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Okay, time for something dumb. You should probably ignore this post, but I'm posting it anyway.

You might be able to tell because my avatar is one of the characters from the original Baldur's Gate game, but I'm a big fan of this series. I'm also really enjoying BG3!

Since it seems like everyone's talking about it right now (I know, not absolutely everyone, but a lot of people), I thought I'd mention that I did develop the LG characters with some D&D levels in mind, just to help me figure them out. This does help me when I'm writing the characters, though I don't stick to these too strictly because sometimes the story-telling and/or gameplay work better with divergences from D&D.

Anyway, here's the characters' builds as I see them:

Beth: Cleric level 1; Life domain sub-class.

By far the least experienced, Beth is there as much as the glue that binds her friends together as she is contributing all that much to their ability to function as adventurers. She has a higher Charisma than usual for a cleric, letting her at least be the party face, and probably a lower Wisdom than she should have... in fact, she doesn't have much clerical magic at her disposal at all.

Cliona: Barbarian level 3; Berserker sub-class.

No surprises here - a strong, tough and agile barbarian with little in the way of wisdom, constitution or charisma, although if you count appearance as factoring into charisma then she's a 20. (As are they all.) In battle she'd probably still be the most useful. She could also be a Wildheart (aka Totem) barbarian, though I'm not sure what animal type she'd be.

Delia: Artificer level 3; Alchemist sub-class. Plus Wizard level 1; Enchanter sub-class.

Okay, the Artificer class isn't even in Baldur's Gate 3. Maybe if they make an expansion pack. But it's in table-top and the Alchemist Artificer is clearly her main class. She's taken a multi-class dip into Wizard now that she's found a teacher in Az'ea willing to educate her in real magic, though. Despite that, I think she's focusing more on Enchantment, similar to how she works with her alchemy. She's also obviously the member of the group with a lot of Intelligence, and she's the highest level of her group of friends, despite being somewhat unassuming at first glance.

Lord Goblin: Not an adventurer, but a Goblin out of the Monster Manual.

He's at least picked up some skills to keep himself alive over the years. I think maybe you could argue he might be a rogue with the Mastermind sub-class, which is table-top only, not in BG3. His stats aren't great, but he's naturally gifted in other ways. ;)

Az'ea: Wizard level 12; Necromancer sub-class. Plus Warlock level 2; Arch-Fey patron.

Az'ea is very powerful, but here's where it gets tricky. I've generally described her in the game as either a "sorceress" or a "witch"/"witch-queen", but that doesn't necessarily match how I'm playing her in game. In fact, I think she's probably a multi-class, with her green flames being her unique eldritch blast, but otherwise most of her magic coming from more wizardly (and necromantic) research.

It's not the best choice of multi-class in most cases as it would split you across Intelligence and Charisma, but I think she makes sense this way, especially if you consider how her spell book works. There isn't really an appropriate sorcerer sub-class for her either, though maybe Shadow would work.

Why is she an "Arch-Fey" warlock at all? That would be a spoiler. ;) But trust me, that makes sense. I hope we'll be able to get into that in later stages of development.

So the poll question: What do you think Az'ea is? Am I right, or do you think Az'ea is a different class?

Also, do you think I got any of it wrong? Let me know in the comments!



Honestly I came here so Delia would rub her feet on my cock, I don't know D&D mechanics XD


I see. You "love" Boulder's Gate. Mastermind makes me think that GK is gunna secretly sacrifice the girls in the ending. Ha ha, I only played the part of a kicking can to trick you >.> Foot girl is definitely the smartest, (uncontrolled animal sounds)


Then I'm happy to say the game's already got something for you. ;) Also, feel free to ignore the silly D&D thing.


Masterminds in 5e are sort of support characters who can assist the team by issuing orders from behind, so it's the only type of character that seemed like it might suit him. And yes, Delia's definitely the brainy one.