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This one is a very big update, in which we introduce the Earl of Bugringham! He will demand money each week in exchange for granting you the privilege to stay in Greenwood Castle. Though he might give a discount in exchange for a little bit of "service" from a maid.


Cheats for Earl and Duke patrons are here.

Major changes:

The full, detailed change log is attached below, and in the game by clicking the version number on the menu screen.

  • New scenes in which the Earl gets "service" from a maid, for Beth, Cliona and Delia! These are three new variations on animations used for the portal rituals, now featuring the Earl. More will come in the future, too!
  • A new gameplay system in which the Earl demands tribute in gold each week. If you don't pay up then you will risk his anger, and his armies! (Sieges will be implemented in an upcoming update.)
  • A new system in which the Earl demands a maid be assigned to cooking on his visits and the tribute amount changes based on the maid's cooking skill.
  • New story scenes introducing the Earl and the new gameplay systems.

0.18.1 patch:

  • Fixed Az'ea's afternoon events after upgrading her Study
  • Fixed Delia's afternoon events after upgrading her Lab



Jo G

I've been having an issue in the last 2 builds that I cant start a new game. It gives me the "New content or start from the beginning and then no matter what I click nothing happens. :\ Please advise! I've been loving the game prior to this bug and am bummed out I cant play the new content yet! :) Also thank you for all your hard work BBBen!

Just Bones

I've now played this version of the game and I have to say that a lot of things have really improved. The last version I played was the one with Beth's new ritual. Praising the maids and generally having your maids react to upgrades are good new features. Again, good work from the voice actors to tell it well and vividly. The Earl is an arrogant pig, exactly as I thought, I just thought he would be a little fatter so that you could see his belly XD I think the Earl mechanic and the adjustment of the prices for upgrades are good. I tested how long it takes to max upgrade before this version and with the current one. With the current one you now need about 1.5 hours more, but it doesn't seem like you want to stretch it. Finally, I noticed 3 things that might be bugs. First of all, I couldn't increase the maids' Lust, and even a restart doesn't fix it. Maybe I just missed the fact that it doesn't work for now. The second thing is that when you do a ritual with the maids you can no longer see how much energy the maids have left, so you can't know whether they are exhausted afterwards and need a day off. And the last thing is, if you upgrade a room where the maids react, it zooms in on the room. You can then click into the room during the dialog, but when the dialog is finished it no longer zooms out. You can fix it by clicking on the room again and then the option for go back comes back and it zooms out. TLDR They're all good updates that get even more out of this funny sexy game, I'm looking forward to the dealer and the outfits ^^


Thanks for the feedback! I'm glad you're enjoying it and I've passed your bug reports along to Hulusay. The specific detail of how much longer it takes to max out the upgrades is good info. I think it'll be a little longer once we've implemented the town and the merchant, because that will give you other things to spend money on. The Earl's tribute demands will go up over time too, so that will complicate things.