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Heya. Right now, I'm finishing the audio/music. THe recent build out now on itch has a preliminary version of it, but its not polished, incomplete sound effects and music. The menu buttons do make sounds which I'm happy about for now. Though the rest of the screens need work. That's what I'm finishing.

Then, I'll work on the android version. I'm kinda brainstorming how to arrange the icons for mobile. Obviously the icons need to be enlarged. I've tested it on my phone and you can barely click on the menu icons because they are so small. Another option is to consolidate all the screens(Inventory, Relationship, Threads, Character) into just one icon, and you can move around the other screens from there. The music and the android build will be the next patch.

Next to that, are the rest of the stuff for part 2 of the Chapter. A few stuff are already there. As I've said before, this is where I put in all the chances for you to hangout with other NPCs which mainly will be sprite-based so it's not going to take long for those. Then there's the other part of the main storyline in there. A lot of that questline is already set in stone, just need to render them out. This will be the build that will be in early access next.

As for bonuses, I'm slowly moving my characters to blender 4 and testing them out. No big hurdles. Managing your models feels a little better in blender4 because of the new bone collection system. Also re-sculpted and re-painted one character's pp texture as seen above as I've learned some stuff that I'm excited to try out. I'll make more nudes later this month.

Speaking of the character above, he's Callahan. I've teased him before. He's going to be your rival but I can't reveal any more details than that, other than he's smart, charming and very tall. He sounds too good to be true like he's not a real person ;). But you wont see him until Chapter 3. This early sneak peek is a thank you to all for your support and playing the 2nd chapter.

The other photo is of one of the places you might end up in if you enter that pink hole. No, I'm not making another entire world with that many characters and plots, not this time, as I'm trying to focus for now. But you do get to do something there that's repeatable. That's all I can say for now. (Disclaimer: The elven buildings look cool in that render, but they're not mine, I bought them from Kitbash3d because they had a sale and it looked gorgeous.)

Anyway, that's all for now. Thanks for your support, I'll be back soon.




Exciting stuff. Looking forward to it ❤️

Tom Swift Sr.

Both images are very attractive and places I would like to visit. :)