sensation of being massaged, rubbed and cared for all over returned, and every sensation was increased tenfold, a hundredfold, a hundred thousandfold, pleasure overwhelmed.

And then she came, with the biggest and most powerful orgasm of her life, she came so hard that the pleasure felt like an atom bomb going off in the back of her skull and she blacked out, swimming in a sea of pleasure, stranded between consciousness and unconsciousness, for a moment she was just... at peace.

And then she was coming down, and rather than swimming in pleasure, or the aftereffects of one of her usually quite impressive orgasms... instead, her newest friend had made sure to clean up after her.

She giggled a little drunkenly, and caught her rather modest chest as she looked down at her still throbbing cock. "You don't think you could do something about my chest too, eh partner?" she asked, more as a joke than anything else.

She felt a weird warm sensation coursing through her, primarily focusing on her chest, a slight pinch and then like something was being poured into her... and as it turned out, yes.

Her new partner could indeed do something about her breasts...

"So... there's this thing I often saw in porn that I want to try out... you think you can make these large enough to titfuck myself?"

As it turned out, not straight away... they needed more time together, more time to get closer so to speak. But that was okay. They had time.

And thanks to her newest friend giving her a nice swat in the rear whenever she fell into self loathing, and rewarding her with immense pleasure whenever she did well and had positive thoughts... Laura Torres gained a superpower greater than almost any other in the planet.

A positive outlook in life!

Also the ability to titfuck herself. That one was pretty sweet too.


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