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Nick Davis

Oh I'm doing a lot more than spanking her


Wow, the Elementals! I didn't think anyone else remembered them, even though, for a short time, they were one of the more popular independent tiles in the mid 90's.

Timothy J Phillips

Of course, it's me! If there is a green girl in comics from before 2000, I know about it. For the most part anyway, lol!


Also, towards the end of their run, the book actually started going more adult, showing some nudity and having some swearing; they even had a couple of soft-core sex scenes, and they put out a few issues of a "Sex Special", showing their characters in the nude and, again, some soft-core sex.


Go, Go, Gorgeous Green Girls! 😁 (and also, go girls of every other color; Iuv'em all, no mater their tint 🥰)

Timothy J Phillips

My second favorite indy book back then was EX-Mutants drawn by Ron Lim. Today, looking back the story is goofy and the art is wonky, but it really hits my warm fuzzy nostalgic feels.


Ex-Mutants was very decent for a while, but then just kind of fizzled out... I got the feeling that the writer didn't really know how he wanted to wrap up the story, or even if he wanted to make it a continual story (like most on-going comic books) or not. So yeah, the book was fairly entertaining, and the girls were pretty cute, so I thought the title had potential, but it bounced around through several publishers, so it was hard to keep track of, and track down, until it finally landed at Malibu comics... which then got bought out by Marvel, and eventually completely disassembled and all of Malibu's titles and characters went into limbo.

Timothy J Phillips

I agree. The first 8 comics by Ron Lim from Amazing Comics and Pied Piper are the only ones I have. And the Erin solo issue by the same team and Pied Piper. If Lim wasn't doing the characters I didn't pay attention. I took a look at the Mailbu versions, but they change the look and feel of the original, so I didn't get it. Really it comes down to only liking Erin and to some extent the Angela. Don't really care for Vicki or Lorelie. I find the writing bad and Lim isn't a great artist, but for some reason that Erin does it for me.