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Hello all!

Mai released yesterday (hope you enjoyed!)

2b’s short growth animation is rendered and pending editing.

For the next one, I want to test out a new skirt, but I wanna give you all the change to pick the character!

So instead of a poll, I’ll ask you comment with your choice and a reason why. I’ll put this on discord as well and choose one based on the write up!

Good luck!



Personally, I would love to see a growth animation of Trish, please, if that's alright. As for why, just because there is never enough of many of your characters/OC's (including Trish). Please consider my suggestion. Keep up the great work, as always, and take care. 😊 ❤️

Furry Murr

Well you know my choice and reason. THICC MONICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And that's all the reason one needs!!!!


Honestly, I would go for either Chun-Li, Cammy or Juri from Street Fighter. Why? Well... just because. I don't really have a reason.

Xan Irelia

Chun Li ❤️


This one's easy - Laura. Why? Because she is a red head and she is hot 🔥


I would like to throw your character Shannon into the mix.


All three of them are perfect, in my opinion. Good choices. Also, them being kinda Thicc is a good reason, I'd say.


Laura or Alice would be fantastic to see growing! Perhaps Trish even, because of the skirt?


I'll throw in for Trish or Alice


Monica, because she has huge titties