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Hello everyone!

I wanted to reach out and first say thank you so much for the support you all give me.

The last week or so I’ve sat in orientations and prep for my kids go to school. I’ve been involved in conversations with parents who struggle to manage working with their child’s needs. I’ve had my own anxiety about my kids first days simply cause they expressed they were nervous.

But, thanks to you all and the support I get, my wife continues to be home with our family and my oldest son can run into school excited. He’s in a program helping him through his needs and I don’t want to think about what it would be like if my wife and I were both juggling full time jobs.

So with this thank you I also want you to know I am renewing my commitment to bringing you all horny size content, to the best of my abilities for the foreseeable future. I hope you all continue to enjoy the content.



Always happy to help XD

Xan Irelia

It's always nice to read that all is going well in your life Braden, and to be able to help even a little! Thanks for making us happy with your incredible art!