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tl;dr - A lot of NSFW creators are getting the ban hammer right now; we've got great new art in production; Beth's lingerie poll results are in; and I've been engaging new animators!

Current crackdowns on NSFW creators

I just thought I'd make a quick note here that there's been a wave of deplatforming of NSFW creators across different platforms. The reason for this is probably that payment processors (my money's on Paypal this time) are demanding platforms do this.

I'm sure all our work here is within Patreon's requirements (it's all consensual and doesn't breach any of their other rules) but I mention this just in case something happens to us anyway. If we disappear from here we'll definitely be on other platforms, so keep your eyes open for that! (And I'll still be on the Discord server, of course, announcing what our next move would be.) I have plans, anyway.


Aren't these great?

These first two sketches are from a new Beth sex scene Littleheros is working on for us! For this one, we're going to experiment with the approach of having two angles on the scene. If we go this direction, it will provide for a more cinematic presentation taking advantage of the opportunity to inter-cut between angles (like I do in my other current game Pervert Action: Timelapse, for example).

The downside of course is that it means the scene takes a lot more work, and more development time. So don't expect us to do heaps of these sorts of scenes, but I'm hopeful this one will work out well!

The last sketch is for a fun new Delia romance scene that RDuke is working on. I don't want to spoil too much about the story for it but I'm really happy we've been able to make this particular one happen, as I had a lot of fun writing it.

Beth's costumes

I accidentally made the Beth lingerie vote open to all patrons; oh, well. I won't be doing that in future, just to be clear - that's meant to be an Earl benefit.

Based on the poll results we went with outfits A and C. I think they're going to be great options in the game! I might even make A her new default lingerie and make her current pink nightie (which is a bit more revealing) a later unlock option.

New animators

Our biggest production bottleneck for a while has been that we've had more animation in the pipeline than DaemonAnim8 can realistically prepare for us with his available time. Therefore I've gone through the (honestly not as easy as you'd think) task of trying to recruit new animators to help out.

There are two that I've been talking to that seem very promising, and I've already commissioned one to work on a new Az'ea sex scene animation. With these new animators we should hopefully be able to translate our art more quickly into complete scenes and get things moving a little faster soon!

It's also more expensive for me, (sad face) but for this phase of development I'm not personally making any money anyway. The game's still in an "investment" phase and my own compensation will come later, after the project's following has grown and after the Steam release, etc.

Next release

For the next release this stuff I'm showing off here won't be featuring - this is all a bit more medium/long term. Instead, what's immediately coming up is more from Az'ea's BJ deepthroat scene (the interested version, plus voice acting) as well as (hopefully!) a big new feature: the siege system! Finally there will be some consequences for bad castle management...

So much news! I just haven't had time recently to post about it all. What do you think about these sketches? And the Beth costumes that won the poll - did we get the right ones? What about my new plans? Let me know in the comments below!




Looking forward to it. Best of luck yall, hope everything goes as planned.

Just Bones

First, let’s get to the good stuff. The drawings of the new NSFW scene and also the romance scene looks very promising, I'm looking forward to it. I don't think it's a bad thing that you need more time for the animations, since we get two different angles there are 2 animations instead of one, so more time is understandable. When it comes to Beth's costumes, I'm of the opinion the more the merrier, and of course it works for the other maids too ^^. Now to the ban thing. Do I understand that correctly, PayPal or whoever doesn't want you to use their service for NSFW content creator? If so, that's pretty BS. Sex is the oldest industry so what's the problem XD If you change platforms, let me know where you're going and I'll support you there. ^^


Thanks, I'm glad you like the new stuff! Yes, sadly the payment processors, (particularly Paypal and MasterCard) have a history of forcing platforms to crack down on users who distribute NSFW content. Now, technically we are allowed to do so under their agreements, but they insist on very strict and arbitrary enforcement of their rules.