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Claire has been dreading work more and more. This story explains a bit about her troubles while following along on the day she finally cannot take it anymore.

Hope you enjoy this short story with lots of Office Lady goodness.

Update: A new final image was added based on feedback.  I appreciate your support and excitement for the story :D



Mika chu

It took me some time considering whether I should post this or not. I was truly excited waiting for this and was the reason I started to subscribe to your Patreon. First impressions were good, easy to relate with the protagonist. I liked the growth, but, there was just some sexy things lacking that made this felt like a tease rather than a complete story. The shirtdrop part really left me thinking "is that it?". Confused. Personally, I think the ending needs some tweaks by adding an image of her grown size with her new surroundings. Finishing this story with a view of the main character would have brought a greater impact or satisfaction, instead of the plaything in this story. All and all, please don't get me wrong, even though I just started supporting you. I really love your work, artstyle, and dedication into gts content. I respect that dedication. Honestly, this left me a bit unsatisfied but sometimes you gotta experiment some things. It's part of the creative process. Though, my opinion doesn't represent others. I hope you can consider my feedback. Will keep on supporting you! Cheers.


I do appreciate the feedback. Not every story can have everything, and in this one I spent a lot of time working on the destruction progression for the first time. While I never want a story to miss expectations, I eventually have to find the ending. To me, this story was about her leaving her job, never about the life afterwards. And while I did start posing a shot of her standing over the building, I left that more up to interpretation. The fact you did speak up and provide feedback I truly appreciate it. Perhaps I will do a follow up image for the sake of completion here.