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Back Catalog:

I have always liked the line-art on this piece, but the colors were dodgy. Also, the lack of heavy blacks contributed to the piece looking washed out. Just look at the original version of this piece. I decided to go back; which I am doing with all of my back catalog, and remastering them with the new techniques and color palette. Now Storm and She-Hulk really pop!

This version of Storm with the Mohawk and punk costume is my favorite version of the character. This is the version that not only drew me to Storm, but to the X-Men as well. They were cool, cutting edgy and different from the other Marvel Super Heroes. This was also the version featured in the MSH TSR RPG Advanced Set (say that five times fast!)

Also, this is the time when I discovered She-Hulk who was in the Fantastic Four at the time and again, the RPG. I was interested in the way middle-aged dudes at the book store, who gathered around the spinner racks on comic book day to talk shop. They would often comment on how much they loved the She-Hulk and the way John Byrne drew her at the time. I was both intrigued and at the same time kind of creeped out; kind of how my dad would talk about the Charlie's Angels or Daisy Duke. Little did I know at the time, but can certainly now relate with as a creepy middle-aged dude obsessed with She-Hulk and the way John Byrne drew her is that, myself as well as those dudes back in the day, as well as Byrne and my dad regarding the CA and DD, we all wanted to and still do, bang the ever-loving shit out of them!




Punky Storm is so sexy; those skin-tight leather pants, the leather vest and short top, and the choker all looked so good on her! Also, Shulkie should put on her big, green strap-on, and make Stormy's sweet little butt hole feel the thunder!

Timothy J Phillips

That is the kind of thunder o also would like to see. Thunder that comes forth from my butthole is usually sound and furry, signifying nothing!

Timothy J Phillips

That's pretty hardcore fetish talk! I admit my kink jedi skills are not that mighty! I like the standing against something or bent over something hotter than the OTK. I can respect it, but I like the spanker getting more leverage on their feet to wind up for the grand slam!

J Scott

So great seeing She Hulk in her Fantastic Four outfit again. For me Byrne's run on the FF was second only to Stan Lee/Jack Kirby's defining takes. And yeah as you said he sure knew how to draw a sexy She Hulk!

Timothy J Phillips

I would have agreed with you 100% up until a few months ago, where I started liking the Savage She-Hulk more. There all great in my opinion! I did like John Buscema's run on FF as well, but it was sporadic. I also, find his brother Sal very underrated.


Since Shehulk is asking the readers what to do next, my suggestion is - since Storm’s bottom is just a little bit red, Shehulk should strip Storm (for the embarrassment) and take over her knees and spank away until Storm finally breaks down and cries and surrenders. The final panel could have Storm being held and comforted by Shehulk. Admitting that she really needed the release