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Hello everybody! I waited until 4/2/2023 to post this cause the internet is not trustworthy on 4/1!  Well... its less trustworthy.

April will be the first month with the new schedule fully in swing (As outlined here (https://www.patreon.com/posts/quick-update-79791881)

I have (mostly) cleared the backlog of commission work I had and with less of a burden to come up with daily posts, I am now able to focus on short series, some animating and most importantly, more regular stories!

Stories on the docket:

8 Foot Wife Pt. 3: This will pick up right after Pt. 2 and we how the happy couple is doing with Claire now home and more comfortable with her new stature. (In Progress, For April Release)

Growth Curious Pt. 2: The longest suspended story of all time (for me).  But I have written an outline for this and am excited to take this story further!

Laura's Lab 3: This will be the finale to this fun story involving portals and a busty red headed scientist.  I say finale... but it will be open for seeing more of her in her science role!

In addition to the stories, look forward to the Shorts to continue like Beach Rescue! These 10+ page parts of a story are both a fun story to tell but also great practice for me to get more familiar with the comic formatting for stories.(https://www.patreon.com/posts/beach-rescue-pt-80445357).

For those who are on the base tier.  You will get most content (As long as you are active) at the time it is released.  You will get a message with a link that provides your rewards! Content excluded is long form stories outside of 8 Foot Wife.

For those on Certified, you will have a running 30 day of backlog for content in addition to getting everything new!

For anyone joining in Recently, as always you have full access to all created here on Patreon!

For next week, I have a Giga Comm involving Yui, a One off featuring Beatrice out for her morning workout and a Short series revising SH Inc involving the best (and some of the worst) ways for a manager to discipline an employee who is also much smaller!


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