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This month, in addition to completing the Az'ea deep throat scenes, we've included a major new gameplay system that really rounds out the gameplay loop and makes the game a lot more complete: sieges! It's a big achievement and I'm very happy with how it turned out - details are below.


Cheats for Earl and Duke patrons are here.

Major changes:

  • For sexy content, this release includes a new, more enthusiastic version of Az'ea's deep throat scene once you've tried it before. There is also new Az'ea voice acting for the previous deep throat scene from last month, rounding out these ritual scenes nicely. ;)

  • We've implemented a major new gameplay system - sieges! Now, when you let things get out of control with security, portal power, food or the Earl's demands for tribute, you can be attacked by one of four different armies: peasant rebels, goblins, the Earl's forces or demons!

    • This system plays out as a new stage of decisions you'll have to make before the enemy attacks. Make trade offs to ensure that your "Defence" surpasses the enemy "Hostility" or suffer a defeat! (Not a game over, just a more punishing outcome than victory.)

    • Upgrading certain parts of the castle (and the town once that's implemented) will boost your Defence, as well as recruiting more soldiers or assigning maids to patrol the battlements during the siege.

    • Sieges feature a bunch of new art elements, new voice lines and dozens of new events specifically for the sieges, many of which trigger only for specific types of sieges, rely on the weather or rely on you having made previous decisions or upgrades. Your actions have consequences!

    0.20.1 patch:

  • Fixed a bug stalling the game on day 5.



Frank Kuschmann

Thank you, Ben, for your diligent work! Have a nice day Down Under!