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Continuing along with Black Widow Week, I decided to change my technique and workflow. First of all, I didn't pencil this and then ink it. To save time and speed things up, I decided to just do one lineart layer in one pass, using the pencil tool instead of the pen tool. Basically, I do a quick breakdown and then just start doing the finishes. 

Second, I have to get back to using more heavy blacks, especially on dark costumes. It's not that I need to learn this, but rather get back into the habit of doing it. This is how I learned to draw comics and used to draw. If I just create one lineart layer, then go to flats and a quick pass on the third layer to embellish things, which leads me to...

Third, I'm not a very strong colorist and prefer the old school style of coloring, pre-computer. That said, doing straight up flats, is well, a little flat. To make these images pop, a little tone and highlights need to be added, but judiciously.

In the end (a running theme in my work), this way is faster, looks more graphically appealing in a comic book sense and will help streamline my stuff. Trying to impersonate a painter, which I've never been is pointless and what's left is an over-baked inconsistent mess. So, I'm going to try and take the rout I did on this piece for a while and see what happens. I encourage everyone's feedback of course.
