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A few comments recently have me wondering what exactly is everyone's favorite size?  While I often am all over the place size wise, I'd be interested in knowing if there is a trend amongst patrons.

I won't go exactly by a scale, but will be more descriptive of the sizes for the poll options.

Sound off in the comments as well, it truly is something I take into consideration for one-off's

Note: The sizes categories are literally different person to person.  These are mine!


[NSP] Alba

For me it's between the Mini-GTS and the 100-Footer. :)


Definitely when the girl is building sized. Stepping on cars like they were mere tin cans and sometimes is unaware of them.


I personally love in the hundreds of feet because there is still some level of interaction with people/cars and the like. But I also love giga because seeing a whole skyscraper go where it's nice and squishy is also nice lol


As a certain white fox, you know my answer~


Personally I'm all over the place in terms of scale with the general trend being a preference for growth exceeding what her clothes can handle, usually


You should only make girls that are 9 feet tall.


so oddly if they shrink, I like intimacy with a person. 6 inches down to micro. But when they grow... skyscraper dildo... just my thing but I love all the phases as she goes through them to GET there too! so hard to pick


This is rather tough, because I think certain sizes serve better in certain scenarios. In my opinion, Amazon, Mini, and 50ft are great for stories (especially ones with lots of dialogue or personal relationships between characters) but 100ft+ make for more exciting renders and scenes with action.


I think it fits the dynamic. Smaller needs care whole bigger cares little XD


Huzzah! I know now that you will like some of my future works!

Furry Murr

Mega, Giga, Bigger than That is the truly BEST in terms of render and more unique stories!!!!!


Definitely into anything that could be "realistic"


For me the perfect height is below 30 feet. This allows them to still interact with other characters other than eating them or stuffing them in their clothes, while still making them have to deal with smaller surroundings.


Haha. I do love the bigger sizes. It’s harder to tell a story at that scale mostly because of the limitations to how they can interact, but the ones I’ve read have been interesting for sure


The possibilities for how these scenarios can go are endless. A slice of life scene but hey she’s 8 feet tall… the horny flows


I literally voted for every size XD I love all kinds of sizes or shrunken people can all be good in my book