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I've been working on preparing the content for the next couple of months so while I often change things before the release, I think I can start to get specific about it now. I should note, these are still subject to change!

March release (v0.7) - Az'ea's first romance scene

March will include: 

  • The start of the Az'ea romance story, with several smaller chat scenes and a major flashback scene about how she and Lord Goblin first met.
  • Complications with the maids at the start of the day - new little scenes that will trigger and affect the day depending on the character.
  • Maid exhaustion - if you work a maid to 0 energy she will need to rest all the next day and lose love for you, so try hard to avoid that.
  • New holding court events.
  • A BIG batch of gameplay tweaks, including hopefully some stuff that people have been requesting (more on these when they're done).

This one isn't the flashiest release in some ways, but actually has the biggest content file for us to prepare for any monthly release we've had so far - it's just got a lot of subtle stuff in it. I also think you're going to find that flashback scene interesting!

April release (v0.8) - Az'ea boob sex

April will probably include:

  • The next Az'ea ritual sex option, in which Az'ea uses her breasts. (Two scene variations for now, as with the others.)
  • Raising lust will reduce the cooldown timer on portal rituals (along with a new scene to explain this).
  • Weather system - weather will change from day to day and that can have small effects on the gameplay, as well as having maids comment on it.
  • Food traders - each week you'll get visited by a food trader, assuming you're making Greenwood welcome to them, who will offer to buy excess food from you at variable prices.
  • Omens - each week the Greenwood priest will read the auguries and decide whether things will be good or bad this week.
  • New holding court events.

This one's subject to change, because I don't know if this is too much to do in one month - the weather system is going to be a lot of work because we need to configure a lot of animations in the engine and such.

What do you think? Do these sound good to you? Let me know in the comments below!



Will 0.8 also fix the issue where the portal rating increases faster than you can possibly reduce it?


Yes, although that's not a big problem right now because in order to encounter the difficulty you need to play past the part of the game with all the content in it, it's a thing we're planning to fix. Actually, this is partially a bug so it should mostly be fixed in 0.7.


Gameplay isn't really balanced yet because several core systems needed to balance it out haven't yet been implemented. Once the village screen, the Earl's taxes, Az'ea's spells and Delia's potions are all in the game, along with the stuff in the above roadmap plans, then there will be a lot more you can do to affect your stats.

Xavier Garcia

Probably too early for this but a prompt for what rooms can be cleaned for an upgrade and which cant would be neat. Also, removing the warning for resting maids would help things along


We're working on improving the way the room cleaning is represented. Right now the priority is to have tooltips that say what each room is on the cleaning choice, and also to let players know what the rooms do before they've been cleaned. As for the resting maids warning, we need that because resting is the default state and so the warning's there to catch players if they've accidentally forgotten to give a maid orders. I suppose maybe we could have a check box "never warn me about this" but I'll have to ask Hulusay if that would take a lot of work, since we need to ration our time carefully.

Xavier Garcia

Makes sense! Im a gamedev as well so I can relate to prioritizing these kinds of things, best of luck!


Thanks! Actually, I did bring it up with Hulusay and he's already implemented the check box, so that will be in 0.7 now. :)


I just assumed it was a feature not a bug...like it's bad, but it progresses the story.


Oh, well it's definitely supposed to blow up on day 5 regardless of what happens, but after that it'll be an issue of managing the climb of portal power, so it's hard to balance anything until we've got all the systems in place.