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As of the next update we're revising the existing CG scenes to include better direction. At the moment the scenes are a bit flat - the animation and art are fantastic but then within the scene they just kind of sit still. (There's other stuff coming in the next update too, of course!)

From the start we've wanted to use close ups on some of the elements to help give the scenes more dynamism, and also to allow us to show parts of the art that aren't even within the frame of the scene. Yes, there is some stuff you're missing because of the framing - it's not a big deal in most of them but the Cliona scene has more to see that we'll be able to show now.

Close-ups like this on facial expressions (or other elements of the action...) will help to improve the flow of these scenes and make them feel less like just a bit of text over the top of a looping animation cycle.

In general there's still a lot of ways in which we plan to improve the polish of the game, of course, so this is just one of many things we've had in mind, but the important part here was that we were able to come up with a good, clear method for be to provide these directions to Hulusay for implementation without it taking too much of either of our time.


Frank Kuschmann

I like the way how her glasses are looking. I mean the light that is reflected in her lenses. Even though I personally prefer antireflection lenses.


They probably don't have those in a castle, of course. :) But you're right, Littleheros did some really nice reflections and highlights here.

Frank Kuschmann

Littleheros is one of your artists in your team, I suppose?


Yes, he designed the main characters and did a fair share of the art, although he's moved on now.