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Hi everyone. 

Renders are 100% complete.

About half of touch-ups on photoshop (there's a lot of images here that I need to work on.)

Code is 80% complete, what's missing: coding in music, sound and fine-tuning of all transitions, spell-checks, etc. 

This update will be out for Gold patrons on Oct 8 or sooner(and anyone who was a gold patron previously) and Silver/Bronze 7 days later(and whoever are previous patrons that are no longer subscribed.)

This update combined with the first release will be about 80% of Chapter 1 which is the introduction part of the entire novel. I'll give out the links I've described in the previous post together with the release of this update. (I still need to sort this part out). So see you soon. 

P.S. I'm expecting some hardware upgrade that will speed things up significantly, all thanks to everyone of you.



I know it's still pretty early in the game's development, but I was curious if you're planning on having certain characters be a top or bottom or is it going to be depending on if the player wants to be the top or bottom?


Hi Jeff. I just noticed this today. Thanks for reaching out. The goal is to have the option to do both(or flip). The challenge is that it's a lot of work. So I'll save it for their "final" scene. Basically my plan is to build an entire flip-flop scene for the final scene of each pairing. And players will have a way of influencing which part of that flip-flop(top or bottom) is shown/unlocked or both(the entire flip-flop scene is unlocked). What I'm still trying to figure out his how players influence that without the MC straight up asking their love interest if they want to top or bottom.