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"That's- that's heavy."

"Very heavy."

Night was quiet, overall. In the far distance the sounds of some animals moving about, making a ruckus as they became active during the night, could be heard very faintly. Vast expanses of farmland under a starlit night sky were serene and beautiful to behold.

A pair of men sat on lawn chairs, on the terrace of a large mansion in the middle of a bunch of different farm fields. 

One of them was a mostly average and relatively bland looking man, a regular person so to speak, if a little on the muscular side, wearing a simple shirt and jeans.

The other, significantly more well muscled, but also considerably shorter, bald and wearing a martial arts uniform in reddish orange, was sipping from a beer can and looking a little nervous. "But why tell me, of all people? Not to, uh, bring up bad memories, but... we've not been the best of friends, David. This is stuff your daughter from the future told you in secret, right?"

"We kept it secret to avoid a panic, Krillin," David responded. "I told everyone who needed to know, and I waited to tell you last for a very important reason."

"Ah, that's... reasonable," Krillin admitted, looking a little more relaxed.

"I'm going to need your help to make sure things don't go badly," David said.

"How so?" Krillin asked. "I mean I can lift but, any one of the saiyans is way stronger than I am... even Gohan," he said, scratching his cheek.

"You have something that none of them have," David insisted.

Krillin snorted. "Yeah, a penis, but what good's that gonna do us?" he asked, jokingly.

"Precisely, and you'll find out, if my daughter's correct, your penis might just about save us all, Krillin," he said. "You see, what I left out of everyone else's briefing is that you, uh, lived a... little bit longer than you might've thought after losing the fight against the androids Dr. Gero unleashed."

"I did? Did I develop a new technique or something?" the bald man asked. 

"Well, in a manner of speaking," David said. "But I'm going to teach you how to use it, much, much earlier," he said. "With any luck... you'll do for them, what I did for the Saiyans."

"No fucking way..." Krillin muttered. "For real?"

"Yes," David said. "Are you willing to receive my training and try for this one shot at a potential victory?"

Krillin was thoughtful for a few moments. "Sure beats the hell out of dying I'll tell you that much."

"Amen to that brother," David replied, raising his won can and the two toasted briefly. "Alright... this is going to be far more grueling and intense than anything you've experienced before, be ready... because I'm going to teach you all you need to know to save us all."

Krillin nodded.

Three years later, at the pointed out time...

As the Time Traveler had indeed feared, the training simply wasn't enough. A set of androids not before seen, an old man in a ridiculous getup, and a plump and voluptuous young woman in an even more ridiculous, clown-esque getup, attacked South City, caused a ruckus, and then faced the Earth's defenders in combat.

At first, everything seemed like it was going great. The old mandroid, revealed to be Dr. Gero himself, was defeated, decapitated by an angry Vegeta, but the hot clownbot escaped with the head, and retreated to Dr. Gero's lab. Though it didn't take long to track down the enemies, it was already too late by the time they arrived.

The world's defenders reached just in time to witness the death of Dr. Gero as his head was crushed by a dark haired young lady. The clownbot was on her knees being held down by a blonde.

Not long after, the timetraveler tried her hardest to obliterate them, but it was no use, they activated a barrier to block her massive blast with ease, then released a fifth menace, a massively tall muscular redhead with a spiky mohawk.

To say that the fight went poorly was an understatement. Even working together, multiple Super Saiyans simply were no match to the two twin young women, and an attempt at hitting the clownbot to eliminate it early was thwarted by interference from the redhead, who proved that she was significantly stronger than even the twins, despite being an earlier model.

At the end of the battle, the gynoids knocked everyone out, and then left, going to do what their programming prompted them to do... find and murder Son Goku.

However, before they did... they took one of the fighters from the battlefield with them.

And now, we rejoin them, in Middle of Nowhere County Road, which was aptly named as it was a single, solitary road that stretched across the entire wasteland, bordering the El Diablo desert, on the way to Mt. Paozu, where they believed Son Goku to be.

The gynoids had stolen a mobile home, and had set it on cruise control, the autopilot would take care of keeping them on the road, while they took care of something far, far more important.

And that was their kidnapped hostage, a tiny bald man that found himself surrounded by hot gynoid ladies. 

To his left was the white-skinned, plump and voluptuous young clownbot, Android 19, who had ditched her body concealing getup and swapped it for a much more feminine one, showing off her figure, also a lot more colorful than the primarily beige and brown style she'd had before, giving her a slightly more clownish, but sexier appearance. She was taciturn, but Krillin could tell she had emotions running behind the almost blank stare, otherwise she wouldn't have bothered changing when Krillin told her he didn't like her attire earlier.

Next to 19, was 18, blonde, sexy, with light blue eyes that almost seemed to sparkle, a confidence about her that got Krillin's motor running, and a body worth dying for, before dressed in a tacky denim jacket and skirt, now having ditched that for a blue nightie and a matching pair of panties. She was the first one to suggest this, and had even stopped to steal a set of lingerie when they raided a nearby town for supplies and new clothes.

Afetr 18 was her sister, 17. An exact match for her twin 18 in everything but hair color, she had a more mischievous edge to her, like she was enjoying herself and thinking of little else other than acting on impulse and damn the consequences. In a way, she looked like she was getting the most out of this, and her enjoyment was infectious, and, well - she had already become nude, exposing everything.

And last, towards Krillin's right, was Android 16, who almost hadn't fit into the tight space of the mobile home. Tall enough that Krillin would fit in one of her pant legs, and muscular enough to put even the Saiyans to shame, she was a marvel of physicality, but the gentle smile on her face spoke far more than that. She had discarded a heavy looking green armor and was now wearing only a black bodysuit.

"Alright, cutie, you're going to be working doubletime for us..." 17 said, the ends of her mouth curling up into a smirk.

"You know, when you talked about going by car, I thought it was a silly idea, but I get it now," 18 added, her pink tongue exiting her mouth and wetting her lips as her eyes roved over Krillin.

19 looked at them. "Requesting permission to proceed."

"You don't have to talk like that, the old dude's gone." 

17's voice was warm but firm, clearly he was giving thought to the most robotic of the lot. Krillin couldn't exactly begrudge them killing Gero, not considering he had learned why, exactly, the old man primarily worked with gynoids and captured the twins.

"Affirmative, will try to correct speech when the opportunity arises," 19 replied.

"I'm going first," 18 said. "No objections there, huh?" she asked, looking at Krillin's member, standing proudly at attention. She reached with her hand and teased it with a slim finger, the confident smirk on her face becoming strained as even that little bit of teasing saw it grow. And grow. 

And then grow some more.

Krillin might be short, to the point that he was frequently mocked for his height during his life, 18 was absolutely not expecting the monster between his legs that rose as she teased it even this lightly.

"Y-You don't have to do this," Krillin said, nervously.

"Are you gonna give me some shit about how you don't want this? You're so hard I'm not sure I could take it, and if my hand was made of metal it'd be melting now," 18 marveled.

"Sheesh, and look at those tanks too, you smuggling some apples in there for later shortie?" 17 added.

"Negative. Analysis complete. 100% primo grade semen inside."

"Ah, shit, I don't think this is even gonna fit inside me," 18 said, her eyes wide. 

"You're too small. Step aside, let me handle this," the usually quiet 16 said, stepping forward and ripping a hole in her bodysuit, revealing her hairless pussy, as she straddled Krillin's crotch. Looking down at him, she glanced at Krillin, and he glanced up at her.

She was already wet and he was going into her as she lowered herself down, devouring the entire length of his cock. She wasn't human and didn't have a human pussy, rather, it was a facsimile, a recreation, more similar to the onahole masturbation aids Krillin was used to than anything else, but ten million times better, maybe a hundred million times better, it was insane how incredible she was. Overflowing with lubricant, her juicy pussy seemed to almost be drooling all over his cock as the redhead began bouncing her hips on him. He could almost hear the clap of her muscular, large ass behind her as she began to fuck him mercilessly.

Krillin couldn't hold back or resist. "Ugh, this is- too amazing..!!" he said.

"Don't forget about me cutie," 18 said, moving Krillin's arm, raising it and sticking it between her legs, riding it, sliding her panty clad, and already wet, pussy along the muscles of his arm.

"Or me, hotstuff," 17 added with a saucy smirk, guiding Krillin's hand to her crotch. All the training Krillin had endured made him act as if on autopilot, moving his limbs in response to the women around him, stimulating them as thoroughly as he could with things as they were.

"Query, I feel... lonely. What should this one do?" the stilted and robotic words from 19 caused Krillin to turn to her. She looked a bit pitiful, left out even.

"Take off your pants and underwear," he stopped, wincing and panting as 16 redoubled her efforts, the squishy and naughty sounds increasing, "and sit on my face," Krillin ordered, "and let me lick your pussy, oof- your pussy's so tight 16..!"

16 was moaning openly now. "Intensity increasing... parameters... exceeding expectations!!"

19 ripped her pants off without a care in the world, destroying them in the process, and then sat her fat white ass on Krillin's face, adjusting her position to let him have access to her pussy. Of the group, she was the most voluptuous and managed to cover almost the entirety of Krillin's bald head as she rode him. 

"Nghn- this is soooo much hotter than I expected, ngnhg, for such a, huf, ck, cute guy, you sure know, how to finger a lady~ you some kinda playboy?" 17 asked, a smirk on her face as she felt Krillin's fingers inside her going wild-

"Let him speak 19," 18 said, pulling back and letting Krillin begin fingering her as well, mewling and moaning.

19 rose up slightly. "Ngnh, no, before today I was a virgin actually... I just had a good teacher!!" Krillin said, as he began humping 16 from below, while at the same time, intensifying his attack on the pussies on his hands. "That's right, don't hold back at all, feel all the pleasure at once!!" Krillin said, now in full battle mode, displaying the courage that would've seen him stand up against the strongest in the universe with no hesitation.

"Stimulation, excessive..! Higher functions, shutting down! Ejaculation imminent! Error! Ejaculation subroutine running!! Orgasm routine, cascade failure, cannot stop! Error! Error!!"

19 was the first to lose her composure and her mind but not the last, followed by twin cries of orgasm from 18 and 17, before finally, the biggest and toughest of the lot, let out a howling scream befitting her size as she came, at about the same time as Krillin's seed exploded within her.

The androids collapsed almost like puppets with their strings cut, and the autopilot had to adapt to the movement, but righted the mobile home in time.

Krillin panted as he moved 19's gloriously massive ass from his face and wiped the fluids she'd ejaculated. He half expected motor oil, but it was actually a rather tasty and sweet mixture that reminded him of chocolate.

He looked at 16, whose open and gaping pussy was rapidly going back to its tightly closed state, not leaking a single drop of semen, as he pulled his cock out from her.

"Deposit acknowledged... seed received... commencing fertilization process..." 16 moaned. "Master registration complete... awaiting orders," 16 said.

Krillin huffed, then turned to the next one in order.

The dark haired twin was giggling as he pounced on her, and before she had a chance to recover in the least, Krillin shoved it into her sensitive pussy. raising her legs and beginning to fuck her with a mating press, her shoulders on the floor of the mobile home, trying to make sure not to do her so hard he literally put her through it, but still hitting her as hard as she clearly needed to be hit. 

The dark haired twin couldn't even speak, just letting out pathetic moans, Krillin then began to play with her exposed tits as he fucked her, until finally he ejaculated inside her. He panted, turned to 16.

"Insemination confirmed. Master registration complete," 16 said, throwing a thumbs up.

17 giggled. "Ooh, that feels nice and warm... 16, you got all kinds of sensors right, can you tell if I got impregnated from that?"

"Negative," 16 responded. "Should I disable the limiter on your womb to enable pregnancy?"

Krillin was already on 18, by then. "Disable it for all of you," Krillin said. No time to waste. No effort to spare. He raised the blonde, who was a little out of it still, and then mashed his lips to hers, while at the same time, fucking her right through her blue panties, tearing them to shreds with his cock and the friction of the fucking he began to engage in. To him she might as well be light as a feather, and in this position bearing the brunt of the impact, he could fuck her as hard as she wanted, which was very very hard. 

She locked her arms and legs behind him, their kiss broke only long enough for Krillin to start sucking on her tit while she kissed his bald head, and then he was cumming inside her, filling her up with her own thick and heavy load.

"Insemination confirmed. Master registration complete," 16 said. "Limiter disabled. Impregnation confirmed."

"Are you sure about that?" 18 asked, a little groggy.

"Affirmative," 16 remarked.

19 spoke up. "I do not possess the physical capability to be impregnated. May I still receive master's seed and officially become his?" she asked.

Krillin looked at her. His cock was still throbbing hard, and the clownbot was still naked from the waist down. "Get on all fours," he said.

She did, and he got behind her, lining his cock up with her pussy. Weaker though she might be than the other three, 19 was definitely the best fuck out of all of them. Her pussy was simply divine, otherwordly. While 16 was trying to imitate a human pussy, 19 wasn't even trying in the least, and it showed. It moved in unnatural, impossible ways, and it had the perfect mix of pleats, folds, and tiny little bumps, it felt like a million tongues coiling around his cock.

Was it any wonder he only lasted a couple hundred thrusts that went by in the blink of an eye?

"Insemination confirmed. Master registration complete," 16 said. "Congratulations, Master Krillin, you've successfully claimed ownership of all of us."

"Well, you're the boss now, cutie," 17 said. "I take it you're not up on the whole killing Goku business?"

Krillin panted and pulled his cock out of the robotic pussy 19 offered him, then he grabbed her and pulled her close. "Well, no killing," he said. 

"I was built for the purpose of killing Goku," 16 said, raising her hand. "May I at least have the opportunity to fight her?" she asked.

"As long as you don't kill her, you can fight her as much as you want," Krillin responded.

"Well, your call now, boss man," 17 said.

"Yeah, if you want to, we'll just drop the charade and fly wherever you want us to," 18 said.

Krillin chuckled, and stood up, revealing his still hard, throbbing cock. "I didn't risk several overdoses on pink senzu juice and restrain from masturbation for three years for nothing," he said, clenching his fist. "I'm going to take out the thousands of ejaculations I've been holding back on all of you," he said, squeezing 19's fat ass. "Show me what you can do with your mouths," he ordered.

Krillin had endured grueling and punishing training, for this very moment. The time traveler and her father, from the very start, had never intended to fight the androids fairly, but instead, to employ their ultimate and greatest weakness.

Thus, Krillin received the nickname... the Android Tamer.

Eventually they did have to go flying back to civilization since the mobile home was totalled by their frenetic mating, but not a one of them minded. Later on, Krillin would use a wish on the Dragon Balls to allow 16 and 19 to be able to be impregnated by his children as well, giving them mostly human cyborg bodies like 17 and 18 as a byproduct. 



Rest in Peace, Akira Toriyama.