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So much to talk about today! I've been holding back from announcing things because I've wanted them to be in a more final state, but we've really been doing a lot recently.

Queen Fina design

I'm very proud to reveal the new design that Duro has been working on for Fina, Queen Consort of all of Artuland!

To legitimise your rule you'll want to entice the hedonistic Queen to visit Greenwood regularly by offering her great hospitality - fine cooking from your trained maids, lots of good wine, and good company from a certain handsome green lord... let's just hope the King doesn't have a problem with it!

This design isn't 100% finalised yet, but I feel confident enough in its state now that we can show you this. Also, this is a little low res, so once it's fully finalised she'll look a bit better. For now, just judge her based on the design.

Az'ea's slave outfits - poll results

The results of the poll are in; outfit C was the runaway winner, with outfit A coming in second. That's good because I thought those two would probably work best myself.

What we're going to do is use both A and C as outfits you can buy in the game. Here are the final versions, as designed by Sgrios!

This one above is outfit A, and this will be the option for her "slave outfit", that you can have her wear in place of her default outfit, once you've unlocked the option.

And this one is outfit C, which will be her "slave lingerie" option, and will be available to replace her other lingerie. We're planning to give each lady two outfit slots, basically - a default outfit and a lingerie outfit, and you can select from the options you've unlocked.

Cliona's BJ

Here's a teaser for the blow job scene involving Cliona, which is being finished up at the moment by Littleheros! (His first piece he's working on since returning to the project.)

This isn't going to be animated for a little while, but we're hopefully going to be working with a second animator soon to take on some of the work, since we have so much we need done.

I've also attached a snippet of voice acting from SilkyMilk to match this scene, so don't miss out on that. ;)

Do you like this new work as much as I do? If so, let me know what you think and I'll pass along your comments to the artists!
