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Ben was just getting back to campus for what was his last year.  Almost ready to graduate his familiarity with the buildings felt almost like a second home. With just a few credits required of him he was looking forward to a nice, easy semester.  That was, until he saw someone who was both familiar and entirely different.

Her hair was about the only thing that hadn’t changed. Malinda, a freshman, was walking towards him out on the quad. While seeing a familiar face from back home wasn’t a cause for panic, the fact was, she had matured. A lot. Not only was she now fit, shapely and well endowed, she had grown to almost twelve feet. Ben’s mom had said it was the talk of the town for a while, but seeing it in person is a whole different experience.

They locked eyes.

“Ben?” Malinda called out.

Ben didn’t know what to do. He ducked into the nearby building and began making his way through the checkpoint at the library.

Why was he running? He had done nothing wrong.

That wasn’t true. She had asked him out to a dance years ago. He brushed her off as a kid, and did nothing but distance himself from her. The fact was she was cute, but leaving for college, her being so much younger, it was better to just get as far away as possible.  He was young and stupid. He acted as kid’s do.

Fast forward a few years and now here she was, the first time they would have spoke in years, and the last conversation they had was basically his flat and blunt rejection.

He waved his way into the back of the library, hoping he could just hide out for a moment and plan for their next meeting. He wanted a semblance of a plan before walking up to the towering beauty. He had no idea how she would react... or what she might do.

The exchange at the front of the library brought Ben back to his senses.

“My you are a tall one!” The librarian quipped. “Here is your card, try not to lose it.”

“All grown up.” Malinda joked, taking the card and making her way into the library.

Ben was now trapped and the looming head of his former schoolmate was coming closer. Nowhere to go he simply prepared for inevitable as she rounded the corner.

“Hiding?” Malinda asked, ducking under a support beam in the semi-finished library building.

“Oh, Malinda! What a surprise seeing you here...” Ben’s act wasn’t fooling either of them.

“Oh Ben. Do you think I am still mad about something from all those years ago? I took what you said and made it my goal to have a man like you want a girl like me. Some shifty searching on the internet and I found something nobody else was using.” She motioned to her enhanced body.

“You look... Amazing.” Ben finally admitted out loud. She was a beauty, a form regular reserved for marble.

“I’ve been saving myself for this moment Ben.” She said, catching him off guard as he stumbled back into the window. “I want you to be my first.”

“I...uh...” Ben stammered, entirely unable to form a single word. His eyes conflicted on which part of her to look at.

Malinda had him pinned to the wall, savoring the moment she wanted for so long. The boy she had a crush on was now speechless, and her body was his world.

“Let’s take this slow...” Malinda said, bringing in the once proud ‘upper classman.’



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