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Just wanted to give you all a few updates on whats going on (And share another wip from Laura's Lab 2)

I spent this week with my whole family down with Strep Throat again.  Our oldest actually had Scarlet Fever... so that was a lot of fun to deal with.  Those tired nights though do not stop me from working, they just stop me from making a ton of story progress.

A lot of the renders for next week are where I pushed some of my technical skills.  From Giga perspectives, layering clothes and what I think is my most unique and challenging sculpting to date!

I will make some progress on Laura's Lab 2 this weekend and *hopefully* be able to schedule delivery soon.  I am now adjusted to my new work schedule and excited to get this story completed.  I've had the ideas in my head for so long that the only hinderance is time.

Commissions: There are a few people pending commissions, and I will be making time for them early next week and I appreciate your patience!



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