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For those recently following this may sound bad… but it has been my goal since patreon started.

She put her notice in at work in March and was asked to continue through for a few projects. Her computer is now packed up and is being shipped back.

My wife will now be able to stay home with our 2 sons and be the stay at home mom she’s always wanted to be.

What this means for Patrons.

I now have more consistent work time. With my wife not working I will be able to plan out my work time better. Believe it or not I’ve done all of this at times after my kids go to bed or during slow patches at work. 3am working sessions will likely still go on, but I’ll have some of my more rested hours going towards bringing the horny.

It also means I can finally start truly pushing animation and giving that the focus I’ve wanted to.

This all coincides with my 1 year anniversary on twitter.

It’s been a pretty big day!

From the bottom of my heart, thank you Patrons for your support. You all have made it possible and I will continue to dedicate myself to bringing the best content I can.


[NSP] Alba

Congratulations! :)

Furry Murr

Congratulations!!!!!!! And I hope that you, your wife and kids live happy and healthy!!!!


So happy for u there are gonna be a lot of good things coming from this