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The clacking of a mechanical keyboard was the most audible sound in the room, but by no means the only one. The buzzing and humming of a modern computer could be quite quiet, but never truly silent, and of course, the much louder and much more unsubtle buzzing of a vibrator doing its work, on a young woman tied wrist to ankle, sat with her legs spread, and all four of her limbs locked in place through creative use of red silken ropes. 

Despite the fact that the brown haired young woman had a ball gag in her mouth that kept her mouth open and full, rendering her incapable of doing anything but drooling and letting out muffled moans, she was naked but for a pair of stockings that went up to mid thigh, and said stockings were stuffed with three control pieces, two of which had wires coming out of them and going up her thigh, only to lose themselves between her cheeks. 

The bottom end of a vibrating dildo was coming out of her pussy which was gushing with fluids that flowed down her thighs and onto the seat she was on in rivulets of sticky juice. Every muscle in the area near her crotch was spasming repeatedly as she was assaulted with pleasure from both holes.

Yet the classy lady in a tailored suit sitting behind her desk ignored her fully, typing into her computer like nothing was going on for a few seconds, then making a few clicks with her mouse before turning the monitor around, facing it towards the tied up woman, though it was a black screen as if it was turned off. Moments later, the redhead, with a swift and fluid movement, got off her seat and pushed it back, the slight squeal of the wheels not quite spinning right on the office's tiles distracting from her movement.

With long strides the redhead walked around the large wooden desk, clearly not minding the wet disaster she was approaching in the least, acting as if it was something normal, an everyday thing that anyone would find at their office.

For a moment, the redhead inspected the ties that bound the brunette, how they made rings around her arms that ropes went around ensuring she was being pulled taut, giving her no leverage, and made sure that there was no slack rope anywhere on her limbs by tugging briefly at each of them.

Her hands then ran along the brunette's torso, stopping at her exposed breasts. Nicely sized for her frame, if a bit on the smaller side for what had become the norm, she grabbed them with her hands and felt them, weighed them, tested their heft, applied pressure and watched them return to their original shape the moment she let go.

"Mhm, you really are one of a kind, Tsukiko," the redhead said, looking at her hand, slick with sweat, before wiping it off on her pants, and moving back to her desk, reaching to the keyboard behind the screen on the other side, pulling it closer, then using a single finger to hit the space bar.

The screen suddenly came to life as she did, and a video started playing on it, or rather, a recording of sexual activity... quite specifically, it was a record of the brunette's own sexual activity. 

It was clearly edited, cutting out much of the fanfare. It featured a rather unassuming sexual encounter, between her and one of the men, one of the breeders, whom she managed. The image changed, the same breeder was with another woman, then another, and another.

"An interesting find," the redhead mused, leaning against the desk and reaching to the keyboard, using her finger to tap one of the arrow keys to hurry the video along, skipping through the sexual scenes as they continued to get more extreme. "He's built up skills and endurance, as well as become bolder and braver... He didn't crumble either," she mused.

The redhead pushed off of the desk, her dress shoes making an almost intimidating amount of noise as she walked towards the brunette, hand reaching behind the back of her head to unhook, and then remove, the gag keeping the brunette from interjecting.

Tsukiko first coughed and gagged a little, working her jaw and mouth a little, making funny faces with her lips, to get the blood flowing again, before swallowing and looking up, trying to keep herself in control even as her body trembled.

The redhead's fingers reached under Tsukiko's chin and tilted her head up, half lidded eyes looked down, and a terrifying smirk crossed the redhead's face. "What a wonderful change..." she hummed. "You can even look me in the eye without flinching now... Sweet Tsukiko," she said, bending down and planting a kiss on Tsukiko's lips, their tongues coming into contact quickly, naughty sounds from Tsukiko's pussy scoring their lewd kiss as their tongues danced. A smack heralded the end of their kiss.

"Angh... Mistress Yoko~" Tsukiko mewled, her own eyes now half lidded, her face redder than before, panting, her mouth agape as she looked up, biting her lower lip.

Yoko smiled, using a finger to pull back a strand of hair that had fallen over her face when she bent down to kiss Tsukiko. She let out a low chuckle as she watched the needy girl almost tremble in her seat, unable to move but clearly wanting to prolong the kiss. She ran her thumb along Tsukiko's cheek and then shut her mouth, putting that same thumb over her lips to seal them shut. 

"I do so love when a plan comes together," she hummed, "don't you?"

"Yes, Mistress Yoko~!" Tsukiko responded, swallowing. "I love when your plans work out~!"

Yoko's hand moved up her cheek and on top of her head, patting her gently. "That's a good girl," she hummed. "You worked so hard for me..." she hummed, "Oh, I know..."

The redhead's right hand then moved lower, ghosting along the brunette's skin, until she reached the brunette's crotch, and most importantly, her exposed clit, as her pussy was split open receiving the big fat pink vibrator that was even then still shaking and thrashing within the brunette's insides, prompting more juice to come out.

Before the brunette could get her bearings, the redhead's fingers clamped down on the brunette's clit.

"Cum for me," the redhead ordered, her voice low, soft and silky smooth, but with an undercurrent of steel hard demand and power that made it impossible for the brunette to do anything but comply, her body itself surrendering to the command and triggering a brainshattering orgasm that had her squirting her juices out, all over the floor tiles and staining the chair she was sitting on, getting as far as staining the wood of the desk, not far away.

Only a few centimeters from hitting the screen that was now playing a recorded scene of Tsukiko herself, orgasming as she was fucked from behind by the same breeder, bent over the waist, in the love hotel complex created in her city to make sure the breeders always had a place available to do their thing. Alongside Tsukiko was another woman, and both were wearing school swimsuits.

"What a wonderful specimen of man," Yoko hummed. "You made me wait, but I suppose it was worth it in the end," the redhead said, squeezing Tsukiko's clit and causing her to mewl out in pleasure, before letting go of it, and grabbing the vibrator in her pussy, starting to pull it out for a moment before shoving it back in, rocking it about every which way, getting Tsukiko's juices everywhere before she started to perform sawing motions, moving the vibrator in and out. "Hm... you look like you're having a good time... but."

Yoko stopped and moved aside, so Tsukiko could have enough presence of mind to look at the image of herself in the computer, her face almost looked like it was melting, she was covered in sweat, she was being fucked thoroughly and utterly without mercy, again by the same breeder, at the same location, but no third person present.

"That version of you was having even more fun... is he better than me, Tsukiko? Did he charm your womb, claim you as his female, and make you submit to him?" she asked, her voice almost a hiss as she reached for Tsukiko's belly, placing a hand roughly where her womb was and pressing against it. "Did this slutty little womb acknowledge a man, and surrender to him?" she asked, eyes narrowed and setting into a glare so intense it could've pierced through concrete.

"Mi, mistress yo, ghk~!" 

Yoko pressed against her womb, and the sudden clenching of Tsukiko's internal muscles was so intense as she came again that she actually pushed the vibrating dildo out of her body, it slipped out of her pussy and made a lot of noise, clattering on the ground, followed by a spray of Tsukiko's juices as her pussy was uncorked.

Yoko patiently waited as Tsukiko came back down from the height of her orgasm, slowly but surely, patting her head and rubbing her belly gently as the brunette regained her senses. 

"Ahhn, that was amazing~" Tsukiko mewled.

"Well I'm glad you liked it," Yoko said, "you've done well," she explained, bending down to kiss Tsukiko's forehead. "And to think, when you started here you couldn't even walk straight!"

Tsukiko pouted. "It was my first time wearing high heels!" she said.

Yoko laughed, and got to work untying Tsukiko, experience making it go quite quickly, smoothly and efficiently. Within minutes, Tsukiko was free of her bonds, and not more than five minutes after, she was removing the last of the ropes tied on her, though it'd take longer to untangle the ropes themselves from the mess they had become.

The boring, spartan office had plenty of space to put Tsukiko's clothes aside, in a neat little pile in a counter, that the brunette went to fetch, but she was stopped by Yoko who stuck out a hand, before pointing at the bathroom attached to her office. 

Laughing, the brunette set her clothes down, put one hand on her hip and cocked her hips to the side, tilting her head and offering the redhead a smirk. 

Yoko pointed more emphatically.

Tsukiko smiled and just went to do as ordered.

Yoko turned back to the screen, where the same breeder was now laying with a pair of women that looked to be quite a bit older than the school uniforms they wore would suggest. Yoko hummed as she watched the scene unfold, and then keep going, on and on.

"Fascinating," she muttered. "One in a million... The good Doctor's research is bearing fruit at last," she hummed. "Perhaps I was a little too hasty..."

She turned the screen back the proper way around, and sat once more on her chair, simply relaxing and watching the spectacle unfold. The video showed a great deal many different situations that unveiled and unfolded. Some had better angles and quality than others, a limitation of budgets and simple physical convenience, but it was still fascinating nonetheless.

She crossed her legs and her executive style chair creaked a little as she leaned against its backrest, not something she often did. It was hard to tear one's eyes away...

So much so that she hadn't even noticed that it had been quite a while since she started, and she only realized because she felt a dampt woman sit on the armrest of the chair and rest her weight on Yoko's shoulder, preventing the chair from becoming unbalanced as she did that.

"Ah, you're done already," Yoko mused, seeing that Tsukiko had put on her work clothes once again. Black pencil skirt, white button up, black blazer, she even had her lanyard with her ID dangling from her neck, over her chest. Both of them settled to watch the images playing on the screen. "How much longer will I have to wait?" she asked idly. "Until he's ready... give me your opinion."

"Hmmm..." Tsukiko placed her hands on Yoko's shoulders and squeezed a little, then began rubbing her back. "I think just one more big push," she said. "It's hard to find sexually aggressive women, especially in this country, so it's hard to train up the breeders," she said with a giggle. "But you know..."

"You did go abroad recently," hummed Yoko. "I suppose that little writeoff of yours might pay itself off?" she asked.

"I think so," Tsukiko said, reaching for the mouse and clicking away from the video, moving instead to a live feed from the tracking program, inputting the right ID and password to open access to the same breeder they'd been watching up until minutes before.

The image switched then to the inside of a gym. Visible all around it were figures of people, primarily women in skimpy workout outfits and muscular men. The camera tracked the only breeder in the room, however, as he was cleaning off his sweat from the machine he'd just been used.

As he did this, however, a quite visibly foreign woman approached him. She had very dark skin, making her stand out quite a bit, and sported an enviable set of abs, though most of the rest of her body was covered by clothes entirely unsuited to working out as well as a duffel bag that no doubt contained workout clothes. She was quite tall for the people who surrounded her, but likely not so much in her home country.

"Is this your next move?" asked Yoko.

"Yep," Tsukiko said, smirking. "If he succeeds here, I think he'll be ready after a short break."

"Good... then let's observe your little pet project's progress, shall we?"

Tsukiko moved to settle on Yoko's lap, and the two watched as the dark skinned woman made the opening move.

"Hey, my name's Victoria, I'm new around these parts," she said, in a foreign, western european accent, "would you mind showing me the changing room?"

Indeed... it was about to begin.


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