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tl;dr - Want to know what the game will be like aside from what's in the demo? The short version is there will be a lot more sex, story/character content and developed gameplay.

Let's get into some details.

Training the maids

Every day you'll be directing your maids to various tasks and supervising their performance. Praise them to increase their love for you, instruct them to boost their skills, or discipline them to raise their obedience with a firm spanking!

At night, in order to contain the mysterious and dangerous portal in the manor's dungeon, ritual sex must be performed regularly. The girls won't take to that kind of thing immediately - after all, you're just a smelly goblin! They will have to have their lusts slowly awakened through diligent practice.

Characters, story and loooooove

Each girl will have her own romance story. You'll unlock VN-style scenes as you develop the girls' love, lust and obedience, as well as possibly achieving other goals beyond that. You'll learn more about who the ladies are, as they find themselves becoming unexpectedly attracted to a goblin.

Eventually that will unlock a special sex scene for each character, as well as a whole bunch of other changes to the way they interact with you in daily gameplay.

There will also be a main story, told through VN scenes and the events you encounter while holding court. There's a lot of potential drama that comes out of a goblin acting as a feudal lord for a bunch of humans!

Art and animations

We plan to have all the character sprites animated over time, as well as a bunch of animated sex scenes. We already have five animated sex scenes finished or nearly finished, and we intend to develop a lot more. Each of these animations will include variations that allow us to use them for multiple different scenes.

We're also planning to include some still, non-animated CG art for scenes that aren't repeated in the same way that the ritual scenes are. This helps us be a little bit more practical in the production of those scenes, but will allow us to include art for particularly interesting and unique character and story moments.

The town screen and siege mode

Eventually we'll be allowing you to access Greenwood town in order to open up extra options for upgrades and purchases. That's still in production, but the art is already done. (We're currently using it for the menu screen.)

And don't expect to always have it easy running the lands. If you get into big trouble with your gold, food, security or political legitimacy, you'll eventually slip into one of several different types of sieges as rebellious peasants, rival nobles, marauding goblins or even slavering demons try to take over the castle!

For now this will just result in a game over, but the plan is eventually to allow you the ability to claw your way back and win a siege, temporarily routing your opponents and gaining you more legitimacy as a successful defender of Greenwood.

No plan survives contact with the enemy

A lot of things will change over the course of development, of course. One of the great benefits of an early access approach, apart from getting funding as we go, is that we get a lot of opportunities to adjust the project according to player feedback, our own ideas and the realities of developing an indie game.

Therefore, things are going to change, but I can't predict exactly what and how just yet. All I can promise is we'll be transparent and communicate with our patrons and players throughout the process.

If you've read through all of this, let me know what you think in the comments below!


Frank Kuschmann

Thank you very much, Ben, for your pictorial description of what could await us in the course of the game development! I very much hope, if you have solved this with the slightly older graphics cards, that then still enough enjoyment for us less equipped players remains. So don't screw down the graphics too much. And I, with my submissive masochistic inclination and love for Domme's and Femdom, also hope that Az'ea, which is enchanting for me, will remain as she acts in the intro, maybe even increases her bitchy and bossy attitude yet - lol. And of course I would like to see it, although I know that I belong to the absolute minority with that again, that I can also put myself in a good positive light towards Az'ea without her changing her arrogant and bossy behavior. But I'm afraid I don't may expect that, am I right?

★ Cute Goblin Bastard ★

But I am their smelly goblin, and I will be good and noble lord!!! Also really wish I read this before I asked my question this morning. One follow up, I a love the small cast as that means that they will all get alot of focus but will the castle increase a little as the game goes on. Ie a demon from said demon invasions or a cute petite or plump goblin from the gobbo uprising or simply a noble girl . Lot of options here, as I said I love small very fleshed out cast but there is the door that I think the castle can fit 1-3 more denizens.


The plan is to expand the cast a little, yes. At a minimum, we'll be seeing one more regular character and there's one I have planned who's quite important, but we don't have art for her yet. We'll have to see how development goes, on that front.


Well, as you've seen Az'ea now has to work for Lord Goblin. She'll remain Az'ea, but also have to reconcile herself with her situation. I don't plan to have branching paths in the romances, really, since it increases the challenge and effort involved in the writing quite a lot. As for the graphics thing, yes, I HOPE we'll develop a solution, but I can't guarantee it, as the basic design does involve using a lot of texture memory.


Oh thanks for the details. Well, it looks like we should expect a lot of exciting and interesting things in the short version.

Frank Kuschmann

That's really too bad - for me in particular. But I can full understand you, Ben. Most certainly it would make a lot of extra work if you planned different paths in the storyline. Unfortunately, it cannot be changed. Now I hope at least that I can experience some evil or mean acts by Az'ea - lol. Maybe I'm a bit twisted but you have to know that I love evil, cruel and imperious women. I think this inclination has only so strong developed for me since I experienced Marie Mamiya in "Starless". I just can't get rid her out of my head - lol. Enough chatter. The sun is sure to rise at your home just now, so I wish you a nice day. Yours Frank


I think you'll still like some of her scenes, but I just want to make it clear it's not about choosing a "submission" or "domination" path in the way some games do. ;)

Frank Kuschmann

I got it already, Ben - lol. I just can't help but I like it a lot to dominated by a woman. Especially if this woman also loves a lot to dominate men. (*wink*)(*smirk*) That's the way it is. I think I can only get rid of this fetish through a lobotomy - lol. On the other hand, I don't want to get rid of it at all. Am I not totally messed up? lol