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I thought I'd give you a bit of a general sense of where we're going in the new year, and what our main objectives are!

Complete Az'ea's romance path

I mention this first because I know it'll be the most popular thing I talk about, though this part is relatively easy as a lot of it is written and most of the art is done. This will involve:

  • Az'ea's deep throat ritual animated scene
  • Az'ea's romance sex scene, set as the culmination of the romance story that is unlocked through her love score and upgrading her room
  • New "lewd" versions of existing rituals
  • Post-romance scenes
  • Post-romance dialogue changes on the main screen

So these scenes will probably comprise the main story & sex content for a little while, as we also tackle the other major goals below.

Complete (most of) the gameplay systems

It's become clear to me that we can't really balance the game without completing all the systems. Some games can work when only partially finished, but some (like Lord Goblin) need all the systems to be in place because they interact so much.

The systems we need to get in place to make the game actually feel complete are:

  • The Earl of Bugringham - the liege and ruler of these lands who will demand tribute from Lord Goblin, and suggest that he could "enjoy" some time with your maid in exchange for a tax break. (You can refuse that, of course.)
  • The town screen - another area like the castle screen, though less complex with fewer upgrades. This will include a bunch of functions allowing you to do things you can't do on the main screen and give you more to spend your resources on.
  • The siege system - actual consequences for things going poorly! You will get attacked under certain circumstances and you'll have to make different event decisions to deal with it. Even losing won't mean a game over, but you'll probably want to try to avoid getting attacked too often.
  • The merchant - probably the most important location on the town screen - allowing you to buy gifts for the girls, new outfits, and allowing us to make spells and potion recipes locked behind a purchase rather than all available from the start like they are now.

It's a lot of work to get these systems in place, but I expect we're going to be ticking off a bunch of these in the upcoming months. I hope to be getting the Earl in the February update, then the town screen in March and the siege system in April - that'll be a huge wave of new features, I'm sure you can see!

Let me know what you think of these plans in the comments below!


Just Bones

First of all, Happy New Year to you and your team. Starting with Az'ea's romance story makes sense. She's the first one our little Lord met, I'm looking forward to it. The planned gameplay features also sound good and logical. At the moment it is the case that you get to a point quite quickly where you can't do anything anymore or have to wait until you have a certain resorce. Like you could spend more Gold on upgrades but you have to wait until you get, for example, Artisans. So you have enough Money but can't do anything with it. A Shop, Gifts for the Girls or even the Earl will make a good addition for your resorces. But the Earl won't get one of my Ladys, hope we can "convince" him later to better leave us alone. ^^


Yeah, I feel like these are the best ways to give at least some kind of a satisfying potential game experience, even if it's not the complete game yet. The Earl will keep demanding money, but you can keep him away from the ladies. ;)

Rob Morton

Just joined in. I like the content of the game. Will there the Queen content be added in this year?


Maybe - we have a design for the Queen that we're just refining now, and some of the writing is done. With her character, I probably won't introduce her until we have an animated sprite for her, though, so that will take a bit of extra time. (And we're working on a lot of other big features in the meantime too!)