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Az'ea deepthroat

The next animated scene that we implement will be an Az'ea deepthroat, which is an animated scene that will be phased in over two updates while we also work on some major gameplay updates.

Because of the scale of some of the changes we're making over the next few months we can't take on too much else, but we do want to keep adding new sex scenes for you as well, so we're doing our best to phase this one in while adding the improvements.

The gameplay changes include adding the town screen next month (a new screen with more upgrades and interactions available) and then in the month after that we're probably going to add the siege system, which will help create consequences for running the lands poorly. The gameplay should make more sense when these features are included!

Next littleheros art

The artist who did a lot of our original character work and art for the animations - littleheros - hasn't been available due to real life issues for quite a while. That hasn't been a massive problem as we've found other great artists to work on the game in the meantime, but the good news is that littleheros is available once again to do some work on the game!

I don't know whether it'll be a long-term arrangement, but he's currently working on a new Cliona BJ scene that I think should be fun. :D

Obviously this is just a sketch so it still needs plenty of work.

Delia's poll results

The poll for this outfit was extremely close! It's hovered around a three-way tie for most of the time it's run. That said, Outfit D seems to be ahead now and we've got most of the votes we're likely to get, so it's time to call it so Sgrios can go ahead working on it.

I happen to like this one best of the options myself, but don't worry if you liked the other versions! We're thinking about using them as inspiration for options for other girls' outfits; maybe Cliona or something like that.

What do you think of the new progress? Let me know in the comments!
