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Current progress

I've been meaning to show more stuff to you guys but the upcoming release schedule has been in flux - I've been figuring it out as I've been getting various things together.

I can tell you that the cheat codes should be coming in the next release. (Although we want to make sure the game's balanced to be played without them, of course.)

The Beth sprite

Anyway, onto the preview - this is a WIP and it probably speaks for itself, but I will add that while this is just a simple idle animation at the moment, it was quite a bit of work to get to this stage.

The sprites weren't initially designed to be animated like this so we've had to retroactively separate the art into pieces (I've done a fair bit of that work myself, actually) and DaemonAnim8 had to very carefully redraw sections.

Of course, she'll do more than this when it's done and have more outfits and props.

I hope to show you more stuff soon; not sure when. Let us know what you think of the sprite in the comments!




Nice. 😍