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Hello all!

In September I will be on vacation for a week. While I have something planned for patrons and content will go uninterrupted, my commission time will be limited outside of the commission tiers for September. I actually closed the remaining commission tiers for now given I want to ensure content is not rush for my time off in September.

With that said, I have a few pending commissions for now and will listen to requests up til the end of the month.

Please reach out with any questions!



No worries, Braden. You know that we can wait until your upcoming break in September is done for more content to come. Also, I hope that you know (which you might already), that you don't have to apologize to us, or worry about us for whenever you feel like you need a break. Remember this quote for in the future: "Don't push yourself farther than you think you can go, especially not all at once." That's a quote that my great-grandfather always used to tell me when I was very young (I think I was around 3 or 4 years old). Thank you so much for all you've done, and for all you continue to do for the community, Braden. I really appreciate your hard work and dedication to what you do for all of your Patrons/fans & followers.


One day I may take a break. But for now its both something I treat professionally and for my leisure time. Rendering itself is very fun and a great way to see your visions come to life. I just cannot get enough of it!