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Moonstone's got some amazing assteroids, and my rocket's coming in for a landing! 😍

Timothy J Phillips

Nice! I've kind of grown fond of her. I've always seen her in the Offical Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition, under her own entry and affiliated with the Masters of Evil, but had never read any comics she was in. So, I looked her up on Comic Vines to get all her appearances and I started reading them. The issues that this one was based on, actually, I had read and in my collection, but must have just glossed over it. Granted I hadn't read the Under Siege story arc in a long time, sometime in the 80s, because I totally remember Zemo getting falling off the roof and showing up in the book of the dead, but I couldn't remember her being it.


I read some older stuff with Moonstone, mostly in She-Hulk books, but back then, they didn't really write her all too interesting, more like a "villain-of-the-week", or second banana type of character. I am most familiar with her from the Thunderbolts books, where she was actually a really well fleshed-out character, and a strong presence. However, it seems that nowadays, she's kind of fallen to the wayside again, and I don't remember her popping up anywhere in at least a decade or more, unfortunately; the last thing I remember with her is when she became a fake Ms. Marvel, in the Dark Avengers storyline, when Norman Osborne was given control of the Avengers.

Timothy J Phillips

See, that's more than I know. But I did read a bit about her being ms marvel. Just as a heads up, I'm really digging the serpent society. Been reading some of their appearances. I definitely want explore their buttocks soon. There's anaconda, asp, diamondback, black mamba.


Oooh; Serpent Society girls... Nice! I also thought Viper (A.K.A. Madame Hydra), Coachwhip, Princess Python, and Black Racer were pretty hot, from that group.

Timothy J Phillips

Oh yeah, I forgot about Princess Python and Black Racer, but yeah! I think it's one the most female heavy groups in Marvel, especially villains and especially back around that time. It's good stuff and will make it's way into my stuff in due time. Even though, people really want to see the top 10 comic females over and over, which is fine, but I really like a lot of the second and third tier characters. I really get disaapointed when a character has such an appealing design, but only gets a panel or two in the last 50 years, so I'm championing the underdog as it were.