Vamps in the Port - Characters Fan-Art (Line-art) (2009) (Patreon)
2015-04-09 04:50:47
These are the main set of characters of the original comic made by my friend Teo. (Yes, I used his name with one of my Alpha Luna's characters, you know who) Don't ask me to name them because I don't even remember myself :P I did this fan-art when he began his project of these group of teen-vamps heavily inspired by The Lost Boys movie and Saint Seiya (yeah ,weird mix). And one of those characters (Emilio "Jose") , the brown haired guy, focused his powers on the "wolf side" , thus why Teo chose me to draw this spin-off small story I've been posting. Other characters focused their powers on mist, other on bat-man change I think....and I can't remember the others :P Anyhow, fun times. His comic was only printed published in my country Chile between 2010 and 2014.