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Jinchuuriki Jay

Man this is great !! Love how thicc her butt is !! Great comic strip !


This gag would also work with Marvel's Bug (from The Micronauts), DC's Ambush Bug, and many other bug named or bug-themed characters (Spider-Man, Ant-Man, The Scorpion, The Fly from Impact comics/DC comics, etc.)... Butt, aside from that, great work, once again, and until next time, I'll bug off.

Timothy J Phillips

You know the fly from impact comic? I like the micronauts. Acroyear is my favorite. Just another bug hunt!


Sure... The Impact! comics characters were actually pretty good; The Fly and Fly Girl, The Shield, The Web, The Black Hood, and The Jaguar are the ones that I read at least a few issues of, but I think there were a few more. DC tried to incorporate some of them into the mainstream DC universe, but I think only The Shield and The Black Hood stuck around, and even they are considered D-listers at best. Shame, The Jaguar was my favorite, but she didn't make the cut. But I still hope that maybe someday, DC will dust the rest of the Impact! characters off and really try to make them work, like maybe have them in the JLA, or JSA, especially The Jaguar, of course. And , As far as The Micrnoauts go, I liked them all, bu I was preferential to Bug; I dug his sense of humor, and unique way of speaking.